Game on November 3, 2024 at 23:09, 5 players
1. 323 pts sunshine12
2. 274 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 250 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 30 30
2. I3 35 65
3. 4F 72 137
4. J6 80 217
5. 13I 39 256
6. M2 80 336
7. 10H 32 368
8. 8J 27 395
9. 5A 69 464
10. A4 51 515
11. B2 45 560
12. 12L 32 592
13. B10 28 620
14. K2 42 662
15. 15A 27 689
16. C5 42 731
17. D1 48 779
18. O12 33 812
19. A1 35 847
20. H1 25 872
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7073 sunshine12 1 13:02 -549 323 1.7073 sunshine12 1 13:02 -549 323
2.7455 GLOBEMAN 2 8:52 -598 274 2.7455 GLOBEMAN 2 8:52 -598 274
3.7435 roocatcher 2 8:59 -622 250 3.7435 roocatcher 2 8:59 -622 250
4. - chunk88 0 0:17 -848 24 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:49 -858 14 1. - chunk88 0 0:17 -848 24
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:49 -858 14
On 1st draw, JAKE H6 30 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other tops: JAKE H5 30, JAKE H7 30, JAKE H8 30, JARK H5 30, JARK H6 30, JARK H7 30, JARK H8 30, JAUK H5 30, JAUK H6 30, JAUK H7 30, JAUK H8 30, JERK H5 30, JERK H6 30, JERK H7 30, JERK H8 30, JUKE H5 30, JUKE H6 30, JUKE H7 30, JUKE H8 30, JUKU H5 30, JUKU H6 30, JUKU H7 30, JUKU H8 30
Other moves: JAK H6 28, JAK H7 28, JAK H8 28, KAURU H4 28, JURA H5 22
On 2nd draw, BELOW I3 35 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other moves: ELBOW I3 33, BLOW I4 31, BOW I5 30, WOE I7 29, WOT I7 29
On 3rd draw, GALENOID 4F 72 --- GALENOID pertaining to galena [adj]
Other moves: LOADING J7 69, DIGONAL G9 67, DIGONAL I9 67, LOADING I9 64, GALENOID 9E 62
On 4th draw, ENDORSE J6 80 --- ENDORSE to sign the back of a negotiable document [v]
Other moves: ENDORSE 10C 76, ENDORSED M2 76, ENDORSE J7 66, ENDORSE G9 63, ENDORSE I9 63
On 5th draw, FEVER 13I 39 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: DELVER 8J 33, ENFEVER 12G 28, FEVER 13G 28, ERVEN 13I 27, LEVER 13I 27
FEVER G9 25 sunshine12
On 6th draw, UNDERBIT M2 80 --- UNDERBITE to close the teeth badly but OVERBITE is n not v [v]
Other moves: BUNTIER G9 70, TRIBUNE 14C 70, TRIBUNES 11C 70, TURBINE 14C 70, TURBINES 11C 70
BURN 12L 24 sunshine12
On 7th draw, SARNI(E) 10H 32 --- SARNIE a sandwich [n]
Other moves: ANISI(C) N10 26, I(X)IAS 14F 25, NI(P)AS 14F 25, NOIS(Y) K3 25, ANIS(E) N10 24
ANIS 10E 22 sunshine12
On 8th draw, DENIED 8J 27 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other moves: DETUNE 2J 22, DIET 8L 21, DINE 8L 21, DINO 8L 21, DINT 8L 21
DINO 8L 21 sunshine12
On 9th draw, OUTLAIN 5A 69 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: OILNUT 3B 20, UNITAL 3B 20, NOTAL 3C 18, TOLAN 3C 18, TONAL 3C 18
NOUT 5D 13 sunshine12
On 10th draw, HOORAHS A4 51 --- HOORAH to hurrah [v]
Other moves: HOORAH A4 48, HORAHS A4 48, SHOFAR A3 48, HOOFS A4 45, HOOSH A4 45
HOORAHS A4 51 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
HOOFS A4 45 sunshine12
On 11th draw, TROUPE B2 45 --- TROUPE to tour with a theatrical company [v]
Other moves: P**FPOOF 12L 36, POUF B3 35, ORF 6D 33, ROUPET B3 33, EF 6E 30
POUF B3 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 12th draw, DAMP 12L 32 --- DAMP moist [adj] --- DAMP to lessen in intensity [v]
Other tops: DUMP 12L 32, PALM 12L 32
Other moves: AMP 6D 31, MAUD 12L 28, PUMA 12L 28, VALLUM D3 28, VAMP C7 28
VAMP C7 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, TECTUM B10 28 --- TECTUM a bodily structure resembling or serving as a roof [n]
Other moves: TECTUM C5 27, POEM O12 24, POME O12 24, PUCE O12 24, COMET C7 23
POME O12 24 chunk88, GLOBEMAN
CUM 2L 14 BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, FROWY K2 42 --- FROWY of timber, soft and brittle [adj]
Other moves: FLEURY 2J 40, AYE A13 37, YFERE 5K 37, FLAWY D4 36, FLORY K2 36
AYE A13 37 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 15th draw, SMOG 15A 27 --- SMOG an atmospheric mixture of smoke and fog [n]
Other tops: SMUG 15A 27
Other moves: SOU A13 25, GO A14 24, GU A14 24, PIGS O12 21, POGO O12 21
GO A14 24 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 16th draw, TEXT C5 42 --- TEXT the main body of a written or printed work [n] --- TEXT to send a text message (mobile phone) [v]
Other moves: TEX C5 41, XI C7 35, XU C7 35, AUXETIC E5 32, EXCITE 11B 30
DEX L12 11 sunshine12
On 17th draw, Z(Y)GAL D1 48 --- ZYGAL formed like the letter [adj]
Other moves: ZO(E)AL D1 46, ZO(N)AL D1 46, ZO(R)IL D1 46, (P)IEZO 9F 45, PIZ(E) O12 42
PIZ(E) O12 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, PYIC O12 33 --- PYIC pertaining to pus [adj]
Other tops: PACY O12 33
Other moves: PALY O12 27, PILY O12 27, PLAY O12 27, CAVY 14F 26, ICILY D8 25
PACY O12 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 19th draw, QI A1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14N 22, AFOUL 2J 20, QI J1 20, LION J1 18, LOAN J1 18
On 20th draw, VIAL H1 25 --- VIAL to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) [v]
Other tops: AVAL H1 25, OVAL H1 25, VIOL H1 25
Other moves: VAU I9 22, AVAIL D8 21, AFOUL 2J 20, CAVIL 12B 20, CLAVI 12B 20
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