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Game on November 3, 2024 at 23:57, 5 players
1. 396 pts sunshine12
2. 117 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 99 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeqru   H3   100   100   aquafer
 2. cdegnoz   G1    45   145   coz
 3. aemoprr   1G    95   240   comparer
 4. aeffinr   G6    28   268   fifer
 5. eeilnou   4G    45   313   equine
 6. aadhost   O1    78   391   soth
 7. eennost  10A    78   469   tenoners
 8. aeeiopt  A10    33   502   tapeti
 9. biilnos   M1    32   534   elision
10. aabelru   3C    34   568   baraza
11. ?looruy  12A    82   650   porously
12. adeikmn   2D    42   692   mako
13. adjlouw   1A    48   740   joual
14. aegisvv   4A    38   778   vies
15. eeintvy   N6    36   814   yeven
16. abdelnw   J3    70   884   windable
17. dghiitx  B12    40   924   oxid
18. dggiitw   M9    25   949   digit

Remaining tiles: cdgghttw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7069 Filesunshine12  2 16:13  -553  396     1.7069 sunshine12  2 16:13  -553  396 
  2.7508 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:54  -832  117     2.7508 GLOBEMAN    1  2:54  -832  117 
  3.7507 Fileroocatcher  1  1:59  -850   99     3.7507 roocatcher  1  1:59  -850   99 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:36  -928   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:52  -930   19     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:36  -928   21 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:52  -930   19 

On 1st draw, AQUA(F)ER H3 100 --- AQUAFER a water-bearing rock formation [n]
Other moves: AQUA(F)ER H2 82, AQUA(F)ER H4 82, AQUA(F)ER H6 82, AQUA(F)ER H7 82, AQUA(F)ER H5 80

On 2nd draw, COZ G1 45 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: ZONED G6 35, ADZE 6H 34, ADZ 6H 33, ZONE G6 33, ZEA 6F 32

On 3rd draw, COMPARER 1G 95 --- COMPARER one that compares [n]
Other moves: COMPARE 1G 42, COMPEAR 1G 42, CRAMPER 1G 42, ZAMARRO 3G 42, AMORCE 1C 39
CAMPER 1G 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 4th draw, FIFER G6 28 --- FIFER one who plays the fife [n]
Other moves: FIFE G6 27, AFFAIRE K1 26, FUNFAIR 5G 26, RUFFIAN 5G 26, NAIFER G5 25
FER 2M 21 roocatcher, BadBoyBen
FE 2M 19 chunk88

On 5th draw, EQUINE 4G 45 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUINOL 4H 30, QUEEN 4H 28, QUINE 4H 28, QUINO 4H 28, QUOIN 4H 28
OLE 2J 15 sunshine12

On 6th draw, SOTH O1 78 --- SOTH sooth [n]
Other moves: SHAD O1 75, SHOD O1 75, SHOAT O1 72, SH*T O1 69, SHOT O1 69
SOTH O1 78 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 7th draw, TENONERS 10A 78 --- TENONER one that tenons [n]
Other moves: PENISTONE J1 65, NONETS 5J 28, TENNES 5J 28, TENNOS 5J 28, TENONS 5J 28
TENONS 5J 28 sunshine12

On 8th draw, TAPETI A10 33 --- TAPETI a rabbit [n]
Other tops: TIPTOE A10 33
Other moves: ETAPE 11A 28, TOPEE 11B 28, APTOTE A8 27, PATTEE A7 27, PATTEE A8 27
PATE A8 18 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ELISION M1 32 --- ELISION the act of eliding [n]
Other moves: IONS 11D 28, SLOB M4 25, SNIB M4 25, SNOB M4 25, BONIST 3J 24
SLOB M4 25 sunshine12

On 10th draw, BARAZA 3C 34 --- BARAZA a meeting [n]
Other moves: BAUERA N6 28, BALER N6 27, BELAR N6 27, ARABA 11A 26, BAAL N6 24
BALER N6 27 sunshine12

On 11th draw, POROU(S)LY 12A 82 --- POROUS having minute openings [adv] --- POROUSLY in a porus manner [adv]
Other moves: OUROLO(G)Y D5 72, OUROLO(G)Y D7 72, UROLO(G)Y L7 72, UROLO(G)Y N7 63, YOUR(S) 11C 38
(T)ROY 4A 26 sunshine12

On 12th draw, MAKO 2D 42 --- MAKO a large shark [n]
Other tops: KAIM 4A 42
Other moves: KAED 4A 38, KAID 4A 38, KAIE 4A 34, KAIN 4A 34, KAME 4B 34
KAID 4A 38 sunshine12

On 13th draw, JOUAL 1A 48 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other moves: JAW 4B 46, JOW 4B 46, WOALD 4A 44, WOAD 4A 40, ALOW 4A 36
DAW 4B 34 sunshine12

On 14th draw, VIES 4A 38 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other tops: AVISE 4A 38, VAES 4A 38, VIAS 4A 38
Other moves: VASE 4B 34, VISE 4B 34, AVES 4A 32, GAES 4A 30, GIES 4A 30
VAES 4A 38 sunshine12

On 15th draw, YEVEN N6 36 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: TEENTY 14A 34, VEINY A4 33, VENEY A4 33, YENTE N6 33, YEVE N6 33
YETI N6 30 sunshine12

On 16th draw, WINDABLE J3 70 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [adj] --- WINDABLE able to be wound [adj]
Other moves: BAWLED M9 39, WANDLE M9 39, WALED M9 37, WANED M9 37, WEALD M9 37

On 17th draw, OXID B12 40 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: DIXIT M9 37, DIGHT M9 31, DIXIT K10 29, DIXI K10 27, HEX L3 27

On 18th draw, DIGIT M9 25 --- DIGIT a finger or a toe [n]
Other moves: WIG M9 22, WIT M9 21, WIDER 9D 19, WIG 9B 19, IWI K6 18

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