Game on November 4, 2024 at 00:41, 2 players
1. 149 pts sunshine12
2. 28 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 32 32
2. I5 35 67
3. 8D 66 133
4. J2 21 154
5. M2 87 241
6. E4 102 343
7. F10 58 401
8. D10 33 434
9. 15F 36 470
10. 1G 38 508
11. 15A 25 533
12. B10 36 569
13. G7 27 596
14. A7 47 643
15. L4 33 676
16. D1 50 726
17. 1A 51 777
18. B6 36 813
19. K10 38 851
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7072 sunshine12 1 5:02 -702 149 1.7072 sunshine12 1 5:02 -702 149
2.7508 GLOBEMAN 0 1:38 -823 28 2.7508 GLOBEMAN 0 1:38 -823 28
On 1st draw, MYOGEN H3 32 --- MYOGEN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: GEMONY H7 32
Other moves: MYOGEN H4 30, GEMONY H4 28, GOONEY H7 28, MONEY H8 28, MOONY H8 28
On 2nd draw, FIFES I5 35 --- FIFE to play a fife (a high-pitched flute) [v]
Other moves: FIFE I5 33, MOFFIES 3H 32, FIFES G7 30, MOFFIE 3H 30, SNIFFY 4C 30
On 3rd draw, BADINERIE 8D 66 --- BADINERIE
Other moves: EMBRAID 3G 32, BREAD G1 26, BEAD G2 25, DEBAR G7 25, BEARDY 4C 24
On 4th draw, ALATE J2 21 --- ALATE a winged insect [n]
Other moves: LATE J3 18, LOFTER 5G 18, MALATE 3H 18, MARTEL 3H 18, MEATAL 3H 18
ALATE J2 21 sunshine12
On 5th draw, TUGHRAS M2 87 --- TUGHRA the ornamental monogram of the Turkish Sultan [n]
Other moves: DRAUGHTS F8 67, GARTHS M3 41, AUGHTS M3 35, GHAT G2 35, GHAUTS M3 35
HAS G3 33 sunshine12
On 6th draw, UPS(T)AYED E4 102 --- UPSTAY to sustain [v]
Other tops: UPS(W)AYED E4 102
Other moves: SY(R)UPED 1F 100, DUP(L)Y 1H 50, DUP(P)Y 1H 50, D(O)PEY 1H 50, SP(L)AYED E5 48
PYE I1 20 sunshine12
On 7th draw, XENIA F10 58 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: DEX F8 57, XI F10 53, APEX D1 46, IBEX D1 46, PAX D2 42
DEX F8 57 sunshine12
On 8th draw, VOTER D10 33 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other tops: OVATE G10 33
Other moves: VOAR D10 31, VOTE D10 31, RIVO G7 29, VOE D10 29, VOR D10 29
On 9th draw, (S)HOOLE 15F 36 --- SHOOLE to saunter [v]
Other moves: (H)OHED F4 35, LOH(A)N 15F 34, OHED F5 34, NOH F4 33, (D)HOL G2 33
On 10th draw, DAIMIO 1G 38 --- DAIMIO a former Japanese nobleman [n]
Other moves: DIRAM 1F 32, IDIOM 1F 32, MARID L11 32, AMID L12 30, IMID L12 30
On 11th draw, RENS 15A 25 --- REN to run [v]
Other tops: ANES 15A 25, ARES 15A 25, EANS 15A 25, EARS 15A 25, EONS 15A 25, ERAS 15A 25, ERNS 15A 25, EROS 15A 25, NAOS 15A 25, NOES 15A 25, OARS 15A 25, ONES 15A 25, ONOS 15A 25, OONS 15A 25, ORES 15A 25, REOS 15A 25, ROES 15A 25, ROOS 15A 25
Other moves: DEANS G1 24, RONEOS L10 24, SENORA 14I 24, SEROON 14I 24, NARES C11 23
On 12th draw, WINDLE B10 36 --- WINDLE to wind [v]
Other moves: LOWND L11 34, WOULD L11 34, WOUND L11 34, WILD L12 32, WIND L12 32
On 13th draw, TILT G7 27 --- TILT to cause to slant [v]
Other moves: VITTLE 2B 25, WIVE 14K 25, TWELVE K10 24, VUTTY 4D 22, TEWIT 14I 21
WIT N1 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 14th draw, BOCAGE A7 47 --- BOCAGE a thicket [n]
Other moves: BOCAGE 2B 33, BEGO A7 26, ACE L4 25, QA(T) 7C 25, BEGO D1 24
On 15th draw, ACUTER L4 33 --- ACUTE marked by sharpness or severity [adj]
Other moves: URTICA B2 32, ACUTE L4 31, URTICA 2B 31, VACUITY 4B 30, CURVY 4D 26
On 16th draw, ZEIN D1 50 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZERO D1 50
Other moves: ZERO F2 39, ZINE F2 39, ZONE F2 39, ZORI F2 39, ZIN B6 38
On 17th draw, WINZE 1A 51 --- WINZE a steeply inclined mine shaft [n]
Other tops: WANZE 1A 51
Other moves: PRIZE 1A 48, PREZ 1A 45, PAWNER 14I 39, NEAP N3 37, REAP N3 37
On 18th draw, JAP B6 36 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: OPAQUE K10 34, APO N5 33, PUJA B4 33, JAP N1 32, JAP 14I 31
On 19th draw, QUOOKE K10 38 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: ROQUE K11 28, KORO N1 26, KORO F2 25, DOOK G1 24, DOUK G1 24
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