Game on November 4, 2024 at 14:22, 10 players
1. 293 pts LongJump22
2. 220 pts Chelsea
3. 210 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 70 70
2. 3G 32 102
3. N2 45 147
4. 7C 63 210
5. O5 37 247
6. 8A 35 282
7. B8 76 358
8. 15A 51 409
9. A1 98 507
10. 1N 43 550
11. B4 35 585
12. 12A 30 615
13. 11E 92 707
14. 5D 94 801
15. L11 34 835
16. 9A 33 868
17. 13A 53 921
18. 15L 57 978
19. N13 30 1008
20. 2F 25 1033
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5869 LongJump22 2 2:44 -740 293 1.7148 Chelsea 1 8:19 -813 220
2.7148 Chelsea 1 8:19 -813 220 2.7391 VVVVVV1112 2 3:49 -830 203
3.5774 NNNNNN1112 3 12:42 -823 210 3.7609 queen66 2 3:19 -916 117
4.7391 VVVVVV1112 2 3:49 -830 203 4.7846 moonmonkey 1 1:08 -999 34
5.5648 MMMMMM1112 2 10:08 -862 171 5.7652 Mycophot 1 1:30 -999 34
6.5702 OOOOOO1112 0 8:26 -874 159 Group: novice
7.5695 LLLLLL1112 0 6:17 -891 142 1.5869 LongJump22 2 2:44 -740 293
8.7609 queen66 2 3:19 -916 117 2.5774 NNNNNN1112 3 12:42 -823 210
9.7846 moonmonkey 1 1:08 -999 34 3.5648 MMMMMM1112 2 10:08 -862 171
10.7652 Mycophot 1 1:30 -999 34 4.5702 OOOOOO1112 0 8:26 -874 159
5.5695 LLLLLL1112 0 6:17 -891 142
On 1st draw, REDLINE H2 70 --- REDLINE to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v]
Other tops: RELINED H6 70
Other moves: REDLINE H3 68, REDLINE H4 68, REDLINE H6 68, REDLINE H7 68, REDLINE H8 68
RELINED H6 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 2nd draw, BELIEVE 3G 32 --- BELIEVE to accept as true or real [v]
Other tops: BELIEVE 3B 32
Other moves: BELIVE 3C 30, BELOVE 3C 30, BEDEVIL 4F 26, BELOVED 4B 26, BILEVEL 5B 24
On 3rd draw, ARRAH N2 45 --- ARRAH expression of wonder [interj]
Other moves: HARIRA N1 35, HAVER L1 30, HIVER L1 30, ARRAH N1 29, HIRER N1 29
REH 2H 29 MMMMMM1112
RAH 2H 29 NNNNNN1112
On 4th draw, APOLUNES 7C 63 --- APOLUNE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the moon [n]
Other moves: PASE O1 40, ELOPS O4 34, LASE O1 34, LOUPES O5 31, PAS O1 31
APOLUNES 7C 63 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, TOFF O5 37 --- TOFF a dandy [n]
Other tops: TOFF(S) O5 37, TOFF(Y) O5 37
Other moves: (B)OFFO O5 36, (G)ONOF 8A 36, F(U)TON 8A 33, N(A)FF O5 33, N(I)FF O5 33
On 6th draw, ROMEO 8A 35 --- ROMEO a male lover [n]
Other moves: YORE 8A 31, POMEROY D7 30, RIME 8A 30, MOY 8A 29, MERI 8A 28
On 7th draw, OUTDREAM B8 76 --- OUTDREAM to surpass in dreaming [v]
Other moves: MATURED M6 70, MARTED 9B 30, DAME 6C 29, MADE 6C 29, MADRE 9B 28
MATURED M6 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
RAM 2H 23 MMMMMM1112
REM 2H 23 NNNNNN1112
On 8th draw, EMOVING 15A 51 --- EMOVE to affect emotionally [v]
Other moves: INGLOBE 5E 40, EMBOG 15A 33, OBE A13 33, BE A14 28, BO A14 28
BE A14 28 MMMMMM1112
BO A14 28 NNNNNN1112
On 9th draw, ANT(I)QUER A1 98 --- ANTIQUER one that antiques [n]
Other tops: QUA(I)NTER A1 98
Other moves: ANT(I)QUED 4A 90, EQUANT(S) N8 89, QUANTE(D) 14E 87, QUAN(N)ET 14E 87, QUA(N)NET 14E 87
ANT(I)QUED 4A 90 LongJump22
QUA 14E 32 LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
On 10th draw, JA 1N 43 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JADE 6C 39, JANE 6C 37, RATOONED E4 36, JADED 4D 32, JARPED D4 32
JAR 2F 30 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
JA O1 29 Chelsea
EA K3 2 MMMMMM1112
EL 5G 2 NNNNNN1112
On 11th draw, DIP B4 35 --- DIP to immerse briefly into a liquid [v]
Other moves: TIP B4 33, QUIPO 5A 32, QUOIT 5A 28, WOPPED D4 28, PIVOT L1 26
POW 6C 26 LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
WRIT 12A 22 Chelsea
On 12th draw, KRENG 12A 30 --- KRENG part of the remains of a whale [n]
Other moves: PEEKING D7 28, PERKING D7 28, REEKING 13A 28, ENGIRT 9D 26, KRENG M5 26
On 13th draw, UNWRI(T)E 11E 92 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other tops: UNWIRE(D) 11E 92, UNWIRE(S) 11E 92, UNWI(S)ER 11E 92, UNW(A)RIE 11E 92
Other moves: UNWIRE(S) 9I 71, UNWIRE(D) 13E 67, UNWIRE(S) 13E 67, UNWRI(T)E 13E 67, UNW(A)RIE 13E 67
WI(S)E F10 24 Chelsea
WE K2 5 LLLLLL1112
AW 1A 5 NNNNNN1112
On 14th draw, CASTLING 5D 94 --- CASTLE to make a certain move in chess [v]
Other tops: CATLINGS 5E 94
Other moves: CASTING L9 84, ACTINGS 9I 73, ACTINGS L5 71, CASTING 9F 71, SCAT(T)INGS J7 67
CASTING L9 34 Chelsea
On 15th draw, SIETH L11 34 --- SIETH scythe, a long bladed instrument for cropping [n]
Other tops: HEIST L8 34
Other moves: SUIT 9A 33, SETOFF O3 30, REH 2H 29, HE 2J 28, HISTIE L9 28
HEIST L8 34 NNNNNN1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
HE 2J 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, SUIT 9A 33 --- SUIT to be appropriate to [v]
Other moves: YOS 6J 31, HAYS 15L 30, HIYA 15L 30, HOYA 15L 30, HOYS 15L 30
HOYS 15L 30 Chelsea
HAYS 15L 30 queen66
On 17th draw, YEX 13A 53 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: RAX 2H 53
Other moves: WAXED 13I 40, XI M13 38, EX 13B 36, EX C12 36, ICY 6H 35
RAX 2H 53 Chelsea, queen66
On 18th draw, HAZY 15L 57 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: DITZY 14J 44, (T)OWZY J11 39, IZAR 2E 37, ADZ 9G 34, AZOIC D1 34
On 19th draw, WIZ N13 30 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: BIZ N13 28, BOWED 13I 28, ADZ N13 26, BAWLED 13H 26, BLAWED 13H 26
On 20th draw, BORAL 2F 25 --- BORAL a mixture of boron carbide and aluminum [n]
Other moves: BA 2J 22, BO 2J 22, BOA 10E 22, BOO 10E 22, ORAD 2G 22
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