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Game on November 5, 2024 at 05:04, 1 player
1. 456 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeprru   H2    72    72   rapture
 2. abciint   3H    24    96   actinia
 3. eghiorv   5E    40   136   vertigo
 4. amnortw   O1    34   170   manto
 5. adgnstu   L1    29   199   dangs
 6. eijlnns   N2    50   249   jails
 7. ablorst   8A    83   332   storable
 8. ?behiox   C3    58   390   shoebox
 9. aeilouw   B6    41   431   wate
10. deginou   D8    26   457   rogued
11. ennoruy  C11    27   484   oyer
12. deimoor   9H    72   556   doomier
13. aachnsw  15A    62   618   cashaw
14. aeilpuz   8J    42   660   zupa
15. efilnty   D1    33   693   yeti
16. deilqtv   1A    30   723   levy
17. efiknnt   A4    31   754   kiefs
18. eeilntu   J8    20   774   zonulet
19. definqt  11G    34   808   fique

Remaining tiles: dinnnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6412 Filefatcat      1 15:14  -352  456     1.6412 fatcat      1 15:14  -352  456 

On 1st draw, RAP(T)URE H2 72 --- RAPTURE to fill with great joy [v]
Other tops: PARURE(S) H4 72, PAR(T)URE H4 72, UPREAR(S) H3 72
Other moves: PARURE(S) H2 68, PARURE(S) H3 68, PARURE(S) H7 68, PARURE(S) H8 68, PAR(T)URE H2 68
REPA(I)R H4 16 fatcat

On 2nd draw, ACTINIA 3H 24 --- ACTINIA a marine animal [n]
Other moves: BAIT I3 23, BARIC 2F 21, ACTINIA 3B 20, CATNIP 4C 20, PIANIC 4H 20
PANIC 4H 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, VER(T)IGO 5E 40 --- VERTIGO a disordered state in which the individual or his surroundings seem to whirl dizzily [n]
Other moves: HOER O1 34, OVER O1 34, VIER O1 34, GOER O1 28, HAVIOR N2 28
HINGE L1 26 fatcat

On 4th draw, MANTO O1 34 --- MANTO a 17c loose ladies gown [n]
Other tops: MANOR O1 34, WANT O1 34, WONT O1 34
Other moves: MANO O1 31, MONA O1 31, AWN O1 28, OWN O1 28, WAN O1 28
WANT L1 22 fatcat

On 5th draw, DANGS L1 29 --- DANG to damn [v]
Other tops: DUNGS L1 29
Other moves: DAUNTS N2 28, DANTS L1 27, DUNTS L1 27, GANTS L1 27, DAUNT N2 26
STAND L5 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, JAILS N2 50 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JAIL N2 44, JAI N2 40, JA 2N 36, JA N2 36, ELAINS N1 28
JAILS N2 50 fatcat

On 7th draw, STORABLE 8A 83 --- STORABLE something that can be stored [n]
Other tops: SORTABLE 8A 83
Other moves: BORSTAL 9E 70, BORSTAL G8 65, BLOATERS 8C 61, BLARTS 9C 21, BLOATS 9C 21
BLAST 9E 18 fatcat

On 8th draw, (S)HOEBOX C3 58 --- SHOEBOX an oblong box for holding a pair of shoes [n]
Other moves: HOXE(D) 9A 49, HOXE(S) 9A 49, EXHIB(I)T B2 48, EXH(I)BIT B2 48, OXHI(D)E C8 46
OXE(N) 9B 40 fatcat

On 9th draw, WATE B6 41 --- WIT to know [v]
Other moves: WAT B6 31, WOT B6 31, OW B5 28, LOUIE B2 26, TAWIE B8 25
WAT B6 31 fatcat

On 10th draw, ROGUED D8 26 --- ROGUE to cheat or defraud [v]
Other tops: RODING D8 26, ROUGED D8 26
Other moves: ROINED D8 24, ROGUE D8 22, RONDE D8 22, ROUGE D8 22, ROUND D8 22
DOE D2 19 fatcat

On 11th draw, OYER C11 27 --- OYER a type of legal writ [n]
Other moves: ANON E8 26, ONERY C11 26, NYE C11 25, OYE C11 25, YORE C12 25
YOUR C12 25 fatcat

On 12th draw, DOOMIER 9H 72 --- DOOMY depressed [adj]
Other moves: DORMIE A1 42, ROOMIE A1 39, DROOME A1 36, DOOM D1 33, MORE B11 31
BOOMED F8 13 fatcat

On 13th draw, CASHAW 15A 62 --- CASHAW a variety of squash [n]
Other moves: HWAN 8L 58, WASH 15A 50, CASH 15A 47, SHAW 8L 43, SHWA B11 43
WASH 10J 42 fatcat

On 14th draw, ZUPA 8J 42 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: ZEA B13 41, ZAP 8J 39, ZEP 8J 39, PAUL 8L 38, PEAL 8L 38
POZ J8 34 fatcat

On 15th draw, YETI D1 33 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other tops: YITE D1 33
Other moves: FEU 6F 29, RIFELY N9 28, TUMEFY K7 28, LYTE D1 27, OUTFLY 11C 24
REFLY N9 13 fatcat

On 16th draw, LEVY 1A 30 --- LEVY to impose or collect by legal authority [v]
Other tops: TIVY 1A 30
Other moves: IDLY 1A 24, OUTLIVED 11C 24, TEDY 1A 24, TIDY 1A 24, EVITED F1 22
REV N9 8 fatcat

On 17th draw, KIEFS A4 31 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FEU 6F 29, KEA B13 26, KEFS A5 25, KUMITE K7 24, PINKEN L8 24
BIKE F8 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, ZONULET J8 20 --- ZONULET a small belt or girdle [n]
Other tops: EL 10I 20
Other moves: RETINUE N9 18, REUNITE N9 18, ANI E8 17, GINZO J5 17, ZONULE J8 17
ZONE J8 15 fatcat

On 19th draw, FIQUE 11G 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: FEUD 6F 34
Other moves: QUITED 11I 32, EQUID 11H 30, FEINTED 13I 30, QUEINT 11I 30, QUINTE 11I 30
QUID 11I 28 fatcat

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