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Game on November 6, 2024 at 05:30, 1 player
1. 485 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aailory   H8    24    24   alary
 2. eefnsuw  11E    40    64   unfrees
 3. ?cilosz   J4    90   154   solecize
 4. eggintu   4G    72   226   guesting
 5. imoosuw  12J    39   265   sowm
 6. ?eeefor   N8    81   346   foresee
 7. aadeiim   O7    42   388   dame
 8. abeiiln   F8    64   452   biennial
 9. aaegkot  15A    45   497   atokal
10. dehoptt   K1    32   529   depth
11. inrttuw  15L    25   554   tint
12. acelotw   1K    39   593   dwale
13. aeortty   M9    43   636   reamy
14. cdinoru   8A    39   675   conurbia
15. dinoqtu  13A    38   713   quinoid
16. abopstv   H1    27   740   bapus
17. ehoorrt   3K    25   765   pho
18. dgiortv   C3    30   795   droving
19. eirttvx   2M    33   828   xi

Remaining tiles: ejrttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6417 Filefatcat      1 17:14  -343  485     1.6417 fatcat      1 17:14  -343  485 

On 1st draw, ALARY H8 24 --- ALARY pertaining to a wing [adj]
Other tops: LAIRY H8 24, ROILY H8 24
Other moves: ALARY H4 18, *L*Y* H4 18, *L*Y* H8 18, LAIRY H4 18, RIYAL H4 18
ROYAL H8 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, UNFREES 11E 40 --- UNFREE to deprive of freedom [v]
Other moves: SWEENY 12C 24, WEENSY 12C 24, ENUF G9 23, FEWER 11D 22, NEWSY 12D 22
FEWER 11D 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SOL(E)CIZE J4 90 --- SOLECIZE to use ungrammatical combination of works [v]
Other tops: CO(A)LIZES J5 90, SOLECIZ(E) J8 90
Other moves: COALIZ(E)S 8F 68, ZI(N)CS 12A 52, ZILC(H) 12A 51, ZIL(A)S 12A 48, ZIL(L)S 12A 48
ZEL J10 32 fatcat

On 4th draw, GUESTING 4G 72 --- GUEST to appear as a visitor [v]
Other tops: GUNGIEST 4D 72
Other moves: CUEING 8J 30, GUNITE 12A 22, GUSTING 4H 22, GINGE 10B 20, GUNGE 10B 20
ZING 10J 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, SOWM 12J 39 --- SOWM to ascertain ratio of cattle to pasture [v]
Other tops: COMOUS 8J 39
Other moves: SOOM 12J 33, SOUM 12J 33, SOW 12J 33, SIM 12J 31, SOM 12J 31
SWIM 12B 22 fatcat

On 6th draw, FORE(S)EE N8 81 --- FORESEE to see in advance [v]
Other moves: (C)ONFEREE M2 74, FORE(F)EEL 6C 62, FORE(F)EEL 9A 62, (F)OREFEEL 6C 62, (F)OREFEEL 9A 62
FORME(R) M9 28 fatcat

On 7th draw, DAME O7 42 --- DAME a matron [n]
Other tops: AIMED O5 42, MAAED O5 42
Other moves: MADE O7 41, IDEM O6 40, DAMME M9 39, MEAD O6 39, DAM O7 37
AIMED O5 42 fatcat

On 8th draw, BIENNIAL F8 64 --- BIENNIAL an event that occurs every two years [n]
Other tops: BIENNIAL F7 64
Other moves: BANE 15L 37, BANI 15L 37, BENI 15L 37, BINE 15L 37, BLINI 15K 34
BANE 15L 37 fatcat

On 9th draw, ATOKAL 15A 45 --- ATOKAL without offspring [adj]
Other moves: TALAK 15D 30, GELATO 15D 27, KAGU H1 27, KEA 3L 27, KOA 3L 27
LAKE 15F 24 fatcat

On 10th draw, DEPTH K1 32 --- DEPTH deepness [n]
Other moves: HEP O13 31, THOUED H1 30, EPHOD E5 29, HEP 14A 29, PEH 14A 29
THOU H1 21 fatcat

On 11th draw, TINT 15L 25 --- TINT to color slightly or delicately [v]
Other tops: RUNT 15L 25, TURN 15L 25
Other moves: WIND 1H 24, WINK D12 22, TWIN 15K 21, UNWIT 5D 21, NITWIT 13B 20
WIND 1H 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, DWALE 1K 39 --- DWALE deadly nightshade [n]
Other tops: DWELT 1K 39
Other moves: CLAWED 1F 36, COWLED 1F 36, CAWED 1G 33, COWED 1G 33, DOWEL 1K 30
COATED 1F 27 fatcat

On 13th draw, REAMY M9 43 --- REAMY creamy [adj]
Other moves: TOYER 13K 38, ARMY M10 33, EYER 13L 33, OYER 13L 33, ATTORNEY 12A 31
EYE 13L 31 fatcat

On 14th draw, CONURBIA 8A 39 --- CONURBIA the lifestyle etc of a clustered group of towns [n]
Other moves: CONDUIT B9 24, CRINOID 13A 24, NORDIC 13B 24, D*CK D12 22, DINIC 13C 22
DOCK D12 22 fatcat

On 15th draw, QUINOID 13A 38 --- QUINOID a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QUINTE 2F 37, QUINE 10B 36, QUOIN B6 36, QUOIT B6 36, QUOD B6 34
QUOD B6 34 fatcat

On 16th draw, BAPUS H1 27 --- BAPU spiritual father [n]
Other moves: BEPAT I3 25, ABOUTS H1 24, BAPU H1 24, VAPORS E4 24, VATUS H1 24
SPOUT H1 21 fatcat

On 17th draw, PHO 3K 25 --- PHO expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: HORRENT C3 24, TOHEROA 2B 24, HOE 2M 23, HOT 2M 23, OHO 12B 23
HOOTER B6 19 fatcat

On 18th draw, DROVING C3 30 --- DROVE to drive cattle or sheep [v] --- DROVING the action of herding cattle [n]
Other moves: DORTING C3 24, GID 2M 22, GOD 2M 22, GORDITA 2B 22, VIGOUR D4 20
VIA 2F 14 fatcat

On 19th draw, XI 2M 33 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX D4 31, XI 12C 31, OREXIS 5C 29, VIER D2 23, EX I1 22
XI 12C 31 fatcat

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