Game on November 6, 2024 at 20:41, 5 players
1. 140 pts sunshine12
2. 82 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 58 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 8H 92 120
3. L6 74 194
4. 14I 87 281
5. 15C 103 384
6. N2 84 468
7. 11E 86 554
8. 10J 31 585
9. 13I 29 614
10. 5A 68 682
11. B3 70 752
12. 12D 41 793
13. 4A 43 836
14. O12 54 890
15. 8A 42 932
16. A1 35 967
17. 6J 32 999
18. M1 34 1033
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7100 sunshine12 0 5:03 -893 140 1.7100 sunshine12 0 5:03 -893 140
2.7438 GLOBEMAN 0 2:52 -951 82 2.7438 GLOBEMAN 0 2:52 -951 82
3.7516 roocatcher 0 2:42 -975 58 3.7516 roocatcher 0 2:42 -975 58
4. - chunk88 0 0:15 -1021 12 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:45 -1023 10 1. - chunk88 0 0:15 -1021 12
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:45 -1023 10
On 1st draw, CAVIAR H4 28 --- CAVIAR the roe of sturgeon [n]
Other tops: ATAVIC H7 28, CRAVAT H4 28, VATIC H4 28, VICAR H4 28, VRAIC H4 28
Other moves: VATIC H8 26, VRAIC H8 26, ATAVIC H3 24, ATAVIC H4 24, ATAVIC H8 24
On 2nd draw, ADHERING 8H 92 --- ADHERE to become or remain attached or close to something [v]
Other moves: HERDING 10G 78, ADHERING 5H 76, HEADRING 5F 76, HERDING G8 72, HERDING I8 72
On 3rd draw, SOREHEAD L6 74 --- SOREHEAD a person who is easily angered or offended [n]
Other moves: DOSEH 10F 33, HOSED 10F 33, HEEDS 10F 31, ODAH 7J 31, SHADE 7J 30
On 4th draw, WARSTLE 14I 87 --- WARSTLE to take part in hand to hand contests [v]
Other tops: WRASTLE 14I 87
Other moves: WARSTLE 10B 82, WRASTLE 10B 82, WASTREL 10C 74, WARSTLED 13E 64, WRASTLED 13E 64
On 5th draw, TWIDDLE 15C 103 --- TWIDDLE to play idly with something [v]
Other moves: TWIDDLE 10B 80, TWIDDLER 9A 65, WIDDLE 15D 50, WILDED 15E 41, DEWED K7 39
On 6th draw, REGIMENT N2 84 --- REGIMENT to form into military units [v]
Other moves: METERING N2 76, EMIGRATE 5C 72, REMIGATE 5C 72, EMIGRATE 12G 64, REMIGATE 12G 62
On 7th draw, LABORI(T)E 11E 86 --- LABORITE a supporter of labor interests [n]
Other tops: ALBI(C)ORE 11E 86, BRA(C)IOLE 11E 86, (C)ABRIOLE 11E 86
Other moves: BRI(G)ALOW D8 80, BAILOR(S) 10B 77, ALBICOR(E) 4D 72, BRACIOL(A) 4E 72, BRACIOL(E) 4E 72
On 8th draw, TAHRS 10J 31 --- TAHR a goatlike mammal [n]
Other moves: TORANAS 5E 28, SNOT M11 26, STAT M11 26, STOT M11 26, TRONAS 12C 25
On 9th draw, ANODE 13I 29 --- ANODE a positively charged electrode [n]
Other moves: OATEN 12D 23, NAOI M3 22, ATONED 13G 20, COATING 4H 20, IOTA 14C 20
On 10th draw, APOLO(G)IA 5A 68 --- APOLOGIA a formal justification or defense [n]
Other tops: POLOI(D)AL E4 68
Other moves: APOLO(G)IA F4 63, (G)ALOP 12D 33, (J)ALOP 12D 33, (S)ALOP 12D 33, PAOLI 14B 32
On 11th draw, EUPNOEIC B3 70 --- EUPNOEA normal breathing [adj] --- EUPNOEIC pertaining to eupnoea [adj]
Other moves: EUCAINE A2 36, CANOE A4 30, UNCIAE A1 27, AEONIC A5 24, CONIA A1 24
On 12th draw, NOSEY 12D 41 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other moves: FENIS O1 37, FUSE 4A 37, IFS A7 37, NYS A7 37, OYS A7 37
On 13th draw, KUTA 4A 43 --- KUTA male dog (India) [n]
Other tops: KUNA 4A 43
Other moves: KENAF 8A 39, NEUK 8A 39, TEAK 8A 39, KAF A1 35, KAT A7 35
On 14th draw, MZEE O12 54 --- MZEE an old person in East Africa [n]
Other moves: MIZEN O11 51, MEZE 8A 48, MENYIE 8A 45, ZINGY 4K 44, ZIN(G)Y F2 44
ZEE 8A 36 sunshine12
On 15th draw, FEYING 8A 42 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: BY A7 40, BEIGY 8A 39, FUGGY 4K 34, FEIGN 8A 33, FEUING 8A 33
BEING 8A 27 sunshine12
FEY 8A 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 16th draw, PUNKA A1 35 --- PUNKA a ceiling fan used in India [n]
Other moves: TOFU M1 29, TONKA A1 29, OOF 7A 27, FOP M1 26, PO 10F 26
OF M2 22 sunshine12
FET 3M 12 chunk88
FE 3M 10 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, QIS 6J 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QUITE K4 32, QUOTE K4 32
Other moves: QI 14E 29, QUIET 3K 28, QUITE 3J 28, QUOTE 3J 28, TOQUE 3J 28
QI 14B 24 sunshine12
On 18th draw, JOB M1 34 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: FUB M3 33, JOB 13C 31, JIBE K5 30, TOFU M1 29, FUJI K3 28
JOB 13C 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
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