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Game on November 7, 2024 at 05:01, 2 players
1. 518 pts fatcat
2. 60 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eehhow   H7    36    36   heehaw
 2. ?beortu  11E    82   118   breakout
 3. aefinst  13C    89   207   naifest
 4. dginoru   C7    63   270   inground
 5. aeklosy   8A    51   321   yanks
 6. einopqy  12K    36   357   poney
 7. ceilmno   O7    39   396   comely
 8. adgilrv   A1   110   506   gravidly
 9. enotuxz  10J    67   573   zo
10. beirsst   I3    75   648   bestirs
11. aeinoux   H1    48   696   axone
12. aeegilm   E1    72   768   mileages
13. cdeilpv   G1    33   801   pec
14. aeilttv  12A    26   827   vaut
15. defilor   N8    35   862   dof
16. aaeinuw  A12    30   892   view
17. adijnru   M7    33   925   jud
18. ailnotu  14I    70   995   outlain
19. aainqrr  15L    28  1023   arna

Remaining tiles: iiqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6425 Filefatcat      3 14:53  -505  518     1.7277 Chelsea     0  3:11  -963   60 
  2.7277 FileChelsea     0  3:11  -963   60            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6425 fatcat      3 14:53  -505  518 

On 1st draw, HEEH(A)W H7 36 --- HEEHAW to bray like a donkey [v]
Other tops: HEEH(A)W H4 36, WHEE(C)H H3 36, WHEE(C)H H4 36, WHEE(C)H H7 36, WHEE(S)H H3 36, WHEE(S)H H4 36, WHEE(S)H H7 36
Other moves: HEW(G)H H4 34, HEW(G)H H8 34, HEEH(A)W H3 30, E(W)HOW H8 28, HEEH(A)W H5 28
WHEE(L) H4 28 fatcat

On 2nd draw, BRE(A)(K)OUT 11E 82 --- BREAKOUT an escape [n]
Other moves: BOURT(R)EE 8A 80, TUBERO(S)E 8A 80, BOU(N)TREE 8A 77, BOU(R)TREE 8A 77, OBTU(S)ER 13D 74
BET G9 21 fatcat

On 3rd draw, NAIFEST 13C 89 --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other tops: FAINEST 13C 89
Other moves: FAINEST I3 77, FAINTEST L4 74, FAINTEST L7 74, NAIFEST I3 74, NAIFEST M6 74
SAFE M11 23 fatcat

On 4th draw, INGROUND C7 63 --- INGROUND built into the ground [adj]
Other tops: GUERIDON 9F 63
Other moves: ROUNDING C7 62, GUERIDON 8F 61, DOING 10J 26, GOURD 10J 26, GOURD 12K 25
DOTING L9 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, YANKS 8A 51 --- YANK to pull with a jerk [v]
Other tops: LANKY 8A 51, YONKS 8A 51
Other moves: YANK 8A 48, KYES 10J 44, KYE 10J 43, LANKS 8A 42, SANKO 8A 42
ESKY M10 31 fatcat

On 6th draw, PONEY 12K 36 --- PONEY a pony [n]
Other tops: DENY 14C 36, PEONY 12K 36, PINEY 12K 36, PIONY 12K 36
Other moves: NYE 14E 34, OYE 14E 34, PEONY G5 32, PIONY G5 32, PYIN 10J 32
DENY 14C 36 fatcat

On 7th draw, COMELY O7 39 --- COMELY pleasing to look at [adj]
Other moves: CYMOL O11 36, MINCY O8 36, COME 13L 34, LEMONY O7 33, NICELY O7 33
MONEY O8 30 fatcat

On 8th draw, GRAVIDLY A1 110 --- GRAVID pregnant [adv] --- GRAVIDLY in a pregnant manner [adv]
Other moves: GRAVIDA B2 31, GAID D12 25, VILD I6 24, GAD N8 23, GRAVID I3 23
GARLIC 7J 10 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZO 10J 67 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEX 9G 37, EX I8 36, NOX 13L 36, TEX 13L 36, TUX 13L 36
ZO 10J 67 fatcat

On 10th draw, BESTIRS I3 75 --- BESTIR to rouse to activity [v]
Other tops: BISTERS I3 75, BITSERS I3 75
Other moves: BISTRES I2 69, BESTIRS G1 67, BISTERS G1 67, BISTRES G1 67, BITSERS G1 67
BEERS N10 38 fatcat

On 11th draw, AXONE H1 48 --- AXONE axon [n]
Other moves: AXON H1 43, EXON H1 43, XENIA J2 42, XENIA 4H 40, AXION J3 39
AXON H1 43 fatcat

On 12th draw, MILEAGES E1 72 --- MILEAGE the total distance expressed in miles [n]
Other moves: LAME G1 33, LEME G1 33, MAGE G1 33, MEGA G1 33, ELEMI G2 31
MEE N10 23 fatcat

On 13th draw, PEC G1 33 --- PEC a pectoral muscle [n]
Other moves: EPIC G4 30, PAID D12 29, PED G1 29, CEP G3 28, LEP N8 27
P**D N10 25 fatcat

On 14th draw, VAUT 12A 26 --- VAUT to attain great success [v]
Other tops: COBALTITE 3G 26
Other moves: VELVET 4A 24, ETAT D1 23, ESTIVATE 5H 22, ETAT J4 22, TATE J5 22
NAVE M12 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, DOF N8 35 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: DEF N8 35
Other moves: FEED N10 31, DEVOIR A10 30, DOVIER A10 30, EF N9 30, FEEL N10 30
FEED N10 31 fatcat

On 16th draw, VIEW A12 30 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: AWA 13K 28, AWE 13K 28, AWA D3 26, AWE D3 26, AWN D3 26
VIEW A12 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, JUD M7 33 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JARK D5 30, JAR M7 29, JUN M7 29, GJU 6E 27, JATO L9 23
JARK D5 30 Chelsea
RAJ 2A 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, OUTLAIN 14I 70 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: ULAN D1 23, DITAL 14C 22, DOTAL 14C 22, DITA 14C 19, DONA 14C 19
NO B14 17 fatcat
TAN 13L 15 Chelsea

On 19th draw, ARNA 15L 28 --- ARNA an Indian water-buffalo [n]
Other moves: DINAR 14C 22, ANA 15M 19, ARNA 15H 19, ARNA D3 19, ANA J6 18
RAIN 15F 15 fatcat, Chelsea

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