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Game on November 7, 2024 at 06:33, 1 player
1. 523 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deenowy   H8    32    32   weedy
 2. himouuw   G9    40    72   whim
 3. aagirst  13B    30   102   agrias
 4. aeeinos   I6    25   127   aeons
 5. aeehkot   J6    43   170   haet
 6. efiltxz  D12    52   222   friz
 7. ?cinosy   B7    86   308   onychias
 8. bdemrtu   H1    48   356   dumber
 9. aablnst   A4    38   394   basta
10. cdekloo   C3    36   430   locked
11. aeloqru  15D    42   472   zoeal
12. ?einprr   2H    72   544   unrepair
13. efirrtu   O1    33   577   friture
14. egiilrt  12G    22   599   myrtle
15. eggnotu   L1    20   619   upgone
16. degijpt  K10    28   647   jilted
17. alnoptu   N5    71   718   outplan
18. aiinovx  O11    62   780   axion

Remaining tiles: gioqvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6410 Filefatcat      3 12:57  -257  523     1.6410 fatcat      3 12:57  -257  523 

On 1st draw, WEEDY H8 32 --- WEEDY resembling a weed [adj]
Other tops: DOWNY H8 32, WEEDY H4 32, YOWED H4 32
Other moves: WEENY H4 30, WEENY H8 30, YEWEN H4 30, DOWNY H4 28, YOWED H8 28
DOWNY H8 32 fatcat

On 2nd draw, WHIM G9 40 --- WHIM an impulsive idea [n] --- WHIM to turn aside [v]
Other tops: WHOM G9 40
Other moves: WHIO G9 36, HOW G7 31, WHOM G6 31, WHOM I6 31, OHM G8 30
WHOM G6 31 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AGRIAS 13B 30 --- AGRIA a skin condition with extensive pus blisters [n]
Other tops: AGITAS 13B 30, GRATIS 13B 30, TAIGAS 13B 30
Other moves: AARTIS 13B 28, AGARS 13C 28, AIGAS 13C 28, GAIRS 13C 28, GAITS 13C 28
GRITS 13C 28 fatcat

On 4th draw, AEONS I6 25 --- AEON a vast age [n]
Other moves: EONS I7 24, IONS I7 24, NOES I7 24, SEEN I7 24, EEN I8 22
SENIOR D8 14 fatcat

On 5th draw, HAET J6 43 --- HAET a small amount [n]
Other moves: KHAT J5 40, KHET J5 40, HEAT J7 36, HEKTARE D8 36, THAE J5 36
THE J5 29 fatcat

On 6th draw, FRIZ D12 52 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: FIXATE B10 48, TREZ D12 46, XI 14B 39, ZAX B12 38, EX 14A 36
ZAX B12 38 fatcat

On 7th draw, ONYC(H)IAS B7 86 --- ONYCHIA inflammation of the nail-bed [n]
Other tops: SYCONI(A) 14F 86
Other moves: SYNO(D)IC 14F 84, SYCONI(A) K9 80, SYNO(D)IC K9 80, COZYIN(G) 15B 60, ZINCY 15D 57
ZINCOS 15D 51 fatcat

On 8th draw, DUMBER H1 48 --- DUMB incapable of speech [adj]
Other moves: BRUME A4 46, REDUB A5 40, BRUTE A4 38, BUM A7 38, BRUTED H1 37
BUM A7 38 fatcat

On 9th draw, BASTA A4 38 --- BASTA enough [interj]
Other tops: BALSA A4 38
Other moves: BASAN A5 34, SLAB A6 33, SNAB A6 33, STAB A6 33, NABLA A4 32
BAA A7 30 fatcat

On 10th draw, LOCKED C3 36 --- LOCK to secure by means of a mechanical fastening device [v]
Other tops: CLOKED C2 36, CLOKED C3 36, COOKED C2 36, COOKED C3 36, LOCKED C2 36
Other moves: COKED C3 34, BLOCKED 4H 32, LOOKED C2 32, LOOKED C3 32, MOCKED 3H 32
BLOCKED 4H 32 fatcat

On 11th draw, ZOEAL 15D 42 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [adj] --- ZOEAL pertaining to a zoea [adj]
Other moves: BAROQUE 4H 36, MARQUE 3H 36, BARQUE 4H 34, CALQUE 5C 34, CLAQUE 5C 34
QUA D1 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, UNREP(A)IR 2H 72 --- UNREPAIR a lack of repair [n]
Other moves: PRURIEN(T) 2F 67, REPURIN(G) 2E 63, IMPRE(G)N 3G 28, IMP(U)RER 3G 28, P(H)I D4 25
RE(A)P D1 21 fatcat

On 13th draw, FRITURE O1 33 --- FRITURE a dish of fried food [n]
Other tops: FRUITER O1 33, REFIT 2A 33, RIFER 2A 33, RIFTE 2A 33, TREF O1 33
Other moves: REFT 2A 31, RIFE 2A 31, RIFT 2A 31, EFT 2B 29, ERF 2A 29
FRUITER O1 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, MYRTLE 12G 22 --- MYRTLE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: LEIR B2 20, BEGILT 4H 18, BEGIRT 4H 18, CIERGE 5C 18, LEG 3K 18
BLITE 4H 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, UPGONE L1 20 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other tops: BUGONG 4H 20, DEUTON 1H 20, UNBEGOT 4F 20
Other moves: BOUGET 4H 18, CONGEE 5C 18, GUNGE N5 18, NEG 3K 18, NOG 3K 18
BEGOT 4H 16 fatcat

On 16th draw, JILTED K10 28 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: P(A)ID M1 25, DIP D2 22, GIP D2 22, G(A)ID M1 22, JETE 5E 22
JILTED K10 28 fatcat

On 17th draw, OUTPLAN N5 71 --- OUTPLAN to surpass in planning [v]
Other moves: OUTPLAN M4 69, OUTPLAN N7 67, PEANUT 14J 28, PELOTA 14J 28, PENULT 14J 28
PLAN D1 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, AXION O11 62 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: XENIA 14J 56, VOX D2 46, NIX D2 40, NOX D2 40, AVION O11 38
NOX D2 40 fatcat

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