Game on November 8, 2024 at 05:18, 1 player
1. 408 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. I5 29 57
3. J6 90 147
4. 12G 84 231
5. O10 40 271
6. 8J 42 313
7. 15H 98 411
8. 7M 40 451
9. M3 26 477
10. 13F 38 515
11. 6L 36 551
12. O1 33 584
13. L1 36 620
14. 1H 45 665
15. G7 35 700
16. 2G 23 723
17. F8 46 769
18. E11 22 791
19. 15A 42 833
20. 12A 20 853
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6422 fatcat 2 12:15 -445 408 1.6422 fatcat 2 12:15 -445 408
On 1st draw, VISAGE H4 28 --- VISAGE the face of facial expression of a person [n]
Other tops: VIGIAS H4 28
Other moves: VEGAS H4 26, VIGAS H4 26, VIGIA H4 26, VISAGE H8 24, VISIE H4 24
GIVES H4 22 fatcat
On 2nd draw, FOY I5 29 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: FOLEY G9 28, FOLEY I9 28, FONLY G9 28, FONLY I9 28, FELONY G9 26
FLY G9 22 fatcat
On 3rd draw, WETLA(N)D J6 90 --- WETLAND land containing much soil moisture [n]
Other moves: WAT(T)LED G7 86, WA(T)TLED G7 83, DEWLA(P)T 10H 82, TWAD(D)LE 10E 82, WAT(T)LED 10B 82
WED J6 35 fatcat
On 4th draw, Q(U)ADRATE 12G 84 --- QUADRATE to correspond or agree [v]
Other moves: QAT(S) 13G 33, Q(U)ADRAT 12G 32, QAT(S) K3 30, Q(U)ARTA(N) 11D 28, TA(L)AQ G9 27
QAD(I) 12H 23 fatcat
On 5th draw, UNSEAL O10 40 --- UNSEAL to remove the seal of [v]
Other moves: AUNES O8 37, ELANS O8 37, LANES O8 37, LEANS O8 37, LUAUS O8 37
LEANS O8 37 fatcat
On 6th draw, TOWARD 8J 42 --- TOWARD in the direction of [prep]
Other moves: EWK N12 37, AWORK K9 33, ROWND 10D 29, WARK K10 29, WORK K10 29
KA N14 26 fatcat
On 7th draw, SHLEMIEL 15H 98 --- SHLEMIEL an unlucky bungler [n]
Other moves: HAMLETS M7 38, LIMES 13F 38, LEISHER N2 36, LEISH 13E 35, EISH 13F 34
HIM 13F 24 fatcat
On 8th draw, JEE 7M 40 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: HEJIRA M3 34, HEME 13L 31, RHIME 13E 30, JEELIE 9G 29, REHEM K2 29
JEE 7M 40 fatcat
On 9th draw, TINAJA M3 26 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other moves: AINE 13F 22, EINA 13F 22, EINE 13F 22, NITE 13F 22, TINE 13F 22
TIN 13F 17 fatcat
On 10th draw, RINDS 13F 38 --- RIND a thick and firm outer covering [n] --- RIND to bark [v]
Other moves: INDORSED O1 33, RIND 13F 26, SIND 13F 26, DERRO N6 23, DINS 13F 23
RODS 10E 18 fatcat
On 11th draw, HAFT 6L 36 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: AFT 6M 32, HAUTE L1 32, FAH 6L 31, FAH L2 30, FAITH 4K 30
HEAT L1 28 fatcat
On 12th draw, RAGOUTED O1 33 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other tops: GAROTTED O1 33
Other moves: OUTRATED O1 30, TUGRA 14K 25, OUTRIG E8 22, AJEE 7L 20, ARGOT E11 20
TRIG L1 20 fatcat
On 13th draw, DOUK L1 36 --- DOUK to bathe [v]
Other tops: GOUK L1 36
Other moves: TOUK L1 32, KID 10F 30, OKTA 14L 30, KI N2 28, KO N2 28
KO N2 28 fatcat
On 14th draw, MIXED 1H 45 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MAXED 1H 45
Other moves: AXLED 1H 39, NIXED 1H 39, NIXE 13L 37, AXE 13M 33, AXILE 14B 32
MIXED 1H 45 fatcat
On 15th draw, BAP G7 35 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other moves: BARP G7 30, BANI G7 28, BARN G7 28, BAN G7 27, BAR G7 27
BE N14 16 fatcat
On 16th draw, ROTI 2G 23 --- ROTI an unleavened bread [n]
Other tops: LOTI 2G 23
Other moves: TIRO 2I 21, VOLT F8 21, VROT 2F 21, VOL F8 20, VOR F8 20
VAG 8F 7 fatcat
On 17th draw, BOZO F8 46 --- BOZO a dim-witted fellow [n]
Other moves: BOOZE 14B 40, ZOBO F8 39, BOOZE 3C 37, ZOL F8 32, ZOO F8 32
On 18th draw, TIGE E11 22 --- TIGE the shaft of a column [n]
Other moves: GIEN N10 20, NEG E11 20, TEG E11 20, TIG E11 20, TINGE 14B 20
On 19th draw, PINERY 15A 42 --- PINERY an area where pineapples are grown [n]
Other moves: FERNY N6 32, FERRY N6 32, PY(N)E 11H 31, PYA 14M 30, INNER 15A 24
On 20th draw, CEILI 12A 20 --- CEILI a night of song,story and dancing [n]
Other moves: CLINE 3C 19, INCLE 3C 19, EINE 13L 16, LEVIN C11 16, LINE 13L 16
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