Game on November 9, 2024 at 05:34, 1 player
1. 506 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. G1 70 92
3. F2 36 128
4. 1G 33 161
5. 10B 75 236
6. 2J 55 291
7. E5 40 331
8. 8A 30 361
9. O2 84 445
10. D10 22 467
11. 13A 32 499
12. N6 47 546
13. H13 31 577
14. 15A 36 613
15. D1 36 649
16. 10J 35 684
17. 11I 34 718
18. 12L 30 748
19. O12 30 778
20. I3 31 809
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6413 fatcat 3 12:56 -303 506 1.6413 fatcat 3 12:56 -303 506
On 1st draw, MELTER H4 22 --- MELTER one that melts [n]
Other tops: METTLE H4 22
Other moves: MEREL H4 20, MERLE H4 20, METER H4 20, METRE H4 20, RETEM H8 20
METRE H4 20 fatcat
On 2nd draw, LEG(A)TEE G1 70 --- LEGATEE the inheritor of a legacy [n]
Other moves: LEG(A)TEE I8 64, EGL(A)TERE 9B 62, GREE(N)LET 9G 62, GLEET(I)ER 9A 60, REGEL(A)TE 9H 59
GET G3 12 fatcat
On 3rd draw, HAD F2 36 --- HAD to hold [v] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other moves: HAN F2 34, AHA F1 32, ADHAN F5 30, AHOLD 1D 30, HA F2 29
HOLD 1E 24 fatcat
On 4th draw, LEAFY 1G 33 --- LEAFY abounding in leaves [adj]
Other moves: BYE F6 31, AY H1 30, BY F6 30, OY H1 30, BOYF F7 25
LEAFY 1G 33 fatcat
On 5th draw, TOWAG(E)S 10B 75 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other moves: STOWAG(E) F6 72, STOWAG(E) 10H 71, STOWAG(E) F7 71, TOWAG(E)S F7 65, WART(H)OGS 9F 64
WAST 10F 24 fatcat
On 6th draw, YAIRD 2J 55 --- YAIRD a garden [n]
Other moves: HEADY 2F 41, YAWP 2J 41, YAW 2J 38, RYA 2I 37, YAP 2J 37
YARD 2J 37 fatcat
On 7th draw, OVARIAN E5 40 --- OVARIAN pertaining to an ovary [adj]
Other moves: VORANT C9 26, NORIA 11C 25, ANOTHER 2B 22, NORI 11C 22, ROTI 11C 22
OAR 1M 14 fatcat
On 8th draw, COMER 8A 30 --- COMER one showing great promise [n]
Other moves: COMET D1 26, CITER 8A 24, COMET C9 24, COMTE C9 24, MITER 8A 24
COMET C9 24 fatcat
On 9th draw, SOILIER O2 84 --- SOILY dirty [adj]
Other moves: IDOLISER N1 61, OSIER O1 28, ISLE O1 25, ROLAGS 3C 24, LEISHER 2B 22
ISO O1 19 fatcat
On 10th draw, WITTOL D10 22 --- WITTOL a man who tolerates his wife's infidelity [n]
Other moves: MOONLIT C8 20, INTROIT L2 16, RONIN 11C 16, WILT D10 16, WINO D10 16
WILT D10 16 fatcat
On 11th draw, CANTREF 13A 32 --- CANTREF in early England, a division of a county [n]
Other moves: RANCHER 2B 26, REACHER 2B 26, FANE I6 24, FARCER N7 24, FARE I6 24
LANCER 15D 24 fatcat
On 12th draw, KHANS N6 47 --- KHAN an Asian ruler [n]
Other moves: HACKS A11 45, HICKS A11 45, WACKS A11 45, WHILK 15A 45, WICKS A11 45
HACKS A11 45 fatcat
On 13th draw, SOV H13 31 --- SOV sovereign [n]
Other tops: SAV H13 31
Other moves: ANCON A11 24, OVALS 15A 24, SAN H13 22, SON H13 22, OCAS A12 21
OVA 12G 15 fatcat
On 14th draw, IXTLE 15A 36 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: WEX I3 33, NEXT I3 31, WEXE F12 30, WEX F12 29, NEXT F12 27
WEX F12 29 fatcat
On 15th draw, PUNJI D1 36 --- PUNJI a sharp bamboo stake placed and concealed so as to impale an enemy [n]
Other moves: JUBA 7B 32, JAUP D2 30, JAUPS 10J 30, JUBAS 10J 30, JAUP M8 29
JAB D3 28 fatcat
On 16th draw, QADIS 10J 35 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAIDS 10J 35
Other moves: QADI 4L 28, GAINED M8 27, D(A)MAGED 4F 22, NEAP 1A 18, DEG I3 17
QAIDS 10J 35 fatcat
On 17th draw, RIBA 11I 34 --- RIBA the charging of interest, forbidden by Islam [n]
Other moves: DIB 11I 31, BIRO 11I 30, BID 11I 29, RIB 11I 29, BAD 11K 26
BID 11I 29 fatcat
On 18th draw, BUND 12L 30 --- BUND a German federation or league [n] --- BUND to make an embankment [v]
Other tops: BEND 12L 30, BOND 12L 30
Other moves: BEDE 12K 29, BEDU 12K 29, BEND 12K 29, BEDE 12L 28, BEDU 12L 28
BEND 12L 30 fatcat
On 19th draw, DOWP O12 30 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: OPEPE 1A 27, POUPE 1A 27, WEEP 1A 27, WOE 3K 27, DOWN O12 24
DOWN O12 24 fatcat
On 20th draw, ZEE I3 31 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: GRENZ M1 30, REZ M2 24, EAUX B12 22, GEEP 1A 21, ENE 3K 18
REZ M2 24 fatcat
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