Game on November 9, 2024 at 15:26, 8 players
1. 531 pts Inkey
2. 241 pts LongJump22
3. 188 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 74 74 


14F 39 113 


13H 27 140 


11E 44 184 


8H 92 276 


12A 31 307 


12K 33 340 


15I 89 429 


O3 60 489 


A12 21 510 


C5 68 578 


B2 42 620 


L2 78 698 


8A 57 755 


A1 48 803 


B10 26 829 


D4 47 876 


3I 40 916 


N4 24 940 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 4 13:56 -409 531 1.7856 Inkey 4 13:56 -409 531
LongJump22 2 3:29 -699 241 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 3 5:18 -752 188 1.6542 Javelin22 3 5:18 -752 188
Discus22 2 6:08 -793 147 2.6673 Discus22 2 6:08 -793 147
OOOOOO1112 0 1:15 -898 42 Group: novice
LLLLLL1112 0 1:41 -898 42 1.5222 LongJump22 2 3:29 -699 241
MMMMMM1112 0 0:53 -913 27 2.5707 OOOOOO1112 0 1:15 -898 42
NNNNNN1112 0 1:34 -913 27 3.5650 LLLLLL1112 0 1:41 -898 42
4.5671 MMMMMM1112 0 0:53 -913 27
5.5694 NNNNNN1112 0 1:34 -913 27
On 1st draw, GLADDER H8 74 --- GLAD feeling pleasure [adj]
Other tops: GLADDER H4 74
Other moves: GLADDER H2 72, GLADDER H3 72, GLADDER H6 72, GLADDER H7 72, GLADDER H5 70
GLADDER H4 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, VARIX 14F 39 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: AX I12 37, OX I12 37, AXION I9 35, XOANA 10F 30, ANOXIA 10C 29
AX I12 37 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, EPODE 13H 27 --- EPODE a poem with alternate long and short verses [n]
Other tops: FED 13G 27, FEG 13G 27
Other moves: FUDGE 15I 26, OUPED 13J 25, FUDGED 11C 24, FUDGED 11F 24, FUDGED 12C 24
On 4th draw, YEADI(N)G 11E 44 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: Q(U)AYAGE 10F 41, GAYE(R) 12J 40, GEYA(N) 12J 40, YAGI(S) M9 40, GAY 12J 38
YAGI(S) M9 40 Inkey
QI(S) M11 38 LongJump22
On 5th draw, GORAMIES 8H 92 --- GORAMY a food fish [n]
Other moves: MORALISE 9D 62, MAIRS M9 38, MARES M9 38, MERIS M9 38, MIRES M9 38
GORAMIES 8H 92 LongJump22
MARES M9 38 Inkey
On 6th draw, VIRGA 12A 31 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other moves: NAIK 12L 30, NARK 12L 30, RAIK 12L 30, RANK 12L 30, RINK 12L 30
RANK 12L 30 Inkey
KIVA 12B 27 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 7th draw, AWARN 12K 33 --- AWARN to warn [v]
Other moves: AWA 12K 27, AWL 12K 27, AWN 12K 27, WARN 12L 26, WARRAN C9 26
AWARN 12K 33 Discus22
AWN 12K 27 Inkey
On 8th draw, TONUSES 15I 89 --- TONUS the normal state of tension in muscle tissue [n]
Other moves: TONSURES C7 70, ONSETS 15J 31, ONUSES 15J 31, SEASON M10 30, SNASTE M10 30
ONUSES 15J 31 Discus22
EASTS M11 28 Inkey
On 9th draw, LIONISED O3 60 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other moves: DIVINE A10 30, LIVEDO A10 30, NEVOID A10 30, OLIVINE A9 30, IVIED A11 27
DIVINE A10 30 Inkey, Discus22
On 10th draw, VAUT A12 21 --- VAUT to attain great success [v]
Other tops: VANT A12 21, VATU A12 21
Other moves: OATEN N5 17, TENOUR N7 17, NOTA 7I 16, TUNA 7I 16, ANTE 9L 14
VAUT A12 21 Inkey
VATU A12 21 Discus22
On 11th draw, NOTCHIER C5 68 --- NOTCHY having notches [adj]
Other moves: NOTCHIER J1 67, N*TCH**NITCHIE M3 34, CITHERN C7 32, HEAT 10F 32, HENOTIC M3 32
HEAT 10F 32 Inkey, Discus22
On 12th draw, REMAP B2 42 --- MAP to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) [v] --- REMAP to map again [v]
Other tops: PANIM B2 42
Other moves: ARCMIN 8A 39, ENCAMP 8A 39, PREMIA N1 36, PACIER 8A 33, IMPI B12 30
PANIM B2 42 Javelin22
PRIM B10 30 Inkey
On 13th draw, ISOC(R)YME L2 78 --- ISOCRYME a contour line of equal temperature during the cold [n]
Other moves: (D)ECISORY J2 64, OCCY 8A 45, YECC(H)S 8A 45, COYE(D) A1 44, COYE(R) A1 44
CO(V)EYS D1 37 Inkey
SEY A1 25 Javelin22
On 14th draw, BECKON 8A 57 --- BECKON to signal by sign or gesture [v]
Other moves: BECK 8A 51, BOCK 8A 51, NOCKET 8A 51, RECKON 8A 51, ROCKET 8A 51
RECKON 8A 51 Inkey
BONER A1 36 Javelin22
On 15th draw, TETH A1 48 --- TETH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: RUTH A1 48
Other moves: RHEA 10E 36, HERE A1 33, HETE A1 33, HEAT 10F 32, HEIR B10 32
RUTH A1 48 Javelin22
HEAT 10F 32 Inkey
On 16th draw, BRIN B10 26 --- BRIN a rib of a fan [n]
Other tops: BEIN B10 26, BRIE B10 26, BRILL 2J 26, BRINE 2J 26
Other moves: BRULE D1 23, BIEN B11 22, BIER B11 22, BULLIER 2H 22, RUBEL D2 22
BRINE 2J 26 Inkey
BRIN B10 26 Javelin22
On 17th draw, FEZ D4 47 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ D4 41, ZURF J6 36, FUZE D2 35, ZU(R)F 6J 35, ZEL C1 33
FEZ D4 47 Inkey
ZO 4K 11 Javelin22
On 18th draw, JOUST 3I 40 --- JOUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other tops: JOIST 3I 40
Other moves: JO 7I 36, JOLE N5 28, JUTE N5 28, JATO 10G 27, JIN F6 26
JOIST 3I 40 Inkey
On 19th draw, QI N4 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAW K7 22, IF 14M 22, WOFUL J2 21, WILE N5 20, QUOIF J1 19
FAW K7 22 Inkey
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