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Game on November 9, 2024 at 23:14, 5 players
1. 288 pts sunshine12
2. 76 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. diinrtx   H4    30    30   dixit
 2. ?aaejuw   6F    36    66   jaxie
 3. aciloot   7D    20    86   coati
 4. ?aeeiqr   D6   106   192   acquiree
 5. adeimno  11D    94   286   radiomen
 6. aeimrty  10F    48   334   atimy
 7. aeerssu  14A    87   421   seasure
 8. eglnotu   A8    30   451   lounges
 9. hiklors   K2    43   494   hoiks
10. aeelswy  15G   103   597   leeways
11. abdghip  13C    41   638   begad
12. aeenopr   2G    88   726   earphone
13. eglnnow   1L    42   768   gown
14. beffirt   1D    56   824   triff
15. behotuv   9I    34   858   hove
16. bciintu   8L    34   892   bunt
17. dilnorz   3E    47   939   riz
18. dilopru   B7    27   966   dorp
19. cilntuv   M7    24   990   vuln

Remaining tiles: ciltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7067 Filesunshine12  2  9:00  -702  288     1.7067 sunshine12  2  9:00  -702  288 
  2.7387 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:12  -914   76     2.7387 GLOBEMAN    1  3:12  -914   76 
  3.7435 Fileroocatcher  1  1:53  -948   42     3.7435 roocatcher  1  1:53  -948   42 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:14  -958   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:32  -968   22     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:14  -958   32 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:32  -968   22 

On 1st draw, DIXIT H4 30 --- DIXIT a statement [n]
Other moves: DIXIT H8 28, DIXIT H5 26, DIXIT H6 26, DIXIT H7 26, DIXI H5 24

On 2nd draw, JAX(I)E 6F 36 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: JAX(Y) 6F 33, JAWED 4D 32, JA(D)E G3 31, JA(G)A G3 31, JA(K)E G3 31

On 3rd draw, COATI 7D 20 --- COATI a tropical mammal [n]
Other tops: ALIT 7F 20, COTIDAL 4D 20, OLIO 7F 20
Other moves: CITAL G3 19, ITALIC 5H 19, AIOLI 7D 18, CALO 7C 18, CIAO 7C 18

On 4th draw, ACQ(U)IREE D6 106 --- ACQUIREE one that is acquired [n]
Other moves: ACQ(U)IRE D6 54, QI(S) K4 40, CAIQ(U)E D7 34, CIRQ(U)E D7 34, Q(U)ARE J2 33

On 5th draw, RADIOMEN 11D 94 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: AMIDONE I8 66, MOANED C9 40, DAEMON C10 33, DEMAIN C10 31, DEMAIN E10 31

On 6th draw, ATIMY 10F 48 --- ATIMY loss of honour [n]
Other moves: MATEY 12H 41, MAY 10H 37, RIMAYE 12H 37, ETYMA 10F 36, ETYMA 12F 36

On 7th draw, SEASURE 14A 87 --- SEASURE a convulsion [n]
Other tops: RESEAUS 14B 87
Other moves: SEASURE K3 83, UREASES K2 83, SEASURE 14D 80, UREASES 9I 73, ASSURE 14B 35

On 8th draw, LOUNGES A8 30 --- LOUNGE to recline or lean in a relaxed, lazy manner [v]
Other tops: LONGEST A9 30
Other moves: ENGLUTS A8 27, GLUTENS A8 27, TONGUES A8 27, ENGLUT 15G 26, LOUNGE 15G 26

On 9th draw, HOIKS K2 43 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other tops: HOKIS K2 43, HOLKS K2 43, KHORS K2 43, KOHLS K2 43
Other moves: HOIKS 15G 41, HOKIS 15G 41, HOLKS 15G 41, KHIS K3 41, KISH K4 41
HOLKS 15G 41 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LEEWAYS 15G 103 --- LEEWAY the lateral drift of a ship [n]
Other moves: WEASELY 13G 95, LEEWAYS B4 78, LEEWAY 15G 50, WHEELY 2J 46, WHEYS 2J 44
YAWS L1 42 sunshine12

On 11th draw, BEGAD 13C 41 --- BEGAD by God! [interj]
Other moves: PAID L1 33, HAP 9I 32, PHOBIA 3I 32, HAD 9I 31, HAG 9I 31
HAP 14I 26 sunshine12

On 12th draw, EARPHONE 2G 88 --- EARPHONE a listening device worn over the ear [n]
Other moves: PERAEONS M8 72, PERAEON B3 65, PHONER 2J 34, PHARE 2J 32, PHEER 2J 32
PHONER 2J 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, GOWN 1L 42 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other tops: GOWL 1L 42
Other moves: LOWNE 1E 37, GOWL 1E 35, GOWN 1E 35, LOWNE 1D 35, LOWE 1L 34
GOWN 1L 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 14th draw, TRIFF 1D 56 --- TRIFF terrific [adj]
Other tops: BIFF 1E 56, BRIEF 1D 56
Other moves: FIBRE 1D 50, RIFF 1E 50, TEFF 1E 50, TIFF 1E 50, *FF 1F 47
BRIEF 1D 56 sunshine12
EF 1G 32 chunk88

On 15th draw, HOVE 9I 34 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HOB 9I 32, HOTE 9I 31, HOUT 9I 31, HOVE 12J 31, HET 9I 30
OB 3M 22 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, BUNT 8L 34 --- BUNT to butt [v]
Other tops: BINT 8L 34, INCUBI M8 34
Other moves: CUBIT 3C 27, BINIT 3C 23, BINIT M7 23, CUTIN 3C 23, INCUT 3C 23
BINT 8L 34 sunshine12

On 17th draw, RIZ 3E 47 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other moves: ZORIL 12J 46, ZORI 12J 44, ZOL 12J 42, DOZY L12 34, ZIN N6 32
ZIN N6 32 sunshine12

On 18th draw, DORP B7 27 --- DORP a village [n]
Other tops: DOUP B7 27, PUDOR M7 27
Other moves: LOUP B7 26, POI B10 26, PUDU M7 26, ROUP B7 26, OUP B8 25
POUR 14K 23 sunshine12

On 19th draw, VULN M7 24 --- VULN to wound [v]
Other tops: INCULT M5 24
Other moves: CULTI M7 23, CULT M7 22, C*NT M7 22, TUNIC M7 21, CIVIL 4J 20

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