Game on November 10, 2024 at 04:36, 1 player
1. 431 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 6F 74 100
3. M2 70 170
4. L8 84 254
5. 14F 64 318
6. H11 63 381
7. 8A 80 461
8. 2I 30 491
9. 13F 62 553
10. 1D 45 598
11. D4 78 676
12. B8 38 714
13. A11 41 755
14. 2B 43 798
15. C11 41 839
16. O1 58 897
17. 8L 36 933
18. I11 31 964
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6425 fatcat 0 9:41 -533 431 1.6425 fatcat 0 9:41 -533 431
On 1st draw, VENTRE H4 26 --- VENTRE to venture [v]
Other tops: VEINER H4 26, VENIRE H4 26, VENITE H4 26, VENTER H4 26, VERITE H4 26, VIRENT H4 26
Other moves: VINER H4 24, ENVIER H3 20, ENVIER H4 20, ENVIER H7 20, ENVIER H8 20
On 2nd draw, DANEWORT 6F 74 --- DANEWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: TEARDOWN 6A 66, TARROWED 8E 64, TARROWED 8F 63, TOWERED 5E 44, WATERED 5E 44
On 3rd draw, ORBITIE(S) M2 70 --- ORBITY bereavement [n]
Other moves: BOI(S)ERIE 9A 61, BOI(S)ERIE 9D 60, BOO(F)IER K5 32, BOO(K)IER K5 32, BOO(M)IER K5 32
On 4th draw, MAUDLIN L8 84 --- MAUDLIN excessively emotional [adj]
Other moves: UNMAILED 5B 80, MAUDLIN 10E 75, MAUDLIN G9 71, MAUDLIN I9 71, UNMAILED 9B 65
On 5th draw, IODATING 14F 64 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: GOAD K10 26, AIDOI M11 25, GAITED 5D 24, GANOID 14J 24, OMEGA 8K 24
DINGO 14J 22 fatcat
On 6th draw, OXIDE H11 63 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: EXIT 15H 55, AXE 15H 50, EXO 15H 50, TEABOX 4J 46, AX 15H 45
EXIT 15H 55 fatcat
On 7th draw, UPTO(W)NER 8A 80 --- UPTOWNER one that lives uptown [n]
Other moves: UNPO(L)ITE 13C 78, OUT(S)PENT 7A 67, UNPOETI(C) F8 65, UPTOWNE(R) J2 64, OUTP(R)EEN 9B 62
POINT 5K 24 fatcat
On 8th draw, APOLOG 2I 30 --- APOLOG a story presenting a moral principle [n]
Other tops: PLEA L1 30, POLEAX 12C 30
Other moves: GAPO G11 29, GALOP G11 28, GOALIE K10 27, POGO G11 27, GOGO G11 25
PAIL 5K 22 fatcat
On 9th draw, SWIZ 13F 62 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: SWIZ 1F 59, WIZ 13G 59, WIZ 1G 56, AZO 1H 51, KAZI 13E 50
WIZ 1G 56 fatcat
On 10th draw, FANTOD 1D 45 --- FANTOD an emotional outburst [n]
Other moves: FANTOD 1F 39, DEFAT 5G 35, FATED 3G 34, ANODE 1H 33, FADE 3G 33
DEAF 1F 29 fatcat
On 11th draw, HAVIOURS D4 78 --- HAVIOUR behaviour [n]
Other moves: AHIS 3H 38, AHI 3H 35, EISH I6 34, SURAH 3E 34, HUMERI 8J 33
HAIRS 5K 28 fatcat
On 12th draw, PACABLE B8 38 --- PACABLE willing to forgive [adj]
Other moves: CABA 3G 37, FAB 3G 34, ALEF 3H 32, CAB 3G 32, FLAB 3F 32
FACE 2A 23 fatcat
On 13th draw, HOERS A11 41 --- HOER one that hoes [n]
Other moves: RHEBOK 4J 40, HOIKS 5K 36, KEROS 5G 35, HEROES 15D 34, HOIK 5K 34
MEEK 8L 30 fatcat
On 14th draw, QUALE 2B 43 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: FAME 3G 39, FEMAL 5G 38, AQUAE E1 37, FLAME 2B 37, FLAME 3F 37
QUA 2B 29 fatcat
On 15th draw, TEFS C11 41 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: TEF C11 36, EFTS C12 34, EFS C12 32, EFS N4 32, EFT C12 32
FIN 3A 27 fatcat
On 16th draw, GYNY O1 58 --- GYNY gynaecology [n]
Other moves: EYRY O1 55, EYING O1 43, GYNIE O1 43, GYRE O1 40, GYRI O1 40
YEN 3I 27 fatcat
On 17th draw, MECK 8L 36 --- MECK a halfpenny [n]
Other moves: KNEE K9 32, KEN 3I 31, KIN 3I 31, KIR 3I 31, ICK 15M 30
MEEK 8L 30 fatcat
On 18th draw, NIZAM I11 31 --- NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n]
Other moves: NIM 3A 29, RIM 3A 29, MIR 3A 25, IZAR I12 24, RIZA I11 24
RIM 3A 29 fatcat
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