Game on November 10, 2024 at 11:22, 1 player
1. 250 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 32 32
2. 13C 31 63
3. 8H 92 155
4. K5 94 249
5. E6 74 323
6. M4 63 386
7. L1 50 436
8. O8 77 513
9. D1 89 602
10. 1A 57 659
11. 1L 42 701
12. C3 39 740
13. J10 30 770
14. 15H 33 803
15. J3 32 835
16. I7 42 877
17. G9 37 914
18. L11 38 952
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7193 Chelsea 1 6:44 -702 250 1.7193 Chelsea 1 6:44 -702 250
On 1st draw, MELIK H8 32 --- MELIK the head of a village [n]
Other tops: KELIM H4 32, MALIK H8 32
Other moves: MEIKLE H4 30, KELIM H8 28, MALIK H4 28, MELIK H4 28, MEIKLE H3 26
On 2nd draw, VEGIE(S) 13C 31 --- VEGIE a vegetable [n]
Other moves: KE(A)VIE 12H 24, KIEVE 12H 24, KIEVE(S) 12H 24, VEL(O)CE 10F 24, KEEV(E) 12H 22
On 3rd draw, MO(V)ABLES 8H 92 --- MOVABLE something that can be moved [n]
Other moves: SO(C)IABLE 11E 86, K(I)LOBASE 12H 78, ALBE(D)OES D7 70, ALBE(D)OS I5 70, EA(R)LOBES D7 70
On 4th draw, DERACINE K5 94 --- DERACINE uprooted [adj]
Other moves: RECEDING E6 74, DECLINER 10E 65, DECLINER M5 65, RECLINED 10E 65, RECLINED M5 65
On 5th draw, DEBATING E6 74 --- DEBATE to argue about [v]
Other tops: BIDENTAL M1 74
Other moves: BIDENTAL 10A 65, BANDIEST O2 62, BANED J10 32, BATED J10 32, BETID J10 32
On 6th draw, FORELAIN M4 63 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FARINOSE O2 62, AFIRE F6 32, AFORE F6 32, FAINER L1 31, FORANE L10 31
On 7th draw, JUDO L1 50 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JATO L1 48, DATUM N10 33, DOUMA N10 33, JOMO I7 33, OUIJA F11 32
JO L3 28 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SALTINES O8 77 --- SALTINE a salted cracker [n]
Other moves: SALTINE F2 72, EASTLIN D1 71, ELASTIN D1 71, NAILSET D1 71, EASTLIN F1 68
JEAT 1L 33 Chelsea
On 9th draw, HEFTIER D1 89 --- HEFTY heavy [adj]
Other moves: HEFTIER F1 74, HEFTER J10 42, JEFE 1L 42, HEFTE J10 41, HEFT J10 38
FEH J4 33 Chelsea
On 10th draw, QOPHS 1A 57 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: QOPH 1A 54, JOGS 1L 36, POSHED 1A 36, SPODE F6 34, SQUEG 2J 34
QI 10J 31 Chelsea
On 11th draw, JURY 1L 42 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other tops: JOEY 1L 42
Other moves: OUTRE C3 34, GOETY D11 33, JOUR 1L 33, JURE 1L 33, JUTE 1L 33
JURY 1L 42 Chelsea
On 12th draw, OILGAS C3 39 --- OILGAS a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons used as a fuel [n]
Other moves: AGLOW J2 35, WALISE 14J 34, LOGIA N10 33, GLOW J3 32, ALOW J3 31
GLOW J3 32 Chelsea
On 13th draw, PANTUN J10 30 --- PANTUN a type of Malayan verse [n]
Other moves: PANT J10 26, PATU J10 26, PUNA J10 26, PUNT J10 26, TAPU N12 26
TAP J4 24 Chelsea
On 14th draw, MUNTRIES 15H 33 --- MUNTRIE an Australian shrub with green-red edible berries [n]
Other moves: RETRIM J1 29, METIER D9 28, ITEM N11 27, MINTER 15H 27, MINUET 15H 27
MINTER 15H 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, GROW J3 32 --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: AROW J3 31, TROW J3 31, RAW J4 30, ROW J4 30, TAW J4 30
On 16th draw, WOX I7 42 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WEX 9G 42
Other moves: COX I7 40, DEX 9G 38, COAX B7 37, WAX G9 37, TEX 9G 36
On 17th draw, YAH G9 37 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HAD G9 33, HYE 14M 33, YAD G9 33, HAO G9 31, AHOY B6 29
On 18th draw, ADZ L11 38 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ZAS 8A 36, ZOS 8A 36, ADZ B8 35, ZOOT 10B 33, TZAR L12 32
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