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Game on November 11, 2024 at 03:13, 5 players
1. 242 pts sunshine12
2. 46 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 46 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdefis   H8    32    32   decafs
 2. ?deiitu   8A    80   112   untidied
 3. deglmou  13H    26   138   smudge
 4. ?aeelot   N7    68   206   oleates
 5. aeginrz   O1   109   315   zingare
 6. aeiksvw   M3    42   357   askew
 7. ainoppu   C4    64   421   pupation
 8. alnoqxy   D1    56   477   xylan
 9. bgnotuy  B10    49   526   young
10. abelosw  15B   108   634   sowable
11. bhinort  14J    33   667   hoi
12. ademnov  15K    47   714   moved
13. einoqrt   N2    47   761   qi
14. ainrstt   4F    68   829   transits
15. ahlnorv  11E    52   881   navarho
16. beiortt   1A    39   920   ibex
17. eilorrt   2A    26   946   tory
18. ceefirt   H1    33   979   reface

Remaining tiles: ijlrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7084 Filesunshine12  2  5:26  -737  242     1.7084 sunshine12  2  5:26  -737  242 
  2.7460 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:18  -933   46     2.7460 GLOBEMAN    0  1:18  -933   46 
  3.7492 Fileroocatcher  0  1:53  -933   46     3.7492 roocatcher  0  1:53  -933   46 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:24  -956   23            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:38  -959   20     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:24  -956   23 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:38  -959   20 

On 1st draw, DECAFS H8 32 --- DECAF decaffeinated coffee [n]
Other moves: DECAF H8 30, FACED H4 30, FACIES H4 30, DECAFS H4 28, FACES H4 28

On 2nd draw, U(N)TIDIED 8A 80 --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v]
Other moves: FI(N)ITUDE 12H 74, DISU(N)ITE 13F 70, UTI(L)ISED 13C 70, U(N)ITISED 13C 70, DIS(Q)UIET 13F 68

On 3rd draw, SMUDGE 13H 26 --- SMUDGE to smear or dirty [v]
Other tops: DEGUMS 13C 26
Other moves: FLUMED 12H 24, GOLEMS 13C 24, LEDUMS 13C 24, ODEUMS 13C 24, MELD 7D 23

On 4th draw, OLEATE(S) N7 68 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: AL(L)OTTEE C3 68, A(L)LOTTEE C3 68, ET(I)OLATE C2 68, TEE(T)OTAL C3 68, TOE(P)LATE C2 68, TOLE(R)ATE C2 68, TOTEA(B)LE C6 68, (H)ELOTAGE L7 68, (M)ATELOTE C2 68, (M)ATELOTE C6 68, (T)EETOTAL C3 68
Other moves: A(N)ET(H)OLE B7 66, A(N)TELO(P)E B7 66, DE(S)OLATE E8 66, ET(I)OLATE C7 66, TEETO(T)AL C8 66

On 5th draw, ZINGARE O1 109 --- ZINGARA a female Italian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZINGARE M4 82, AGNIZE M3 75, AGRIZE M3 75, GRENZ M3 71, ZILA 8L 69

On 6th draw, ASKEW M3 42 --- ASKEW awry [adj] --- ASKEW to one side [adv]
Other moves: VAW M7 38, WEAK M7 37, EWKS M8 34, TWEAKS C8 34, EWK M8 31

On 7th draw, PUPATION C4 64 --- PUPATION the act of pupating [n]
Other moves: PAIN 14J 30, PION 14J 30, PIPA L1 30, PUPA L1 30, APO 14I 28

On 8th draw, XYLAN D1 56 --- XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n]
Other moves: XYLANS 4H 48, XYLAN D10 44, LAX O10 39, LOX O10 39, NOX O10 39
YA B10 28 sunshine12

On 9th draw, YOUNG B10 49 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj] --- YOUNG the offspring [n]
Other moves: BOUNTY B10 46, BUNGY B10 46, BUNTY B10 44, ONYX 1A 42, YUNX 1A 42
BUNGY B10 46 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, SOWABLE 15B 108 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [adj] --- SOWABLE able to be sown [adj]
Other moves: DOWSABEL E8 78, SOWABLE 11E 48, BELOWS D10 35, BOWELS D10 35, L*SB* B2 34
BLEW G6 23 chunk88
SEW G7 20 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, HOI 14J 33 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: OH 14I 30, BOTH D10 29, HI 14J 29, HO 14J 29, BIRTHS 4H 28
HOI 14J 33 sunshine12

On 12th draw, MOVED 15K 47 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: DEVON 15K 40, DOVEN 15K 40, MENAD 15K 38, MONAD 15K 38, MONDE 15K 38
MEANE M9 23 sunshine12

On 13th draw, QI N2 47 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QINTAR 10J 35, QIS 4K 24, TINED E4 23, TIRED E4 23, QI 2N 22
QI N2 47 sunshine12

On 14th draw, TRANSITS 4F 68 --- TRANSIT to pass across or through [v]
Other tops: STRAINTS 4F 68
Other moves: STRAITEN G2 64, ATTAINS 11E 28, STRAINT 11E 28, AINS E2 26, AIRS E2 26
RUST 12A 23 sunshine12

On 15th draw, NAVARHO 11E 52 --- NAVARHO an aircraft navigation system [n]
Other moves: HOAX 1A 42, HRYVNA 2B 34, LANX 1A 33, ARVAL H1 24, HAVIOR K1 24
HOAX 1A 42 sunshine12

On 16th draw, IBEX 1A 39 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other tops: EXTORT 1C 39
Other moves: TREYBIT 2A 28, BORATE H1 24, BOTT 5H 24, BUNTIER 5B 24, REBAIT H1 24

On 17th draw, TORY 2A 26 --- TORY a political conservative [n]
Other tops: OILY 2A 26, TOEY 2A 26
Other moves: OIK 5K 20, RUNTIER 5B 20, LORATE H1 18, RERAIL H1 18, RETAIL H1 18

On 18th draw, REFACE H1 33 --- REFACE to repair the outer surface of [v]
Other moves: REIF 5H 30, EF 10E 28, FETICH J6 28, IF 10E 28, CIT 10J 26

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