Game on November 12, 2024 at 06:49, 6 players
1. 194 pts Chelsea
2. 22 pts LongJump22
3. 11 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 32 32
2. 11C 74 106
3. 13B 76 182
4. 14I 70 252
5. O12 39 291
6. K5 112 403
7. 8J 42 445
8. 15H 34 479
9. N6 39 518
10. O4 22 540
11. G3 70 610
12. H1 34 644
13. L1 26 670
14. M7 36 706
15. 2J 28 734
16. 1L 47 781
17. 3J 37 818
18. 5C 32 850
19. C2 24 874
20. 12L 22 896
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7172 Chelsea 0 7:47 -702 194 1.7172 Chelsea 0 7:47 -702 194
2.5266 LongJump22 1 1:31 -874 22 Group: novice
3.5570 LLLLLL1112 0 0:23 -885 11 1.5266 LongJump22 1 1:31 -874 22
4.5693 NNNNNN1112 0 0:57 -892 4 2.5570 LLLLLL1112 0 0:23 -885 11
5.5633 OOOOOO1112 0 1:14 -892 4 3.5693 NNNNNN1112 0 0:57 -892 4
6.5677 MMMMMM1112 0 0:40 -894 2 4.5633 OOOOOO1112 0 1:14 -892 4
5.5677 MMMMMM1112 0 0:40 -894 2
On 1st draw, DECOYS H8 32 --- DECOY to lure into a trap [v]
Other tops: DIOECY H7 32
Other moves: DECOY H8 30, DICEY H8 30, DIOECY H8 30, SCODY H8 30, COSEY H8 28
On 2nd draw, AIRPRO(O)F 11C 74 --- AIRPROOF to make impermeable to air [v]
Other tops: AIRPR(O)OF 11B 74
Other moves: FIRE(T)RAP 9E 63, PI(L)AFS 13C 28, PRI(E)FS 13C 28, PR(E)IFS 13C 28, (C)APRIFY 12B 28
On 3rd draw, LEAVIEST 13B 76 --- LEAVY leafy [adj]
Other tops: VEALIEST 13B 76
Other moves: ELATIVES 13A 74, ELATIVE G2 68, ELATIVE I2 68, LEVIRATE E7 61, AVIATE C8 26
On 4th draw, AILANTO 14I 70 --- AILANTO an Asiatic tree [n]
Other tops: ALATION 14I 70
Other moves: ALATION G3 66, ALATION I3 66, AILANTO G2 62, AILANTO I2 62, ACTINAL 10G 21
On 5th draw, KAON O12 39 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: KINDA 15G 38, AEDINE 15H 37, DAIKON O10 36, DEAN 15L 36, DEEN 15L 36
On 6th draw, OVONI(C)S K5 112 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: OVONI(C)S 15C 92, VIO(L)ONES 9B 63, OVIN(E)S K6 42, OVI(B)OS K6 42, OVOI(D)S K6 42
On 7th draw, UNMEWS 8J 42 --- UNMEW to set free [v]
Other moves: MUTASE 15H 39, WETAS 15H 37, MEATUS 15D 36, MUTASE 15D 36, MAWS 15G 35
MAWS 15G 35 Chelsea
On 8th draw, BONIE 15H 34 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BOEP 15F 29, BAP 15G 26, BEANO 15F 26, BOP 15G 26, PAEON 15F 26
BAP 15G 26 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ZOWIE N6 39 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: ZED 10B 38, TOZED G5 35, TOZED L1 35, WIZ N8 35, ZITE 14A 34
TOZED L1 35 Chelsea
On 10th draw, EGADS O4 22 --- EGADS a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: GADE 14A 21, GAED 14A 21, GATED L1 21, TEADS O4 21, GADS O5 20
On 11th draw, TARRIED G3 70 --- TARRY to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v]
Other moves: TARDIER G3 67, RERADIATE C5 63, DART 12A 25, DEARER M7 22, DEARIE M7 22
On 12th draw, THINE H1 34 --- THINE a possessive form of the pronoun thou [pron]
Other moves: FENT 12A 33, FOEHN F4 33, HENT 12A 33, FOEHN L1 32, FOHN 14A 31
THIEF L1 29 Chelsea
On 13th draw, FOLIO L1 26 --- FOLIO to number the pages of [v]
Other moves: LIFT 14A 25, LOFT 14A 25, FOOL F4 24, FOOT F4 24, FOUL F4 24
LOFT 14A 25 Chelsea
On 14th draw, HEME M7 36 --- HEME a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other tops: FEHM 1L 36
Other moves: HELMER M7 34, HEM M7 33, HELM M7 32, REHEM M7 31, GEMEL M7 29
HOMER 2K 20 Chelsea
On 15th draw, BROAD 2J 28 --- BROAD an expansion of a river [n] --- BROAD wide [adj]
Other moves: FRAB 1L 27, CAB I3 26, CARB 14A 26, BACK 12L 24, BAUD F4 24
FRAG 1L 24 Chelsea
On 16th draw, FLEX 1L 47 --- FLEX to bend [v]
Other moves: EX 1N 30, FLEG 1L 29, LEX I3 28, EXUL I4 25, GREX 10A 25
On 17th draw, YELP 3J 37 --- YELP to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other tops: JAPE 10B 37
Other moves: JAP 10B 34, JAG 10B 32, JAUK 12L 30, JUPATI 3C 30, JAY 12A 29
On 18th draw, SQUARER 5C 32 --- SQUARER one that squares [n]
Other moves: QUARER 5D 30, SQUARE 5C 30, QUARE 5D 28, QUARTS 1D 25, SQUARE C8 25
On 19th draw, JUGS C2 24 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: GJUS C2 24
Other moves: JUG J7 23, JUST C3 22, JUTS C2 22, JUT J7 21, JUN M12 20
On 20th draw, GUCK 12L 22 --- GUCK a messy substance [n]
Other tops: GJU 2B 22
Other moves: TUCK 12L 20, GUNK 12L 18, TUNICA D8 18, WIGAN D10 18, WITAN D10 16
GJU 2B 22 LongJump22
JUG 2C 11 LLLLLL1112
IT F13 4 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
AT D13 2 MMMMMM1112
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