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Game on November 12, 2024 at 12:14, 6 players
1. 241 pts Chelsea
2. 170 pts LongJump22
3. 28 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefioot   H4    28    28   fecit
 2. ?aaeors   8A    74   102   aerostat
 3. ?aciilr   5F    68   170   irenical
 4. aehirst   9A    80   250   sheriat
 5. aehjmot  10F    55   305   jeat
 6. delnouz   E1    52   357   donzel
 7. adeklsu   4L    36   393   kaed
 8. aefgiqy   O1    42   435   qaid
 9. ahinoor   1C    33   468   hadron
10. aeimtty   3K    33   501   yam
11. bdeopsw  H10    30   531   abodes
12. degiovw   2J    33   564   vow
13. beoruuy   4B    32   596   oyez
14. ellnpsu  15A    89   685   unspells
15. iinortv   7A    27   712   vrot
16. deiimpr   3C    30   742   mend
17. beinptu  13C    24   766   upbind
18. efiinot  12A    32   798   fino
19. eginttx  14H    34   832   exigent
20. eggirtu  11H    22   854   bigger

Remaining tiles: tuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7221 FileChelsea     1  6:35  -613  241     1.7221 Chelsea     1  6:35  -613  241 
  2.5266 FileLongJump22  3  4:20  -684  170            Group: novice
  3.5658 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:13  -826   28     1.5266 LongJump22  3  4:20  -684  170 
  4.5693 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:35  -826   28     2.5658 MMMMMM1112  0  1:13  -826   28 
  5.5658 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:23  -830   24     3.5693 NNNNNN1112  0  1:35  -826   28 
  6.5584 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:43  -830   24     4.5658 OOOOOO1112  0  1:23  -830   24 
                                             5.5584 LLLLLL1112  0  1:43  -830   24 

On 1st draw, FECIT H4 28 --- FECIT (on art works) made by a nominated person (no inflections) [Latin]
Other moves: FOOTIE H4 26, COOTIE H4 22, FECIT H8 22, FECIT H5 20, FECIT H6 20

On 2nd draw, AEROS(T)AT 8A 74 --- AEROSTAT an aircraft that is lighter than air [n]
Other moves: OARA(G)ES G7 64, OARA(G)ES I7 64, ACAR(B)OSE 6G 63, ACERO(L)AS 6G 63, AEROSA(T) G7 63

On 3rd draw, IRE(N)ICAL 5F 68 --- IRENICAL peaceful in purpose [adj]
Other tops: IRO(N)ICAL D6 68, (G)RACILIS E1 68
Other moves: (C)RI(T)ICAL F5 66, (M)ARLI(T)IC F3 66, (T)RI(T)ICAL F5 66, (U)RALI(T)IC F3 66, CRI(T)ICAL 6H 65

On 4th draw, SHERIAT 9A 80 --- SHERIAT a body of Islamic religious law [n]

On 5th draw, JEAT 10F 55 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JET 10F 54, JAM 4L 44, JATO 4L 44, JEAT 4L 44, JET 4L 40

On 6th draw, DONZEL E1 52 --- DONZEL a young squire [n]
Other moves: DOZEN E2 50, ZED 4L 50, ZONDA L1 50, ZONED E2 50, DOZE E2 48

On 7th draw, KAED 4L 36 --- KAE to serve [v]
Other tops: DESK 4L 36, DUKED 1A 36, DUSKED 1E 36
Other moves: KADE 4L 34, KEDS 4L 34, AKELAS H10 33, ASKED 1A 33, ASLAKE H10 33
LAKED 1A 33 Chelsea

On 8th draw, QAID O1 42 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: EDIFY 1D 39, FAYED 1A 39, DEIFY 1E 36, DEIFY O4 36, FY F2 34
QAID O1 42 Chelsea

On 9th draw, HADRON 1C 33 --- HADRON an elementary particle [n]
Other tops: HAIRDO 1A 33
Other moves: OHO F1 32, AHIND 1A 30, DAHOON 1E 30, DHOORA 1E 30, HOARD 1A 30
OHO F1 32 Chelsea

On 10th draw, YAM 3K 33 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: RYA F1 29, RYE F1 29, TEAM 3J 29, MALTY M3 28, MANTY 3C 28
RYE F1 29 Chelsea

On 11th draw, ABODES H10 30 --- ABODE to forebode [v]
Other tops: ADOBES H10 30, APODES H10 30, BESNOW 3B 30, BOW 2J 30, BOWSED 11H 30, POW 2J 30
Other moves: SOWED J10 29, WIPED 7G 29, BEZ 4C 28, BOWED 11H 28, BOWNED 3B 28
HOPED C1 22 Chelsea

On 12th draw, VOW 2J 33 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: WIVED 7G 31, VINEW 3C 30, WIZ 4C 30, WIVE 7G 29, DZO 4D 28
WIZ 4C 30 Chelsea

On 13th draw, OYEZ 4B 32 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: RYE F1 29, BEZ 4C 28, BONEY 3C 28, BOYO 2B 28, BYE 7A 27
OYEZ 4B 32 LongJump22
RYE F1 29 Chelsea

On 14th draw, UNSPELLS 15A 89 --- UNSPELL to free from a spell [v]
Other moves: UNSPELL J8 77, UNSPELL 9I 64, UNSPELLS 15F 61, LINEUPS J4 27, PILULES J4 27
UNSPELLS 15A 89 LongJump22

On 15th draw, VROT 7A 27 --- VROT rotten (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: VIN 3A 24, TORN 3B 22, VIROID 13C 22, TRIN 7A 21, TRIO 7A 21
VIN 3A 24 Chelsea, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 16th draw, MEND 3C 30 --- MEND to repair [v]
Other moves: CRIMPED K5 28, DIM 3A 28, EPIDERM 14H 28, PRIMO 2A 27, MEN 3C 26

On 17th draw, UPBIND 13C 24 --- UPBIND to bind completely [v]
Other moves: PINITE 7G 21, PREHNITE B6 21, BINIT 7G 20, BUNTED 13C 20, DIPNET 13H 20
UPBIND 13C 24 LongJump22

On 18th draw, FINO 12A 32 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other moves: ONIE 14B 27, FINITE 7G 25, FINITO 7G 25, FIENT 7G 24, NITE 14A 24
FINITE 7G 25 LongJump22

On 19th draw, EXIGENT 14H 34 --- EXIGENT a required quantity [n] --- EXIGENT urgent [adj]
Other moves: EX 6M 31, XI 14A 31, NIXIE J4 28, NIXE J4 27, NIX J4 26

On 20th draw, BIGGER 11H 22 --- BIG of considerable size [adj]
Other tops: GRUEING M9 22
Other moves: BEGIRT 11H 20, GOER 2D 20, GUERITE L8 20, GET 14A 19, GIT 14A 19

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