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Game on November 13, 2024 at 08:06, 7 players
1. 205 pts Chelsea
2. 140 pts LongJump22
3. 79 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?inttuz   H4    28    28   unzip
 2. eimortu   5E    36    64   mounter
 3. aaegiot   6H    24    88   zoaea
 4. aeeghlp   M2    37   125   phage
 5. eeorstv   8A    83   208   overstep
 6. ?aelops   2H    84   292   sapropel
 7. aacistt   9G    81   373   astatic
 8. acegknu   1C    45   418   uncake
 9. addertw   4A    37   455   warded
10. adlorrt   A1    27   482   drawl
11. egnostx  10I    58   540   exon
12. eiinors  11E    97   637   ioniser
13. fimnnor   O1    36   673   flim
14. diinoor  12J    28   701   donor
15. eghiuvw  10B    44   745   weigh
16. bejnttu  12C    38   783   jube
17. fgiilqt  C12    22   805   jilt
18. fgiinty  N10    36   841   firing
19. blqtvyy   O8    35   876   vly

Remaining tiles: bqty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7235 FileChelsea     0  7:07  -671  205     1.7235 Chelsea     0  7:07  -671  205 
  2.5671 FileLongJump22  4  3:12  -736  140            Group: novice
  3.5614 FileMMMMMM1112  2  1:40  -797   79     1.5671 LongJump22  4  3:12  -736  140 
  4.5670 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:43  -832   44     2.5614 MMMMMM1112  2  1:40  -797   79 
  5.5609 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:04  -838   38     3.5670 NNNNNN1112  1  1:43  -832   44 
  6.5475 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:27  -838   38     4.5609 OOOOOO1112  1  1:04  -838   38 
  7.  -  FileLLLLLL1144  1  1:59  -841   35     5.5475 LLLLLL1112  1  1:27  -838   38 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  LLLLLL1144  1  1:59  -841   35 

On 1st draw, UNZI(P) H4 28 --- UNZIP to open the zipper of [v]
Other moves: UNZI(P) H5 26, UNZI(P) H6 26, UNZI(P) H7 26, UNZI(P) H8 26, N(A)ZI H5 24

On 2nd draw, MOUNTER 5E 36 --- MOUNTER one that mounts [n]
Other moves: MOZE 6F 21, MIZ 6F 20, MOTIER G7 20, MOUTER G7 20, MOZ 6F 20

On 3rd draw, ZOAEA 6H 24 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: ZITE 6H 23, TATIE I5 22, GOTTA I2 20, TATE I5 20, TOTE I5 20

On 4th draw, PHAGE M2 37 --- PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n]
Other moves: PAH 6D 33, PEH 6D 33, PELAGE M1 33, PHAGE 4A 32, ALEPH 4K 31

On 5th draw, OVERSTE(P) 8A 83 --- OVERSTEP to go beyond [v]
Other moves: ESTOVER 9G 77, OVERSET 9D 76, REVOTES 9B 76, VETOERS 9B 76, OVERSTEP 2F 67

On 6th draw, SAP(R)OPEL 2H 84 --- SAPROPEL mud consisting chiefly of decaying organic matter [n]
Other moves: ESPA(N)OL 9G 80, ES(C)ALOP 9G 79, P(R)OLAPSE 2H 76, ES(C)ALOPE C1 74, OVE(R)LAPS B7 74

On 7th draw, ASTATIC 9G 81 --- ASTATIC having no tendency to stand in a fixed position [adj]
Other moves: CASITA 1C 33, TACIT 1E 29, ASCI 9G 27, CASA 7K 27, CAST 7K 27

On 8th draw, UNCAKE 1C 45 --- UNCAKE to break up a cake (a block of compacted matter) [v]
Other moves: CANGUE 1D 44, ALECK O1 42, CAUK 1F 42, NOCK L1 41, GOUK L1 39
GLACE O1 33 Chelsea

On 9th draw, WARDED 4A 37 --- WARD to turn aside [v]
Other moves: AWED 10I 36, WARTED 4A 35, WOAD L1 35, DEWATER C7 34, ALEW O1 33
DRAW 6C 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, DRAWL A1 27 --- DRAWL to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged [v]
Other moves: DRAW A1 24, DROW A1 24, TRAWL A1 24, ALOD 6C 23, DOAT L1 23
DRAW A1 24 Chelsea

On 11th draw, EXON 10I 58 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other tops: OXEN 10I 58, OXES 10I 58
Other moves: EXO 10I 55, EX 10I 52, OX 10I 52, EXOGENS C8 46, EXOGEN C8 44
EX 10I 52 Chelsea

On 12th draw, IONISER 11E 97 --- IONISER something that ionizes [n]
Other moves: IRONISE 11D 77, LIONISER O2 77, VISIONER B8 76, IRONIES 11C 67, IRONISE 11C 67
SEN 11I 25 Chelsea

On 13th draw, FLIM O1 36 --- FLIM a five pound note [n]
Other moves: FERMION C7 34, OF 6E 33, FROM 6C 32, ROOF L1 31, FLORIN O1 30

On 14th draw, DONOR 12J 28 --- DONOR one that donates [n]
Other tops: DOORN 12J 28
Other moves: DINO 12J 26, DOON 12J 26, DOOR 12J 26, DIN 12J 24, DON 12J 24

On 15th draw, WEIGH 10B 44 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: VIEW 6C 38, HEW 6D 37, VUGH 10C 35, VIRGE N10 34, EH 6E 33
WEIGH 10B 44 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
VIEW 6C 38 Chelsea

On 16th draw, JUBE 12C 38 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other tops: BUNJE 12A 38
Other moves: JUBE 6B 34, JUTE 12C 32, JUTE 6B 32, JET 12D 30, JUBE 12B 30
BUNJE 12A 38 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 17th draw, JILT C12 22 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other tops: JIG C12 22
Other moves: TRIFLE C3 20, GRIFT N11 18, LIG 7G 17, TIG 7G 17, FAXED J8 16
JILT C12 22 LongJump22

On 18th draw, FIRING N10 36 --- FIRING the process of maturing ceramic products by heat [n]
Other tops: FITTING 15A 36, TIFTING 15C 36
Other moves: FLYTING 14B 32, FLYING 14B 30, FILING 14A 28, FLINTY 14B 28, NITTY 15A 27
FIRING N10 36 LongJump22

On 19th draw, VLY O8 35 --- VLY a swamp [n]
Other moves: LOB M11 20, BIT 13M 18, BOT M11 18, VLY 14B 18, YEVE C7 18
VLY O8 35 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1144

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