Game on November 13, 2024 at 18:38, 7 players
1. 512 pts vendanges
2. 242 pts LongJump22
3. 203 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 30 30
2. I6 33 63
3. G2 64 127
4. H1 67 194
5. 12A 72 266
6. A6 39 305
7. 1H 113 418
8. F10 37 455
9. 15D 42 497
10. J5 32 529
11. O1 80 609
12. 14H 91 700
13. F6 34 734
14. 15L 36 770
15. B1 89 859
16. C9 56 915
17. 1A 36 951
18. 3G 28 979
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6829 vendanges 3 16:56 -467 512 1.7416 VVVVVV1112 3 4:11 -776 203
2.5709 LongJump22 4 5:09 -737 242 Group: intermediate
3.7416 VVVVVV1112 3 4:11 -776 203 1.6829 vendanges 3 16:56 -467 512
4.5532 OOOOOO1112 1 2:26 -907 72 Group: novice
5.5562 MMMMMM1112 1 2:51 -907 72 1.5709 LongJump22 4 5:09 -737 242
6.5377 LLLLLL1112 0 0:28 -944 35 2.5532 OOOOOO1112 1 2:26 -907 72
7.5625 NNNNNN1112 0 1:19 -944 35 3.5562 MMMMMM1112 1 2:51 -907 72
4.5377 LLLLLL1112 0 0:28 -944 35
5.5625 NNNNNN1112 0 1:19 -944 35
On 1st draw, AXMAN H8 30 --- AXMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other tops: AXMAN H4 30
Other moves: AXMAN H5 28, AXMAN H6 28, AXMAN H7 28, FAX H6 26, FAX H7 26
On 2nd draw, YOWI(E)S I6 33 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: YOWI(E) I6 30, SWIM(M)Y 10E 29, WIM(P)Y 10F 28, WOM(B)Y 10F 28, SU(M)Y I8 27
On 3rd draw, TROGON(S) G2 64 --- TROGON a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: TROGON H1 32, GOON(S) J5 31, ROON(S) J5 30, TOON(S) J5 30, OON(S) J6 29
TROGON(S) G2 64 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
TONG(E)R 7H 22 vendanges
On 4th draw, JOEY H1 67 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JO F6 52, TOEY H1 46, ENJOY 4D 38, JOE H1 34, JASEY 11G 30
JOEY H1 67 vendanges, VVVVVV1112, LongJump22
On 5th draw, REOBTAIN 12A 72 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v] --- REOBTAIN to obtain again [v]
Other moves: TABI F4 33, TAB F4 30, ARB I1 28, ORB I1 28, *B*ABO F5 26
REOBTAIN 12A 72 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
ARB I1 28 vendanges
On 6th draw, BOWLDER A6 39 --- BOWLDER a large rock [n]
Other tops: LOWBRED A8 39
Other moves: BLOWER A7 33, BOWLER A7 33, BLOWED J2 30, BOWELED B9 30, BOWER A8 30
BOWLDER A6 39 LongJump22
WO F6 28 vendanges
On 7th draw, JUGHEADS 1H 113 --- JUGHEAD a dolt [n]
Other moves: HEADS 13C 42, SHEA 13A 41, DAH F4 38, DUH F4 38, SADE 13A 36
SHEA 13A 41 vendanges
On 8th draw, QUARER F10 37 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: EQUANT F9 37, QUARTE F10 37, QUATRE F10 37
Other moves: QUANT F10 36, QUARE F10 36, QUART F10 36, QUATE F10 36, TRANQ F10 36
QUARTE F10 37 vendanges, OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112
On 9th draw, FORAGE 15D 42 --- FORAGE to search about [v]
Other moves: FERIAE 15D 39, FORGE 15D 39, FERIA 15D 36, FAERIE 15C 30, FAG F4 30
FORGE 15D 39 vendanges
On 10th draw, TAINS J5 32 --- TAIN a thin plate [n]
Other moves: AINS J6 31, TILINGS 5B 31, LIANGS 5C 29, LINGS 5D 27, TAIGS 5D 27
SAN 13A 26 vendanges
On 11th draw, STANDERS O1 80 --- STANDER one that stands [n]
Other moves: STARNED B1 79, STANDER B1 78, DARNDEST N1 74, ENDARTS 14I 72, SADE 13A 36
SANE 13A 32 vendanges
On 12th draw, UNVAILE 14H 91 --- UNVAILE to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: UNVAILE N8 88, UNALIVE 14H 79, UNALIVE N8 76, ALEVIN B2 30, ALEVIN B10 29
AVINE M1 16 vendanges
On 13th draw, KI F6 34 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: KO F6 34
Other moves: EMETIC B10 33, DIKE N1 30, TIME 15L 30, TOME 15L 30, COMTE B2 28
KET 13L 26 vendanges
On 14th draw, TAMP 15L 36 --- TAMP to pack down by tapping [v]
Other moves: PEART 13C 33, AMPULE B1 30, TAME 15L 30, LEAM N3 29, LEAP N3 29
TAMP 15L 36 vendanges
On 15th draw, EVINCED B1 89 --- EVINCE to show clearly [v]
Other moves: EVIDENCE L1 80, DENIED N1 42, DEVICE B1 34, ENVIED B2 33, VEINED B2 33
NEE 13B 16 vendanges
On 16th draw, ZUFOLI C9 56 --- ZUFOLO a small flute to train birds [n]
Other tops: ZUFOLO C9 56
Other moves: FEZ 1A 45, DZHO 10A 37, FOH C3 37, CHIZ 5B 36, FUZE 6L 36
FEZ 1A 45 vendanges
On 17th draw, LETHE 1A 36 --- LETHE forgetfulness [n]
Other moves: HITHER K1 34, HEIL N6 32, HEIR N6 32, EH N5 29, THIRL K3 29
HE N6 28 vendanges
On 18th draw, REPRICE 3G 28 --- PRICE to set a value on [v] --- REPRICE to price again [v]
Other tops: CROP K3 28
Other moves: CEP K4 26, COP K4 26, OPE N5 26, COP D8 25, POI N6 25
POI N6 25 vendanges
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