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Game on November 14, 2024 at 20:19, 2 players
1. 205 pts Inkey
2. 22 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afgotu   H4    78    78   fugatos
 2. eeiilns   4D    72   150   lenifies
 3. adeeort   6D    64   214   derogate
 4. ?cderuv   L6    92   306   decurve
 5. aaegpss  13I    89   395   passage
 6. adgilnn   D6    74   469   dandling
 7. aceiotx  O11    60   529   exeat
 8. ehiorrt   G9    75   604   heritor
 9. beijory  15D    69   673   jerry
10. abdeipw   3C    40   713   pawed
11. abbeinq   3J    36   749   niqab
12. beiknrs   J8    80   829   inbreaks
13. alotwyz   8L    54   883   cozy
14. efhmnoo   F9    39   922   mho
15. ainotuv  N11    25   947   toga
16. efillou   2E    33   980   of
17. eiilmow   7G    31  1011   maw
18. eiillnt   1A    25  1036   intil
19. eilouuv   8A    24  1060   ovine

Remaining tiles: cluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7796 FileInkey       2  6:58  -855  205     1.7796 Inkey       2  6:58  -855  205 
  2.7191 FileArcticFox   0  0:58 -1038   22     2.7191 ArcticFox   0  0:58 -1038   22 

On 1st draw, FUGATO(S) H4 78 --- FUGATO a fugal composition [n]
Other moves: FUGATO(S) H2 74, FUGATO(S) H3 72, FUGATO(S) H7 72, FUGATO(S) H8 72, FUGATO(S) H5 70
F(L)OUT H4 22 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, LENIFIES 4D 72 --- LENIFY to mitigate [v]
Other moves: LENITIES 8D 59, SENILE I3 23, SILENI I5 22, ESILE I4 21, FELINES 4H 20

On 3rd draw, DEROGATE 6D 64 --- DEROGATE to detract [v]
Other moves: ORATED 3B 29, ROATED 3B 29, TEARED 3B 29, DOATER 3I 27, EARED 3C 27

On 4th draw, D(E)CURVE L6 92 --- DECURVE to curve downwards [v]
Other tops: DECURV(E) L6 92
Other moves: DECURV(E)D D6 84, D(E)CURVED D6 84, DECURV(E)(S) 10A 72, DECURV(E) G9 71, D(E)CURVE G9 70

On 5th draw, PASSAGE 13I 89 --- PASSAGE to make a voyage [v]
Other moves: PASSAGE G9 72, PASSAGE(S) 10A 66, PASSE 13I 33, PEAGS 3I 33, AGAPES 3B 31

On 6th draw, DANDLING D6 74 --- DANDLE to fondle [v]
Other moves: DANGLING N6 67, LANDING G9 65, LANDING(S) 10A 63, ALIGNED O8 30, LAGEND O10 30

On 7th draw, EXEAT O11 60 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other moves: COAX 14G 58, TAXI 14H 58, COX 14H 57, EXO 14I 57, TAX 14H 55

On 8th draw, HERITOR G9 75 --- HERITOR one that inherits [n]
Other moves: HERITOR N5 66, HECTOR 8J 33, RICHER 8J 33, ROCHET 8J 33, TOCHER 8J 33

On 9th draw, JERRY 15D 69 --- JERRY a German soldier [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 15D 60, JO F14 52, JERRY 15E 45, BOGY N11 43, JOE C7 42

On 10th draw, PAWED 3C 40 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: BAWR F12 36, PAWNED 8A 36, ADAW I6 34, AWED I6 34, PAWA 7G 34

On 11th draw, NIQAB 3J 36 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: BABE F10 32, BABA 7G 30, BABE 7G 30, AB 2E 27, AB 14I 24

On 12th draw, INBREAKS J8 80 --- INBREAK a violent rush in [n]
Other moves: BRISKEN N5 69, BISK O1 62, RISK O1 56, SINKER O3 50, BICKER 8J 42

On 13th draw, COZY 8L 54 --- COZY snug and comfortable [adj] --- COZY to attempt to get on friendly terms [v]
Other moves: ZOA C7 50, WALTZE(S) 10B 46, TOWZY N7 45, ZA C7 44, ZO C7 44
ZA C7 44 Inkey

On 14th draw, MHO F9 39 --- MHO a unit of electrical conductance [n]
Other moves: HOME F10 38, MOFO F8 38, FEH F10 37, FOH F10 37, FOH F8 36
EH 2E 33 Inkey

On 15th draw, TOGA N11 25 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: UNAU 9L 24, VAUNT 8A 24, TAV 2M 22, VAIN 8A 21, TAV 2I 19
VAUNT 8A 24 Inkey

On 16th draw, OF 2E 33 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: EF 2E 33
Other moves: UFO 9L 30, FIE C7 26, FOE C7 26, FOE 2M 25, FOU 2M 25
OF 2E 33 Inkey

On 17th draw, MAW 7G 31 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: MOW 2M 28, EMS K11 27, MOWN 8A 27, EMBOIL N1 24, EMBOLI N1 24
MOW 2M 28 Inkey

On 18th draw, INTIL 1A 25 --- INTIL into [prep]
Other tops: INTEL 1A 25
Other moves: ENS K11 21, BLINTZE N3 20, BLINTZ N3 19, ELINT 8A 15, ENGILT 13B 14
INTEL 1A 25 Inkey

On 19th draw, OVINE 8A 24 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: OE K10 21, OVEN 8A 21, VEIN 8A 21, VULN 8A 21, LEV 2I 19
VOUGE 13A 18 Inkey

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