Game on November 16, 2024 at 15:42, 7 players
1. 218 pts LongJump22
2. 212 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 140 pts OOOOOO1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 64 64
2. 15H 42 106
3. 11C 74 180
4. 13G 38 218
5. 12L 32 250
6. K6 40 290
7. J1 74 364
8. 4F 78 442
9. 8K 39 481
10. D11 46 527
11. O12 48 575
12. 1H 42 617
13. 15A 36 653
14. 10F 40 693
15. C9 38 731
16. 14M 29 760
17. 2B 79 839
18. D1 82 921
19. N6 28 949
20. 6B 33 982
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5911 LongJump22 4 3:55 -764 218 1.7404 VVVVVV1112 3 3:56 -770 212
2.7404 VVVVVV1112 3 3:56 -770 212 Group: novice
3.5606 OOOOOO1112 1 4:07 -842 140 1.5911 LongJump22 4 3:55 -764 218
4.5523 MMMMMM1112 1 5:32 -887 95 2.5606 OOOOOO1112 1 4:07 -842 140
5.5590 NNNNNN1112 2 2:28 -902 80 3.5523 MMMMMM1112 1 5:32 -887 95
6.5394 LLLLLL1112 2 2:30 -912 70 4.5590 NNNNNN1112 2 2:28 -902 80
7. - Ellwinie 0 2:23 -937 45 5.5394 LLLLLL1112 2 2:30 -912 70
Group: not rated
1. - Ellwinie 0 2:23 -937 45
On 1st draw, AILERO(N) H8 64 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: AILERO(N) H2 64, AILERO(N) H3 64, AILERO(N) H4 64, AILERO(N) H7 64, AIR(H)OLE H2 64, AIR(H)OLE H3 64, AIR(H)OLE H4 64, AIR(H)OLE H6 64, AIR(H)OLE H7 64, AIR(H)OLE H8 64, ALERIO(N) H2 64, ALERIO(N) H3 64, ALERIO(N) H4 64, ALERIO(N) H7 64, ALERIO(N) H8 64, ALIE(N)OR H2 64, ALIE(N)OR H3 64, ALIE(N)OR H4 64, ALIE(N)OR H6 64, ALIE(N)OR H7 64, LOA(M)IER H2 64, LOA(M)IER H3 64, LOA(M)IER H4 64, LOA(M)IER H6 64, LOA(M)IER H7 64, LOA(M)IER H8 64, LORI(C)AE H2 64, LORI(C)AE H3 64, LORI(C)AE H4 64, LORI(C)AE H6 64, LORI(C)AE H7 64, OARLI(K)E H2 64, OARLI(K)E H3 64, OARLI(K)E H4 64, OARLI(K)E H6 64, OARLI(K)E H8 64, OLEARI(A) H2 64, OLEARI(A) H3 64, OLEARI(A) H4 64, OLEARI(A) H7 64, OLEARI(A) H8 64, OLE(A)RIA H2 64, OLE(A)RIA H3 64, OLE(A)RIA H4 64, OLE(A)RIA H6 64, OLE(A)RIA H7 64, OLE(A)RIA H8 64, (C)ALORIE H2 64, (C)ALORIE H3 64, (C)ALORIE H6 64, (C)ALORIE H7 64, (C)ALORIE H8 64, (C)ARIOLE H2 64, (C)ARIOLE H3 64, (C)ARIOLE H6 64, (C)ARIOLE H7 64, (C)ARIOLE H8 64, (C)OALIER H2 64, (C)OALIER H3 64, (C)OALIER H6 64, (C)OALIER H7 64, (C)OALIER H8 64, (D)ARIOLE H2 64, (D)ARIOLE H3 64, (D)ARIOLE H6 64, (D)ARIOLE H7 64, (D)ARIOLE H8 64, (P)ELORIA H2 64, (P)ELORIA H3 64, (P)ELORIA H6 64, (P)ELORIA H7 64, (P)ELORIA H8 64, (V)ARIOLE H2 64, (V)ARIOLE H3 64, (V)ARIOLE H6 64, (V)ARIOLE H7 64, (V)ARIOLE H8 64
Other moves: AILERO(N) H5 62, AILERO(N) H6 62, AIR(H)OLE H5 62, ALERIO(N) H5 62, ALERIO(N) H6 62
AILERO(N) H3 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, (S)HOTT 15H 42 --- SHOTT a saline lake [n]
Other tops: OATH(S) 15D 42, TATH(S) 15D 42, (S)HOAT 15H 42
Other moves: HOA(S)T 15E 39, HO(S)TA 15F 39, AVO(S) 15E 36, HAT(S) 15E 36, HA(S)T 15F 36
OATH(S) 15D 42 LongJump22
TATH(S) 15D 42 MMMMMM1112
On 3rd draw, ORPIMENT 11C 74 --- ORPIMENT a yellow dye [n]
Other moves: PROTAMIN 8D 65, PIMENTO 11E 44, TOMPION 13G 30, MONITOR 13G 26, PORTION 13G 26
ORPIMENT 11C 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
(N)OM 14H 25 MMMMMM1112
On 4th draw, COVELET 13G 38 --- COVELET a small cove [n]
Other moves: CLEVE M11 28, LIEVE 14J 28, CIVE M12 26, CLOVE C9 26, LEVITE M10 26
COVELET 13G 38 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
On 5th draw, DEAF 12L 32 --- DEAF lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
Other tops: DEAF 12C 32, DEIF 12C 32, DEIF 12L 32
Other moves: FADE 12A 31, FADE 12L 30, FAIRED D8 28, GIF 14J 28, DEFI 12L 26
DEAF 12L 32 OOOOOO1112
DEIF 12L 32 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, DORIES K6 40 --- DORY a flat-bottomed boat [n]
Other tops: RUDIES K6 40, UREDOS K6 40
Other moves: DEROS K7 38, DOERS K7 38, DORIS K7 38, DRIES K7 38, DURES K7 38
On 7th draw, OBITUAL J1 74 --- OBITUAL pertaining to obits [adj]
Other moves: BAILOUT 7B 68, OBITUAL G3 67, OBITUAL G2 65, OBITUAL I2 65, BAILOUT G2 63
On 8th draw, ANORTHIC 4F 78 --- ANORTHIC denoting a certain type of crystal system [adj]
Other moves: CHORION 1H 39, CHORIA 1H 36, CHORION 1E 36, COHORN 1G 36, RHINO 8K 36
On 9th draw, RYNDS 8K 39 --- RYND an iron support [n]
Other tops: AGONY 1H 39, GENAS 14J 39
Other moves: NOSEGAY 1I 36, NOYADES 1I 36, DEFANG O10 33, FADY O12 33, SONDAGE 1I 33
DEY 5D 19 Ellwinie
On 10th draw, REWAX D11 46 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: WAX G7 44, WEX G7 44, EXAM G8 42, FAUX O12 42, MAX G7 42
WAX G7 44 OOOOOO1112
EXO J13 26 Ellwinie
On 11th draw, FAZE O12 48 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: GRAZE 3C 46, GAZON 1G 45, GAZON H1 45, ZONAE C10 42, GRENZ 3B 41
FAZE O12 48 NNNNNN1112
On 12th draw, ATOPY 1H 42 --- ATOPY a type of allergy [n]
Other moves: PAYOUT 1G 36, AGOUTY 1H 33, PAYOUT H1 33, PIGOUT 1G 30, PULA 10F 28
On 13th draw, GREX 15A 36 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: OLE C13 27, GEL 14J 24, GOE 14J 24, GOLE 10F 22, GROSER 5C 20
On 14th draw, KALI 10F 40 --- KALI a type of large carpet [n]
Other tops: KALE 10F 40
Other moves: AWAKE 14B 37, QADI N6 34, QI 10B 33, KNAWE 5C 31, KNEW 5E 31
On 15th draw, BROMO C9 38 --- BROMO a medicinal compound [n]
Other moves: BROMID 3C 34, DUOMO C9 34, MIB 14J 34, MOB 14J 34, MORBID 3C 34
On 16th draw, ADZ 14M 29 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: BEANED 2J 27, BEANIE 2J 25, BEEDI 2J 25, DEMEAN 12A 22, AEDINE 3B 21
On 17th draw, SEEWING 2B 79 --- SUE to institute legal proceedings against [v]
Other tops: SWEEING 2B 79
Other moves: EWER B12 28, SWINGE D4 28, NGWEE 5D 27, SNIG 9F 27, WENGES 5C 27
On 18th draw, FELONIES D1 82 --- FELONY a grave crime [n]
Other moves: LIEF 1A 46, NIEF 1A 46, LIFE 1A 34, NIFE 1A 34, INFOS 1B 32
On 19th draw, JEDI N6 28 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JUD N6 27, JINNE 5B 26, NIEF 1A 25, JINNE 5A 24, JIVES O4 23
On 20th draw, QUIN 6B 33 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: PUNG E11 21, PUN E11 16, EVO J13 14, QUAD 6H 14, QUAG 8F 14
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