Game on November 16, 2024 at 23:23, 6 players
1. 377 pts sunshine12
2. 256 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 243 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


4B 68 142 


3I 69 211 


4L 33 244 


2K 41 285 


1E 101 386 


2B 62 448 


7F 80 528 


N7 78 606 


F7 68 674 


J5 63 737 


14J 56 793 


15H 41 834 


1A 33 867 


O8 32 899 


O1 42 941 


13K 50 991 


13C 50 1041 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 2 11:09 -664 377 1.7097 sunshine12 2 11:09 -664 377
GLOBEMAN 0 7:27 -785 256 2.7443 GLOBEMAN 0 7:27 -785 256
roocatcher 1 8:32 -798 243 3.7389 roocatcher 1 8:32 -798 243
lazy.lion 1 3:17 -898 143 4.7640 lazy.lion 1 3:17 -898 143
5. -
chunk88 0 1:48 -998 43 Group: not rated
6. -
BadBoyBen 0 1:55 -1001 40 1. - chunk88 0 1:48 -998 43
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:55 -1001 40
On 1st draw, C(O)LUGOS H4 74 --- COLUGO a small mammal [n]
Other tops: CLOUG(H)S H4 74, COLUG(O)S H4 74, C(A)GOULS H4 74, U(N)CLOGS H2 74
Other moves: CLOUG(H)S H8 72, COLUG(O)S H8 72, C(A)GOULS H2 72, C(O)LUGOS H8 72, GLUCOS(E) H4 72
On 2nd draw, UN(S)LUICE 4B 68 --- UNSLUICE to let flow [v]
Other moves: UNSLUI(C)E 10F 61, LU(P)ULINE 6D 59, LU(P)ULINE 6H 59, CLUEIN(G) 4H 16, CU(T)LINE 4H 16
On 3rd draw, ORNATER 3I 69 --- ORNATE elaborately or excessively ornamented [adj]
Other moves: ANTRORSE 10B 62, RATOONER 9D 60, RATOONER 9E 60, ROTAN 5B 21, OATEN G7 18
On 4th draw, WATE 4L 33 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WITE 4L 33
Other moves: WAIVE 2F 31, VAWNTIE C1 28, VAWTE 2F 28, VITTAE 2F 28, TWAITE 2H 27
On 5th draw, EDEMA 2K 41 --- EDEMA an excessive accumulation of serous fluid [n]
Other moves: CREMATED O2 39, REEDMACE O3 39, DEME 2L 37, CREAMED O2 36, TEME 2L 34
CAREME O1 30 sunshine12
On 6th draw, ZOONITE 1E 101 --- ZOONITE a segment of an articulated animal [n]
Other moves: ZOONITE G9 100, ZOONITES 10A 71, ZEIN G9 46, ZINE G9 46, ZITE G9 46
ZONE G9 46 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 7th draw, FORAY 2B 62 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other moves: AFRO 2E 43, FRAY 2C 42, *F*YOFAY 2C 42, FAY 2D 41, FOY 2D 41
FORAY I9 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 8th draw, SQUIRAGE 7F 80 --- SQUIRAGE landed gentry collectively [n]
Other moves: QIS 1A 43, QI 1A 38, QIS 10F 32, QIS 5J 32, QUAGS 7G 26
QIS 1A 43 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 9th draw, STANIEL N7 78 --- STANIEL the kestral [n]
Other tops: SALIENT N7 78, SALTINE N7 78, SLAINTE N7 78
Other moves: GELATINS L7 70, GENITALS L7 70, NAILSET G9 64, SALIENT G9 64, SALTINE G9 64
STANE N7 26 sunshine12
On 10th draw, SPAIRGED F7 68 --- SPAIRGE to sprinkle [v]
Other tops: PARRIDGE J5 68
Other moves: (S)PAIRGED D4 62, IGARAPE K5 40, PADRE M9 40, DIAPER M9 39, IRADE O8 37
DARG O12 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 11th draw, ENROOTED J5 63 --- ENROOT to implant firmly [v]
Other moves: ODEON O8 37, DOEN O12 28, DONE O12 28, DOON O12 28, DOTE O12 28
DOON O12 28 roocatcher
DONE O12 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 12th draw, KADIS 14J 56 --- KADI a Muslim Judge [n]
Other tops: KAIDS 14J 56
Other moves: BOAKS 14J 50, DIKAS 14J 44, DAKS O12 40, DIKA O12 40, DISK O12 40
DIKA O12 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, BadBoyBen
On 13th draw, FROW 15H 41 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: RHINO 15H 39, WHIN 15H 38, WHIR 15H 38, FOH 1A 37, HOW 1A 37
WHIN 15H 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, HIM 1A 33 --- HIM a male [n] --- HIM the objective case of the pronoun HE [pron]
Other tops: HAREEM O1 33, HEM 1A 33
Other moves: HEM K9 31, HIM K9 31, HAREM O1 30, HELL 13K 30, HELM M9 30
HEM 1A 33 roocatcher
HIM 1A 33 sunshine12
On 15th draw, ABUT O8 32 --- ABUT to touch along a border [v]
Other moves: PAREV O1 30, VAREC O1 30, UPTA E8 26, BAP I9 25, BUAT E10 25
ABUT O8 32 sunshine12, lazy.lion
On 16th draw, VARECH O1 42 --- VARECH varec [n]
Other moves: VILLI 13K 32, CHIVED 14A 30, CHIVED L9 30, HELL 13K 30, HILL 13K 30
HELL 13K 30 lazy.lion
On 17th draw, JELLY 13K 50 --- JELLY to make into a jelly (a soft, semisolid substance) [v]
Other moves: JIVEY 13C 44, LINDY L11 44, JELL 13K 42, JILL 13K 42, JINGLY 12C 42
JIVEY 13C 44 lazy.lion
On 18th draw, VIBEX 13C 50 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: PIX K9 48, NIX K9 42, XI I9 38, XI G13 37, VIXEN 13C 32
XI G13 37 lazy.lion
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