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Game on November 17, 2024 at 23:25, 1 player
1. 281 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dhinsuw   H7    32    32   unwish
 2. ?agootu  10C    62    94   autogiro
 3. adeknst   K5   107   201   dankest
 4. aadilos   8K    33   234   kadis
 5. elmopqr   N8    34   268   implore
 6. adeentv   E4    98   366   vendetta
 7. aefhnry  O12    55   421   hery
 8. acdeein   4C    80   501   deviance
 9. eglmort   8A    36   537   gromet
10. aefiorx   L1    46   583   orifex
11. abeooty   2J    36   619   yerba
12. ?eijlpv  12A    56   675   jives
13. ailstuz   J6    72   747   za
14. aefglor  A12    33   780   jarl
15. acelltu   1F    26   806   cella
16. beinotw   3B    27   833   bow
17. einprsu  M12    29   862   nips
18. efiortu  15F    86   948   outfires
19. ginoqtu   6B    36   984   quint

Remaining tiles: gino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6946 FilePapa_Sloth  3  9:06  -703  281     1.6946 Papa_Sloth  3  9:06  -703  281 

On 1st draw, UNWISH H7 32 --- UNWISH to cease to wish for [v]
Other tops: WHIDS H4 32
Other moves: WHINS H4 30, DUNSH H8 26, HINDS H4 26, UNWISH H3 26, UNWISH H4 26

On 2nd draw, AUTOGI(R)O 10C 62 --- AUTOGIRO a type of aircraft [n]
Other moves: OUTSA(N)G 11E 28, AGOUT(A) G9 24, AGOUT(I) G9 24, AGOUT(Y) G9 24, OUTSOA(R) 11E 24

On 3rd draw, DANKEST K5 107 --- DANK unpleasantly damp [adj]
Other moves: ASKANTED C7 88, DANKEST I1 67, KANTED 11A 33, SKATED 11A 33, KANTED C9 32

On 4th draw, KADIS 8K 33 --- KADI a Muslim Judge [n]
Other tops: KAIDS 8K 33, SKOLIA 8J 33
Other moves: KAILS 8K 30, KALIS 8K 30, KILOS 8K 30, KOALA 8K 30, KOLAS 8K 30

On 5th draw, IMPLORE N8 34 --- IMPLORE to beg for urgently [v]
Other tops: PROEM J2 34
Other moves: EPROM J2 30, QUEP D9 30, QUOP D9 30, MOPE J4 29, POME J4 29

On 6th draw, VENDETTA E4 98 --- VENDETTA a feud between two families [n]
Other tops: VENDETTA E5 98
Other moves: EVADE 15K 52, VADE 15L 49, NAVETTE E5 40, DEEV O12 39, TEADE 15K 34

On 7th draw, HERY O12 55 --- HERY to praise [v]
Other tops: YEAH O12 55
Other moves: HERY 15L 54, AREFY O11 48, FAERY 15K 48, FAYRE 15K 48, HAUYNE D8 48

On 8th draw, DEVIANCE 4C 80 --- DEVIANCE the behaviour of a deviant [n]
Other moves: DANCE 8A 33, DEICE 8A 33, EVINCED 4D 32, NIECE 8A 30, CANDIE L1 29

On 9th draw, GROMET 8A 36 --- GROMET a reinforcing ring of metal [n]
Other moves: MERGE 8A 30, EMOTER 8A 27, GROMET L1 27, MELTER 8A 27, MERLOT L1 27

On 10th draw, ORIFEX L1 46 --- ORIFEX a mouth-like opening [n]
Other moves: FOXIER L1 45, FOREX L2 42, REFIX L2 42, FOXIE L1 41, FAIX L3 40

On 11th draw, YERBA 2J 36 --- YERBA a South American beverage resembling tea [n]
Other moves: BARYTE 2J 34, BARYE 2J 32, BERAY 2J 32, BORTY 2J 32, YARTO 2J 32
YET F6 30 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, JIVE(S) 12A 56 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JEDI 7C 43, JED(I) 7C 41, J(A)DE 7C 41, J(E)DI 7C 41, J(U)D 7C 38
J(A)DE 7C 41 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, ZA J6 72 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA 1N 44, ZA 3G 44, ZILA 1G 44, ZAX 6J 39, IZARS B5 34
ZA J6 72 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, JARL A12 33 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other tops: JOLE A12 33
Other moves: GOAF 1G 32, GOLF 1G 32, OAF M12 30, ALEF 1G 29, FIAR 3K 29
JOLE A12 33 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, CELLA 1F 26 --- CELLA the interior of an ancient temple [n]
Other moves: CLAT 3A 20, LECTURE 13I 20, LUTEA 1F 20, RAUCLE 14A 20, RECALL 14A 20

On 16th draw, BOW 3B 27 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other tops: OWED 7B 27
Other moves: WEB 3B 26, ENOW 3A 25, WED 7C 24, BODE 7C 23, NEW 3B 23
OWED 7B 27 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, NIPS M12 29 --- NIP to pinch lightly [v]
Other tops: NEPS M12 29, PISE M12 29, SIPE M12 29, SUPE M12 29
Other moves: NEP M12 27, NIP M12 27, PES M12 27, PIS M12 27, PUS M12 27
PEDS 7C 23 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, OUTFIRES 15F 86 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: RETURF 14A 34, FORTIES 15G 33, FOUTERS 15G 33, FOUTRES 15G 33, FORE 2A 32
FOR 2A 24 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, QUINT 6B 36 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other tops: QUINO 6B 36
Other moves: QUIN 6B 33, QI J14 31, ROTING 14A 29, ROUTING 14A 27, QUINS O4 24
QI J14 31 Papa_Sloth

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