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Game on November 19, 2024 at 02:14, 5 players
1. 121 pts sunshine12
2. 30 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 30 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iimuvx   H8    42    42   unmix
 2. ?iilltu  10H    63   105   multifil
 3. benoprt  O10    33   138   lepton
 4. abcdmno  12J    28   166   mobcap
 5. aanooww  13I    27   193   wawa
 6. eiinors  14D    73   266   ioniser
 7. egilopt  15H    36   302   teloi
 8. deefsst  15A    40   342   feeds
 9. adeinry  13C    39   381   rayed
10. beghops  12A    38   419   boep
11. eijnort   I2    68   487   jointer
12. afhilot  11C    34   521   haft
13. cdegino   5C    74   595   encoding
14. ehinoty   E2    66   661   onychite
15. aenrsuv   C2    82   743   unreaves
16. adelruz  N14    46   789   za
17. aelqrsv   H4    45   834   qis
18. adeglru   2I    34   868   judger
19. aagklrv   1L    35   903   arak

Remaining tiles: glv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7110 Filesunshine12  2  4:54  -782  121     1.7110 sunshine12  2  4:54  -782  121 
  2.7525 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:16  -873   30     2.7525 GLOBEMAN    0  1:16  -873   30 
  3.7497 Fileroocatcher  0  1:52  -873   30     3.7497 roocatcher  0  1:52  -873   30 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:50  -884   19            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:12  -885   18     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:50  -884   19 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:12  -885   18 

On 1st draw, U(N)MIX H8 42 --- UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v]
Other tops: IM(M)IX H8 42, I(M)MIX H8 42
Other moves: MIXU(P) H4 32, IM(M)IX H4 28, I(M)MIX H4 28, U(N)MIX H4 28, IM(M)IX H5 26

On 2nd draw, MULTI(F)IL 10H 63 --- MULTIFIL a multiple strand of synthetic fibre [n]
Other moves: TILLI(C)UM 10A 61, T(R)ILLIUM 10A 61, TI(T)ULI 13H 26, TUILL(E) 13H 26, (K)ILLUT 13C 26

On 3rd draw, LEPTON O10 33 --- LEPTON a subatomic particle [n] --- LEPTON a monetary unit of Greece [n]
Other moves: EXPORT 12G 30, BOLTER O8 27, NOBLER O7 27, REPLOT O7 27, OPTER 13F 25

On 4th draw, MOBCAP 12J 28 --- MOBCAP a woman's cap [n]
Other moves: CONIMA 11E 26, MANDIOC L6 26, BACON G11 25, MACON G11 25, BOMA G11 24

On 5th draw, WAWA 13I 27 --- WAWA speech [n] --- WAWA to speak (Chinook 19C) [v]
Other tops: AW 11J 27
Other moves: WAW 13I 22, WO N14 22, WOW 13I 22, AWA 13J 19, AWA G12 19
AW 11J 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, IONISER 14D 73 --- IONISER something that ionizes [n]
Other tops: IRONIES 14D 73, NOISIER 14D 73
Other moves: IRONIEST K3 66, IRONISE 14C 64, IONISER I2 61, IRONIES I2 61, NOISIER I2 61
RONES 14H 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 7th draw, TELOI 15H 36 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other moves: TEG 15H 31, PIGLET 13B 30, PIOLET 13B 27, TEL 15H 27, GLOP 13D 24
POLO 14L 19 BadBoyBen
PO N14 18 chunk88

On 8th draw, FEEDS 15A 40 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other moves: FEED 15A 35, FESSED 13B 35, FEDEX 12D 32, FESSE 15A 32, FESTS 15A 32
FEEDS 15A 40 sunshine12

On 9th draw, RAYED 13C 39 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other moves: YARNED 13B 38, AIRNED 13B 32, RANID 13C 30, NERDY 13A 29, RANDY 13A 29

On 10th draw, BOEP 12A 38 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other moves: PHOS 12A 36, SHOP 12A 36, HOES 12A 34, HEP 12B 32, HOP 12B 32

On 11th draw, JOINTER I2 68 --- JOINTER one that joints [n]
Other moves: JOINTURE 8C 66, JO N14 38, TRIJET K5 26, JOINER I3 24, JOE G7 23

On 12th draw, HAFT 11C 34 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other tops: HALF 11C 34
Other moves: FAH 11C 32, THALI 11B 32, HOOF B10 31, FILTH 4H 30, HAFT J1 30
AAH N12 24 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ENCODING 5C 74 --- ENCODE to put into code [v]
Other tops: ENCODING 5H 74
Other moves: COIGNED 5E 44, COGIE B11 40, INCOG B9 34, ECOD B10 33, JOINED 2I 32

On 14th draw, ONYCHITE E2 66 --- ONYCHITE onyx-marble [n]
Other moves: HOTTIE 6F 42, HYE 6E 40, JITNEY 2I 36, HYTE 4A 34, HENT 6F 33

On 15th draw, UNREAVES C2 82 --- UNREAVE to unweave [v]
Other moves: UNROVE 2B 34, RAUNGES J1 33, AVERTS 8A 30, JAUNSE 2I 30, RAUNGE J1 30

On 16th draw, ZA N14 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: REZ B8 36, ZEE 8A 36, ZA 6B 31, DUAN D2 29, OUZEL 3I 28

On 17th draw, QIS H4 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 4H 42, QI H4 42, JAVELS 2I 36, AVERTS 8A 30, EVERTS 8A 30

On 18th draw, JUDGER 2I 34 --- JUDGER one that judges [n]
Other moves: DUAN D2 29, DERAY 4A 26, ARDEB A8 24, REDUB A8 24, GAD J1 21

On 19th draw, ARAK 1L 35 --- ARAK a strong alcoholic spirit [n]
Other moves: AVERT 8A 27, LEKVAR M1 26, ANA D4 24, ARRAY 4A 22, AKE 8A 21

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