Game on November 20, 2024 at 15:37, 9 players
1. 260 pts Chelsea
2. 197 pts LongJump22
3. 147 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


8H 80 104 


M3 30 134 


4D 76 210 


N6 32 242 


O1 36 278 


G9 63 341 


15D 92 433 


F9 37 470 


14J 54 524 


O12 60 584 


13K 73 657 


K10 38 695 


14F 29 724 


F2 45 769 


12I 28 797 


7C 26 823 


8A 26 849 


E10 24 873 


12A 30 903 


A10 36 939 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 6:19 -679 260 1.7052 Chelsea 2 6:19 -679 260
LongJump22 3 3:27 -742 197 2.7782 moonmonkey 2 1:51 -792 147
moonmonkey 2 1:51 -792 147 3.7566 VVVVVV1112 1 2:10 -796 143
VVVVVV1112 1 2:10 -796 143 Group: novice
OOOOOO1112 0 0:23 -908 31 1.5608 LongJump22 3 3:27 -742 197
LLLLLL1112 0 0:50 -908 31 2.5726 OOOOOO1112 0 0:23 -908 31
MMMMMM1112 0 1:10 -908 31 3.5637 LLLLLL1112 0 0:50 -908 31
NNNNNN1112 0 1:30 -908 31 4.5543 MMMMMM1112 0 1:10 -908 31
9. -
KKKKKK1144 1 1:59 -909 30 5.5625 NNNNNN1112 0 1:30 -908 31
Group: not rated
1. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:59 -909 30
On 1st draw, BOOSED H4 24 --- BOOSE to drink excessively [v]
Other tops: ABODES H3 24
Other moves: ADOBES H3 22, ADOBOS H3 22, BASED H4 22, BEADS H4 22, BODES H4 22
ABODES H3 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, EGOTIS(E)D 8H 80 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: BODGI(E)ST 4H 74, DOTI(N)GS G6 72, DOTI(N)GS I6 72, DOTI(N)GS G8 68, DOTI(N)GS I8 68
EGOTIS(E)D 8H 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, TILAKS M3 30 --- TILAK a mark worn on the forehead by Hindus [n]
Other moves: ANTLIK(E) N2 24, BANKIT 4H 24, DIKA 7J 24, KADI 7J 24, KADI 7L 24
TILAKS M3 30 LongJump22, KKKKKK1144
On 4th draw, GLOBBIER 4D 76 --- GLOBBY full of globs [adj]
Other moves: OBLIGER G9 67, OBLIGERS 7A 63, GIBEL L2 30, BRIG L1 28, GLIB L1 28
OBLIGERS 7A 63 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, YA(E) N6 32 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: TAY N4 31, TOY N4 31, AY N5 28, OY N5 28, ACOLYTE E1 24
TOY N4 31 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
TAY N4 31 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 6th draw, ROVERS O1 36 --- ROVER one that roves [n]
Other moves: VEERY J2 27, LOVEYS E4 24, VERDOY 9E 24, VOLERY E2 24, IVORY L8 22
On 7th draw, AEOLIAN G9 63 --- AEOLIAN pertaining to the wind [adj]
Other moves: RELATION K4 32, ALOIN L5 21, ELAIN L5 21, ELOIN L5 21, EOLIAN 5A 21
On 8th draw, CRANNIED 15D 92 --- CRANNIED having a cranny [adj]
Other moves: CRANNIED 15C 86, RANCIDER 1H 86, CARNIED F7 77, ACRIDINE 13B 74, CANARIED 14F 69
On 9th draw, TWP F9 37 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other moves: WARP 14J 33, TWA 14I 32, WAP 14J 32, TWP F8 31, WANT 14J 31
WARP 14J 33 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, HEMINA 14J 54 --- HEMINA a liquid measure [n]
Other tops: HAEMIN 14J 54, HAVEN 14J 54
Other moves: HEMIN 14J 52, MANEH 14J 45, MAVEN 14J 45, MAVIE 14J 45, MAVIN 14J 45
HAVEN 14J 54 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, J(A)AP O12 60 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JEA(N) O12 54, JEA(T) O12 54, J(I)AO O12 54, JA(I) 14F 51, JA 14F 50
J(A)AP O12 60 moonmonkey
JEA(N) O12 54 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ZEX 13K 73 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX 13K 73
Other moves: ZA 14F 62, ZA F14 62, ZA N2 50, RAX 13K 46, REX 13K 46
ZAX 13K 73 Chelsea
On 13th draw, WANZED K10 38 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: FAZED K11 36, LAZED K11 30, FAA 14F 29, WAIF L6 27, FA 14F 26
FAZED K11 36 Chelsea
On 14th draw, YAE 14F 29 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: YA 14F 26, YA F14 26, DUNG 12I 24, BYDE G4 22, GUYLED E1 22
YAE 14F 29 Chelsea
On 15th draw, QUOTH F2 45 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other tops: QUOTH 6F 45
Other moves: QUOTES 6F 37, QUOTES F2 37, TOQUES 3A 37, QUEST J2 36, QUOTE 6F 36
On 16th draw, FUNG 12I 28 --- FUNG the fabled Chinese phoenix [n]
Other tops: LOOING 12G 28, LOUING 12G 28
Other moves: FOID L6 25, QUOIF 2F 25, DING 12I 24, DONG 12I 24, DUNG 12I 24
QUOIF 2F 25 Chelsea
On 17th draw, TITANS 7C 26 --- TITAN a person of great size [n]
Other moves: ENTIA 7B 24, ETATS 7D 24, NEATS 7D 24, TEATS 7D 24, TENIA 7B 24
LEANT E4 19 Chelsea
On 18th draw, CRIS 8A 26 --- CRIS a dagger [n]
Other moves: COMPOS 11C 24, COSMIC D10 24, OURS E10 24, SQUIRM 2E 23, COIR L6 22
COSMIC D10 24 Chelsea
On 19th draw, OURN E10 24 --- OURN belonging to us [pron]
Other moves: MOIL L6 22, OUR E10 22, OXIM M12 22, MOI L6 21, MOULT 3I 21
On 20th draw, FIVER 12A 30 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other tops: FAVER 12A 30, FAVOR 12A 30
Other moves: VOMER 12A 28, MOVER 12A 26, FOXIE M11 24, FEAL 5J 23, MOXIE M11 23
On 21th draw, DEFAME A10 36 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v]
Other tops: DEFOAM A10 36
Other moves: REMAILED B8 34, DEFLEA A10 30, MAD N2 30, MAILED B10 30, MOILED B10 30
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