Game on November 20, 2024 at 19:29, 7 players
1. 250 pts LongJump22
2. 160 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 66 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 52 52 


11D 86 138 


12A 48 186 


B7 92 278 


A6 24 302 


G3 68 370 


3B 74 444 


2H 86 530 


1D 45 575 


H8 57 632 


I7 44 676 


D3 28 704 


1K 36 740 


K4 70 810 


8K 45 855 


F6 38 893 


J10 41 934 


4K 28 962 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 2 3:20 -712 250 1.7566 VVVVVV1112 2 2:01 -802 160
VVVVVV1112 2 2:01 -802 160 2.7874 HollyIvy 0 0:38 -896 66
HollyIvy 0 0:38 -896 66 Group: novice
MMMMMM1112 0 1:41 -917 45 1.5523 LongJump22 2 3:20 -712 250
NNNNNN1112 0 0:53 -918 44 2.5532 MMMMMM1112 0 1:41 -917 45
OOOOOO1112 0 1:13 -918 44 3.5645 NNNNNN1112 0 0:53 -918 44
LLLLLL1112 0 1:36 -918 44 4.5726 OOOOOO1112 0 1:13 -918 44
5.5641 LLLLLL1112 0 1:36 -918 44
On 1st draw, WA(L)TZ H8 52 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: ZATI(S) H4 46, WAZI(R) H4 40, WA(L)TZ H4 40, TIZWA(S) H3 36, TIZWA(S) H4 36
On 2nd draw, ABORTEE(S) 11D 86 --- ABORTEE a woman who has had an abortion [n]
Other tops: REBATOE(S) 11D 86
Other moves: AEROBE(S) G5 76, EAR(L)OBE G4 74, ABOR(T)EE I3 68, AEROBE(S) I3 68, O(V)ERBEAT 11A 68
On 3rd draw, XENIA 12A 48 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: APEX 12A 46, APEX I6 46, NIXE 12B 44, AXE 12C 42, PAX 12B 42
APEX 12A 46 LongJump22
On 4th draw, PROCHEIN B7 92 --- PROCHEIN nearest in time, relation, or degree [adj]
Other moves: PROCHEIN J6 79, PROCHAIN 9C 73, PAROCHIN 9G 70, PRINCOX A6 54, PHRENIC B9 44
PROCHEIN B7 92 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, LOAN A6 24 --- LOAN to lend [v]
Other tops: EOAN A6 24, NOEL A6 24
Other moves: EOLIAN F10 23, ALOE A5 22, AIOLI F9 20, ANOLE F9 20, AXLE A11 20
On 6th draw, RETINOL G3 68 --- RETINOL a liquid hydrocarbon [n]
Other tops: RETINOL I3 68
Other moves: RETINOL(S) K4 64, TOWNLIER 8F 62, TAILERON 9G 61, RELATION 9E 60, EXTOL A11 45
RETINOL I3 68 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 7th draw, UNFAIRER 3B 74 --- UNFAIR unjust [adj]
Other moves: NIEF H1 44, ANTIFUR 5E 40, ZANIER 12H 35, FRENA H1 34, FAINER 10J 33
NIEF H1 44 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 8th draw, REMOLDS 2H 86 --- REMOLD to mold again [v]
Other moves: MOLDERS 2H 80, EARLDOMS E2 72, SMOLDER(S) K4 70, MODELERS J6 69, MODELERS J8 67
On 9th draw, VESTA 1D 45 --- VESTA a short friction match [n]
Other tops: AVOSET 1F 45
Other moves: OVATES 1D 42, VASE 1G 37, OAVES 1E 36, OVATE 1D 36, SOAVE 1D 36
On 10th draw, WA(L)TZERS H8 57 --- WALTZER one that waltzes [n]
Other moves: YEDES 4D 46, DREYS 4A 44, DREY 4A 40, MOSEY F10 37, YEDE 4D 37
On 11th draw, JEWIE I7 44 --- JEWIE jewfish (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: J*WJEW I7 41, SWIPED F1 37, WIPED 10J 37, J*W*DJEWED J10 36, PEW F6 35
On 12th draw, FISTIC D3 28 --- FISTIC pertaining to pugilism [adj]
Other tops: COSTA F10 28
Other moves: COST F10 25, COS F10 24, FACTIS D3 24, GAS J6 24, SAG 10D 23
On 13th draw, BEAUT 1K 36 --- BEAUT something beautiful [n]
Other moves: TAB 10D 29, BEVUE J10 28, BEGAT J10 26, BEGET J10 26, AB 10E 25
On 14th draw, NOVITIE(S) K4 70 --- NOVITY innovation [n]
Other moves: EVO J5 23, BOVINE K1 22, ADVENT M1 20, TOE 3L 20, ENVOI 4I 19
On 15th draw, TYPED 8K 45 --- TYPE to print with a typewriter [v]
Other moves: MAY F6 36, MOY F6 36, PAY F6 36, PEEOY J10 35, TEPOY 8K 33
On 16th draw, GULF F6 38 --- GULF a deep chasm [n] --- GULF to swallow up [v]
Other tops: GOLF F6 38
Other moves: FEHM J10 34, FOOL F9 32, FEH J10 31, OH 10E 31, FEM J10 30
FEHM J10 34 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, KEHUA J10 41 --- KEHUA (Maori) a ghost or spirit [n]
Other moves: KEY J10 37, KEG J10 35, KEA J10 34, HOKEY 13E 32, KYU 2A 32
KYU 2A 32 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, NAGGY 4K 28 --- NAGGY given to nagging [adj]
Other moves: GONGYO 4I 26, GANDY 4I 24, YA 2B 22, YGO 2A 22, YO 2B 22
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