Game on November 22, 2024 at 00:56, 5 players
1. 165 pts sunshine12
2. 42 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 28 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 96 96
2. 14B 88 184
3. I1 72 256
4. J7 76 332
5. 1G 45 377
6. 5D 98 475
7. 14J 45 520
8. D2 68 588
9. 15A 33 621
10. 15K 34 655
11. F2 36 691
12. 13A 29 720
13. 8A 36 756
14. 4K 36 792
15. O1 42 834
16. N6 24 858
17. 10L 68 926
18. 13F 26 952
19. M2 23 975
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7047 sunshine12 0 5:53 -810 165 1.7047 sunshine12 0 5:53 -810 165
2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 1:44 -933 42 2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 1:44 -933 42
3.7333 roocatcher 0 0:11 -947 28 3.7333 roocatcher 0 0:11 -947 28
4. - chunk88 0 0:45 -948 27 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:16 -959 16 1. - chunk88 0 0:45 -948 27
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:16 -959 16
On 1st draw, BA(S)ENJI H7 96 --- BASENJI a barkless dog [n]
Other moves: BA(S)ENJI H4 86, BA(S)ENJI H3 82, BA(S)ENJI H6 82, BA(S)ENJI H8 82, BA(S)ENJI H2 80
JIBE(S) H4 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 2nd draw, MATTIES 14B 88 --- MATTIE a young herring [n]
Other moves: IMITATES 13F 78, ETATISM 14C 77, MATIEST 14C 77, IMITATES 13H 76, MATIEST I3 73
MAST 14F 28 roocatcher
MIS 14F 27 chunk88
BA(S)ENJIS H7 16 BadBoyBen
TIMIST 13E 12 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, RAPHIDE I1 72 --- RAPHIDE a needle-shaped crystal occurring in plant cells [n]
Other moves: RAPHIDE(S) 9A 67, HADE 15A 37, HIDE 15A 37, REPAID 13A 37, HEAP 13C 36
PAH 15A 33 sunshine12
On 4th draw, SNAFFLE J7 76 --- SNAFFLE to obtain by devious means [v]
Other moves: SNAFFLE(S) 9A 65, (S)NAFFLES 9H 65, RAFFLES 1I 51, FARFELS 1G 42, FANNELS 11E 40
On 5th draw, CARSEY 1G 45 --- CARSEY a lavatory [n]
Other tops: AYUS H1 45
Other moves: ABYE K8 42, BAYE 15A 42, CRUSY 1H 42, BAY K9 41, BEY K9 41
BAYE 15A 42 sunshine12
On 6th draw, LONGWISE 5D 98 --- LONGWISE lengthwise [adv]
Other moves: LOWSING 5E 44, SLEWING 5E 44, SLOWING 5E 44, SOWLING 5E 44, WIGEONS 13G 43
LOWE 15A 36 sunshine12
On 7th draw, DELAY 14J 45 --- DELAY to put off to a later time [v]
Other moves: TYDE 15A 40, DAULT 14J 39, DEALT 14J 39, DELTA 14J 39, YEAD K10 39
On 8th draw, E(V)OLUTED D2 68 --- EVOLUTE to develop by evolution [v]
Other tops: ELO(C)UTED D4 68
Other moves: DEUTE(R)ON 11A 66, OUT(S)PEED 3E 61, ETOU(R)DIE F8 60, OUT(W)EED(S) 9A 60, OUTED(G)E(S) 9A 59
On 9th draw, VOTE 15A 33 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: VETO 15A 33, VINE 15A 33, VINO 15A 33, VITE 15A 33
Other moves: NITON 15K 30, NONET 15K 30, INVENT 8A 27, VOTEEN 8A 27, NINE 15A 24
On 10th draw, AIDOI 15K 34 --- AIDOS shame [n]
Other moves: IGAD 15L 32, GAID 13C 28, AIDE K11 25, DAG 15M 23, DOG 15M 23
On 11th draw, TRANQ F2 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: NECTAR 8J 33, CAJOLER 12F 32, JOLTER 12H 26, REC 13A 25, REO I10 25
On 12th draw, CEP 13A 29 --- CEP a large mushroom [n]
Other tops: PEC 13A 29
Other moves: COPER 8A 27, CREEP 8A 27, PRE I9 27, HEROIC 4I 26, HOOPER 4I 26
On 13th draw, NIXER 8A 36 --- NIXER (Australian slang) a spare-time job [n]
Other moves: NIXE 8A 33, FIXER 11J 30, NIXER E8 29, FLEX 11J 28, FLIX 11J 28
On 14th draw, MALIK 4K 36 --- MALIK the head of a village [n]
Other moves: MAIKO 2K 31, MALIK 2K 31, OAKUM 4K 30, MAIK 2K 29, MAKI 2K 29
On 15th draw, HUNKIER O1 42 --- HUNKY muscular and attractive [adj]
Other moves: HONKER O1 39, H*NK**HONKIE O1 39, HUNKER O1 39, HUNKIE O1 39, HOIK O1 33
On 16th draw, BORT N6 24 --- BORT a low-quality diamond [n]
Other moves: BOI N6 23, BOR N6 23, BOT N6 23, GIO G5 23, OBIT G7 23
On 17th draw, RIZ 10L 68 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other moves: ZO 10N 67, BORTZ N6 36, FRIZ 11J 32, GRIZE 13F 32, ZORI G8 31
On 18th draw, GWINE 13F 26 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: GLUON M3 23, WINE 13G 21, UNGOWN 11C 20, GOT 7B 18, OUD 9B 17
On 19th draw, VULGO M2 23 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other moves: GOT 7B 18, OUD 9B 17, UG N1 17, OOT 7B 16, VOE 10F 14
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