Game on November 22, 2024 at 01:42, 5 players
1. 199 pts sunshine12
2. 46 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 24 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 22 22
2. 13B 83 105
3. 11D 94 199
4. B10 74 273
5. L8 34 307
6. 15A 36 343
7. M2 81 424
8. I3 76 500
9. 5E 36 536
10. H1 28 564
11. N8 79 643
12. L1 42 685
13. N2 32 717
14. O1 34 751
15. M13 46 797
16. 12A 27 824
17. C8 21 845
18. F1 70 915
19. A5 55 970
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7030 sunshine12 2 8:48 -771 199 1.7030 sunshine12 2 8:48 -771 199
2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 2:30 -924 46 2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 2:30 -924 46
3.7333 roocatcher 0 1:30 -946 24 3.7333 roocatcher 0 1:30 -946 24
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -952 18 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:12 -955 15 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -952 18
2. - chunk88 0 0:12 -955 15
On 1st draw, OIKIST H7 22 --- OIKIST a colony founder [n]
Other tops: OIKIST H3 22, OIKIST H4 22, OIKIST H8 22
Other moves: OIKIST H5 20, OIKIST H6 20, TIKIS H4 20, TIKIS H8 20, DISK H5 18
On 2nd draw, CANGUES 13B 83 --- CANGUE an ancient Chinese punishing device [n]
Other tops: UNCAGES 13B 83
Other moves: CANGUES I2 67, UNCAGES G1 67, UNCAGES I1 67, UNCAGES I2 67, CANGUES G1 65
On 3rd draw, H(O)MESI(T)E 11D 94 --- HOMESITE a location for a house [n]
Other tops: IM(M)ESHE(D) 11D 94, IM(M)ESHE(S) 11D 94, I(M)MESHE(D) 11D 94, I(M)MESHE(S) 11D 94, I(N)MESHE(D) 11D 94, I(N)MESHE(S) 11D 94
Other moves: HEMI(O)NE(S) D8 80, HEM(L)INE(S) D8 80, HEM(A)(T)EIN D6 78, ETHE(R)I(S)M 12G 74, HEM(A)(T)INE D7 74
On 4th draw, ZINCOS B10 74 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZINCO B10 72, ZINCS B10 72, FIZ G5 46, ZO 12C 45, ZO G7 44
On 5th draw, DOWSE L8 34 --- DOWSE to search for underground water with a divining rod [v]
Other tops: SAWED L11 34, SOWED L11 34
Other moves: WASHEN D8 32, SWAD L11 28, OWSE L9 26, WADIS 10E 26, WASE L9 26
WO A14 26 sunshine12
On 6th draw, ISOBARE 15A 36 --- ISOBARE a type of atom [n]
Other moves: ISOBAR 15A 33, BREHON D8 28, BARRIE 13J 26, BARRIO 13J 26, ORIBI 10F 26
BRIER 13K 24 sunshine12
On 7th draw, WHIRTLE M2 81 --- WHIRTLE a perforated plate [n]
Other moves: WHIRTLE K2 79, WHIRTLE I1 68, WHIT(T)LER J7 67, WHI(T)TLER J8 67, ETH 10D 35
WIRE 13J 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, PLATINA I3 76 --- PLATINA a metallic element [n]
Other moves: PLATINA C4 72, PLATINA G2 66, TALAPOIN 7C 65, PAAL L1 32, PATINAE K5 29
PA L4 18 BadBoyBen, sunshine12
DEAN 8L 15 chunk88
On 9th draw, OPERATE 5E 36 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other moves: REEF N1 34, FORPET 13J 32, PERFET 13J 32, POET L1 32, FEET N1 31
FEET N1 31 sunshine12
On 10th draw, DOUAR H1 28 --- DOUAR a type of tent village [n]
Other tops: ROAD L1 28, ROAD N1 28
Other moves: UNDO 12A 27, OUD L2 24, UNAI 12A 24, AUDIO 13J 23, RADIO 13J 23
ROAD N1 28 sunshine12
On 11th draw, GREMLIN N8 79 --- GREMLIN a mischievous creature [n]
Other moves: ELM 10D 29, GEM N1 29, MEIN N1 29, GERMIN 13J 28, MERING 13J 28
On 12th draw, FACT L1 42 --- FACT something known with certainty [n]
Other moves: FETWA 2J 38, FAY O13 34, FEY O13 34, FEAT N1 31, FEET N1 31
On 13th draw, NAG N2 32 --- NAG to find fault incessantly [v]
Other moves: ANA N1 26, AA N2 24, ANNA 12A 24, ANNO 12A 24, NA N2 24
On 14th draw, FY O1 34 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FOY O13 34
Other moves: TYDE G2 30, FUD O13 28, UNDO 12A 27, DOF O13 26, DOY O13 26
FOY O13 34 sunshine12
On 15th draw, QI M13 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EXO M12 43, EX M12 39, XI M13 38, BOX M13 34, IBEX 6D 34
On 16th draw, UNDE 12A 27 --- UNDE wavy [adj]
Other tops: UNDO 12A 27
Other moves: FYLE O1 26, ELODEA G1 23, AULDER 6B 22, LAUDER 6B 22, LOADER 6B 22
On 17th draw, EVO C8 21 --- EVO evening (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: ROVEN 4A 20, VROU 4C 20, EVO J1 19, RONEO C6 18, EURO C7 17
On 18th draw, ABRUPTER F1 70 --- ABRUPT short and rude in manner [adj]
Other moves: TABOURER E2 60, BETA A7 30, BURA A7 30, TUBA A7 30, BRA G7 28
On 19th draw, OXLAND A5 55 --- OXLAND as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: AXED 8A 42, VOX D6 38, AXEL 8A 36, OXEN 8A 36, LAX D6 35
VOX D6 38 sunshine12
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