Game on November 22, 2024 at 02:28, 5 players
1. 80 pts sunshine12
2. 21 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 10 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 34 34
2. 8G 67 101
3. K8 80 181
4. N1 74 255
5. O1 42 297
6. 15H 158 455
7. M3 39 494
8. 14B 79 573
9. 10A 67 640
10. 15A 50 690
11. A8 51 741
12. 12A 22 763
13. 12J 38 801
14. 13M 28 829
15. L4 39 868
16. 11K 21 889
17. I3 22 911
18. B2 70 981
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7031 sunshine12 2 2:48 -901 80 1.7031 sunshine12 2 2:48 -901 80
2.7455 GLOBEMAN 1 1:18 -960 21 2.7455 GLOBEMAN 1 1:18 -960 21
3.7333 roocatcher 0 0:05 -971 10 3.7333 roocatcher 0 0:05 -971 10
4. - chunk88 0 0:41 -971 10 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:14 -971 10 1. - chunk88 0 0:41 -971 10
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:14 -971 10
On 1st draw, TAWDRY H7 34 --- TAWDRY gaudy [adj] --- TAWDRY gaudy finery [n]
Other moves: WARTY H4 30, WARTY H8 30, TAWDRY H3 28, TAWDRY H4 28, TAWDRY H8 28
On 2nd draw, JALOPI(E)S 8G 67 --- JALOPY a decrepit car [n]
Other moves: JI(M)PLY 12C 34, J(A)LOPY 12C 34, JI(M)PY 12D 32, SJO(E) G7 32, JOD(E)LS 10F 31
On 3rd draw, POACHIER K8 80 --- POACHY swampy [adj]
Other moves: HEROICAL I1 68, CHARIER 11E 48, CHORRIE 11E 48, HOARIER 11E 40, ORACHES N2 40
On 4th draw, OPERANTS N1 74 --- OPERANT one that operates [n]
Other tops: ATROPINE L3 74, PRONATES N1 74, PROTEANS N1 74
Other moves: PRONATED 10A 65, ARPENT 15J 33, OPERANT 14I 30, OPERANT 15H 30, OPERATE 14I 30
On 5th draw, MATE O1 42 --- MATE to join as mates (partners in a union) [v]
Other tops: MITE O1 42, MOTE O1 42
Other moves: MOTE L12 35, MAE O1 33, MAT O1 33, MET O1 33, MOA O1 33
On 6th draw, OVERRUNS 15H 158 --- OVERRUN to spread or swarm over [v]
Other moves: OVERRUNS 15G 86, RUNOVERS 15E 86, SOUVENIR L2 74, RUNOVERS 11B 72, NERVOUS 15I 42
On 7th draw, MEDIA(E) M3 39 --- MEDIA the middle layer of a blood or lymph vessel [n]
Other moves: MADE M3 32, MIDI M3 32, REAME 14J 32, REDIA(E) M3 31, MAIDEN N10 30
On 8th draw, NACKET(S) 14B 79 --- NACKET a light lunch [n]
Other moves: ANT(I)CKED 10A 76, (U)NTACKED 10A 76, C(L)ONK J6 44, C(R)ONK J6 44, KANTEN N10 40
On 9th draw, UNLIDDED 10A 67 --- UNLID to uncover [v]
Other moves: HIDED 12K 24, DUNLIN N10 22, DEEN 14J 20, DIODE J6 20, DUD 15A 20
On 10th draw, FAX 15A 50 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: FAUX A8 42, TAX 15A 41, TEX 15A 41, FIXATED E4 36, ANXIETY 12B 34
On 11th draw, ROUGHY A8 51 --- ROUGHY a small fish having rough scales [n]
Other moves: AUGURY A7 42, HOY L4 42, ROUGH A8 39, HOG L4 36, HYE J13 35
On 12th draw, HUGGER 12A 22 --- HUGGER one that hugs [n]
Other moves: HUGER 12K 20, RAX C13 20, RUGGY 12D 20, TAX C13 20, TIGERY 12C 20
On 13th draw, WHIZ 12J 38 --- WHIZ to move with a buzzing or hissing sound [v]
Other moves: ZOOS J6 35, WOS L4 33, ZAS 10J 32, ZHOS 12J 32, ZOO J6 32
On 14th draw, OLE 13M 28 --- OLE a shout of approval [n]
Other tops: OIL 13M 28, ONE 13M 28, ONO 13M 28, OON 13M 28, OOT 13M 28
Other moves: OE 13M 26, OI 13M 26, ON 13M 26, OO 13M 26, OOZE M10 26
On 15th draw, FOB L4 39 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other moves: ALOOF J6 33, LOOF J7 30, BI 14M 29, BOA L4 29, OOF J8 29
FOB L4 39 sunshine12
On 16th draw, CLAES 11K 21 --- CLAES clothes [n]
Other tops: CLASS 11K 21, CLAST 11K 21, CLATS 11K 21
Other moves: CLAT 11K 20, SODAS 5K 19, LEA 13E 17, LEI 13E 17, LES 13E 17
CLATS 11K 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, UNVAILE I3 22 --- UNVAILE to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: VENDUE E7 20, AVION J5 18, VALE I6 18, VILE I6 18, UVAE B5 17
NA 10N 10 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, SNOTTIE B2 70 --- SNOTTIE a midshipman [n]
Other moves: TINSTONE 4C 68, SINE H1 20, SONE H1 20, TINE H1 20, TONE H1 20
SONE H1 20 sunshine12
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