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Game on November 22, 2024 at 06:14, 1 player
1. 317 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ademou   H4    74    74   miaoued
 2. agnnosu   5E    82   156   anginous
 3. ailorst   L5    68   224   solarist
 4. ?eorsuz  13F    76   300   brouzes
 5. egjoprw   G7    53   353   jow
 6. eilotvy  14A    52   405   levity
 7. aeefhnr  H12    42   447   fohn
 8. aennrtt   I7    31   478   treat
 9. aaclmot  J10    38   516   matzo
10. deinopy  A10    45   561   dopily
11. aeennrt  15J    38   599   tenner
12. eglnosw  K11    29   628   wee
13. abbdeei   8K    30   658   dabba
14. dehilnu   O5    64   722   unhailed
15. agiiklr   4A    30   752   glaik
16. acceirs   B2    34   786   calices
17. efiopqv   C7    29   815   five
18. aegiiop  N10    33   848   apogee
19. eiiqrrx  11C    31   879   rex

Remaining tiles: iiqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6962 FilePapa_Sloth  1 10:51  -562  317     1.6962 Papa_Sloth  1 10:51  -562  317 

On 1st draw, M(I)AOUED H4 74 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: M(I)AOUED H6 72, M(I)AOUED H2 70, M(I)AOUED H7 70, M(I)AOUED H8 70, M(I)AOUED H3 68

On 2nd draw, ANG(I)NOUS 5E 82 --- ANGINA a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] --- ANGINOUS relating to angina [adj]
Other moves: GONNA I6 22, AGON G6 20, MAGNONS 4H 20, SANGO G5 20, SONGMAN 4D 20

On 3rd draw, SOLARIST L5 68 --- SOLARIST an adherent of solarism [n]
Other tops: SLIOTARS L5 68
Other moves: ORALIST G8 67, SLIOTAR I8 67, TAILORS I8 67, SUTORIAL K4 66, RIALTOS G9 65

On 4th draw, (B)ROUZES 13F 76 --- BROUZE a wedding race [n]
Other tops: ZO(N)URES 13F 76
Other moves: ZOE(A)S G7 52, ZOR(I)S G7 52, ZOE(A) G7 51, ZOR(I) G7 51, ZO(N)ERS G7 51
RAZES 8K 42 Papa_Sloth

On 5th draw, JOW G7 53 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JAPER 8K 42, JOE G7 41, JOR G7 41, JAGER 8K 39, POWER G7 38
JO 12H 36 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, LEVITY 14A 52 --- LEVITY conduct characterized by a lack of seriousness [n]
Other moves: LOVEY 14B 50, VEILY 14B 50, VEILY 6B 42, LEVITY 6A 37, LINEY I3 36

On 7th draw, FOHN H12 42 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other tops: HALF A12 42
Other moves: FANNER I3 34, HENNER I3 34, FOEN H12 33, FONE H12 33, FORA H12 33
HALF A12 42 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, TREAT I7 31 --- TREAT to behave in a particular way toward [v]
Other moves: ETNA I7 30, TANNER I3 28, ERN I7 26, TRENTAL A8 24, ANTE I4 22
NETT I5 21 Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, MATZO J10 38 --- MATZO an unleavened bread [n]
Other tops: MATZA J10 38, MOTZA J10 38
Other moves: CALM A12 33, ALAMO K7 28, CLOAM 4A 28, CALL A12 27, CALO A12 27

On 10th draw, DOPILY A10 45 --- DOPEY lethargic; stupid [adv] --- DOPILY in a dopy manner [adv]
Other moves: PEONY 6B 39, PINEY 6B 39, PIONY 6B 39, PONEY 6B 39, YELP A12 39
PILY A12 36 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, TENNER 15J 38 --- TENNER a ten-pound note or a ten-dollar bill [n]
Other tops: TANNER 15J 38
Other moves: RETEAM 4C 23, TEENE K11 23, TENNE 15J 23, TERNE 15J 23, TREEN 15J 23

On 12th draw, WEE K11 29 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v] --- WEE very small [adj]
Other tops: WOE K11 29
Other moves: GLOWS J3 28, GNOWS J3 28, ENOWS J3 27, GEESE K11 27, WAGES 8K 27
WAGES 8K 27 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, DABBA 8K 30 --- DABBA (Hindi) in Indian cookery, a round metal box used to transport hot food [n]
Other moves: BABIED B6 27, ABIDE B10 26, BEDE M8 26, ABBED 4A 25, BEAMED 4E 25
ABBE 8L 24 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, UNHAILED O5 64 --- HAIL to welcome [adj] --- UNHAILED not hailed [adj]
Other moves: UNHAILED E2 62, HELIUM 4C 29, DHOLE 6J 27, DHOL 6J 24, UNHIVE C10 24
HIDE 4C 21 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, GLAIK 4A 30 --- GLAIK a flash [n]
Other tops: GLAIK D11 30
Other moves: OKA J5 28, ARIKI 4B 26, LAIK D12 26, RAIK D12 26, ILKA 4C 24
KAI 4D 18 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, CALICES B2 34 --- CALIX a cup [n]
Other moves: CARICES C3 30, RELICS B2 28, CARCASE C3 26, CARSE 6B 26, CASEIC D10 26
GRACE A4 24 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, FIVE C7 29 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FE A7 26, FIE 15D 26, FOE 15D 26, FOP C7 26, EF 14M 22

On 18th draw, APOGEE N10 33 --- APOGEE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth [n]
Other moves: PAGE F8 24, PEAGE N11 23, APE 14M 22, APO 14M 22, OPE 14M 22

On 19th draw, REX 11C 31 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: PIXIE 12A 28, EX B10 26, PREX 12A 26, OX J5 25, XI N5 24
EX B10 26 Papa_Sloth

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