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Game on November 23, 2024 at 00:25, 5 players
1. 333 pts sunshine12
2. 43 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 43 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaehru   H7    24    24   areach
 2. aeefnpr   G7    33    57   fap
 3. adhinos   I5    40    97   sandhi
 4. deeilno   5H    68   165   esloined
 5. aefiips   6L    35   200   safe
 6. ?iottuz   H1    72   272   touze
 7. agiiort   4L    34   306   gari
 8. aelmrrv   O1    33   339   valider
 9. deilnry   J5    34   373   lye
10. ceknrsu   3K    35   408   nek
11. ?anrrtu   2B    68   476   urinator
12. eiimopt  11A    72   548   epitomic
13. eenortu  12H    74   622   hereunto
14. ceginos   N8    84   706   escoting
15. ddegiow  A10    42   748   wedged
16. ilmostt   4D    32   780   miltz
17. abjloqt   1D    46   826   qat
18. beioosy  15L    39   865   bogy
19. ceijovw   K8    30   895   jewie
20. bcilosu   D8    26   921   bustic

Remaining tiles: loovx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7030 Filesunshine12  1 15:49  -588  333     1.7030 sunshine12  1 15:49  -588  333 
  2.7382 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:55  -878   43     2.7382 GLOBEMAN    0  0:55  -878   43 
  3.7335 Fileroocatcher  0  1:27  -878   43     3.7335 roocatcher  0  1:27  -878   43 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:18  -903   18            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:55  -907   14     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:18  -903   18 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:55  -907   14 

On 1st draw, AREA(C)H H7 24 --- AREACH to reach [v]
Other tops: HAU(L)ER H4 24, HA(L)ERU H4 24
Other moves: AAR(G)H H8 22, AR(R)AH H8 22, A(R)RAH H8 22, EAR(T)H H8 22, HAAR(S) H4 22

On 2nd draw, FAP G7 33 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: NEAFE G6 29, FANE G7 28, FARE G7 28, FEEN G7 28, FERE G7 28

On 3rd draw, SANDHI I5 40 --- SANDHI a process of phonetic modification [n]
Other moves: DASHI I6 38, NASHI I6 37, DASH I6 35, ASH I7 33, DONAHS I3 32

On 4th draw, ESLOINED 5H 68 --- ESLOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other tops: LESIONED 5G 68
Other moves: DOLINE J2 26, ELIDE H1 26, ELIDE J3 26, EIDE J4 25, LIDO J4 25

On 5th draw, SAFE 6L 35 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other tops: SPIF 4K 35
Other moves: SAFE 4L 31, SAFED O1 30, FA 6N 29, FE 6N 29, EF 6M 28
DEAF O5 24 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TOUZE H1 72 --- TOUZE to haul [v]
Other moves: TO(A)ZE H1 69, TO(U)ZE H1 69, TO(W)ZE H1 69, T(O)UZE H1 69, (T)OUZE H1 69
ZONA M3 26 sunshine12

On 7th draw, GARI 4L 34 --- GARI pickled ginger, served with sushi [n]
Other moves: GODETIA O3 30, TARO 4L 30, GAR 4L 25, GAT 4L 25, TIRADE O1 24
DERIG O5 21 sunshine12

On 8th draw, VALIDER O1 33 --- VALID based on evidence that can be supported [adj]
Other moves: MARVEL J10 30, MARVER J10 30, ALME J4 29, OVERARM 2H 28, AVEL 3J 27
MARVER J10 30 sunshine12

On 9th draw, LYE J5 34 --- LYE a solution used in making soap [n]
Other tops: DELLY J2 34, DILLY J2 34, DRILY J2 34
Other moves: DERNLY J1 33, DIRELY J1 33, REDLY J2 32, NELLY J2 31, NIRLY J2 31
DRILY J2 34 sunshine12

On 10th draw, NEK 3K 35 --- NEK a mountain pass [n]
Other moves: SHUCKER 12G 32, SUCKEN K7 32, SUCKER K7 32, CHUNKS 12G 30, SNECK K7 30
SNUCK J10 28 sunshine12

On 11th draw, UR(I)NATOR 2B 68 --- URINATOR one that urinates [n]
Other moves: TRUANTR(Y) 1C 58, (K)RANTZ 4C 28, (Q)UARTZ 4C 28, N(E)RTZ 4D 26, (K)RANZ 4D 26
(S)TAR J9 18 sunshine12

On 12th draw, EPITOMI(C) 11A 72 --- EPITOME a typical or ideal example [adj] --- EPITOMIC relating to an epitome [adj]
Other moves: POEM 1A 43, POET 1A 27, MOPE 1B 25, MOPE J10 25, MOP J10 24
POEM 1A 43 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
MO 1A 14 chunk88

On 13th draw, HEREUNTO 12H 74 --- HEREUNTO to this matter [adv]
Other tops: OUTPREEN B8 74
Other moves: EURONOTE E6 58, EURONOTE E8 58, ENTREZ 4C 30, NERTZ 4D 28, NOTER 12A 27
NOUT 1A 21 sunshine12
NOTER A8 18 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, ESCOTING N8 84 --- ESCOT to maintain financially [v]
Other moves: ESCOTING D7 74, (I)SOGENIC D2 72, ISOGENIC C5 63, AREA(C)HING H7 36, SENECIO A8 36
AREA(C)HING H7 36 sunshine12

On 15th draw, WEDGED A10 42 --- WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other tops: WEDGED A7 42
Other moves: WEDGIE A10 39, DEWED A8 36, DOWED A8 36, WEDGIE A6 33, WODGE 15K 33
WOE 1A 22 sunshine12

On 16th draw, MILTZ 4D 32 --- MILTZ Jewish cookery [n]
Other tops: SMIR J9 32
Other moves: MIGS 15L 30, MOGS 15L 30, ISM 10D 27, MISGO 15K 27, SIM 10D 27
MOGS 15L 30 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QAT 1D 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: JABOT 5A 36, JATO 5C 32, JOTA 5C 32, QAT 5C 32, QIBLA C10 32

On 18th draw, BOGY 15L 39 --- BOGY a goblin [n]
Other moves: BEIGY 15K 36, BOOGY 15K 36, BOYGS 15K 36, YOGI 15L 36, OBEYS 5A 31

On 19th draw, JEWIE K8 30 --- JEWIE jewfish (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: JO 1A 29, JIVE C10 28, JIVE K9 28, VOICE C9 28, ROJI J12 27

On 20th draw, BUSTIC D8 26 --- BUSTIC a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: COUTILS D8 24, BOLUS 5A 22, CLOUS 5A 22, COITUS D8 22, COUTIL D8 22

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