Game on November 23, 2024 at 02:02, 5 players
1. 111 pts sunshine12
2. 45 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 45 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 86 86
2. 8H 89 175
3. K5 28 203
4. 10F 30 233
5. L1 24 257
6. M8 48 305
7. 13C 35 340
8. 12A 36 376
9. O1 83 459
10. B9 44 503
11. 14J 68 571
12. 15H 31 602
13. A4 47 649
14. 1F 33 682
15. N2 27 709
16. B1 31 740
17. C4 31 771
18. 9G 27 798
19. 12L 28 826
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7033 sunshine12 1 3:34 -715 111 1.7033 sunshine12 1 3:34 -715 111
2.7382 GLOBEMAN 1 2:40 -781 45 2.7382 GLOBEMAN 1 2:40 -781 45
3.7335 roocatcher 1 3:38 -781 45 3.7335 roocatcher 1 3:38 -781 45
4. - chunk88 0 0:14 -813 13 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:41 -813 13 1. - chunk88 0 0:14 -813 13
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:41 -813 13
On 1st draw, ABHE(N)RY H6 86 --- ABHENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other tops: ABHE(N)RY H2 86, BREA(T)HY H6 86, BREA(T)HY H7 86, HERBA(R)Y H4 86, HERBA(R)Y H6 86, HE(R)BARY H4 86, HE(R)BARY H6 86
Other moves: ABHE(N)RY H3 84, BREA(T)HY H4 84, ABHE(N)RY H4 80, ABHE(N)RY H7 80, BREA(T)HY H2 80
On 2nd draw, H(O)UNDERS 8H 89 --- HOUNDER one that hounds [n]
Other moves: HUNDRE(D)S 8H 86, HUN(D)REDS 8H 86, RE(F)UNDS 13B 83, RE(T)UNDS 13B 83, (G)ERUNDS 13B 83
On 3rd draw, TRANQ K5 28 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: EY(O)T I6 27, FERRY N6 27, RY(O)T I6 27, DEFRAY L8 26, DRAFTY L8 26
FEY 9G 25 sunshine12
On 4th draw, CA(N)OES 10F 30 --- CANOE to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) [v]
Other moves: (N)EFS 10H 29, CASEFY 12C 28, CAFES 13D 26, CARAFES N6 26, FACES 13D 26
(N)EFS 10H 29 sunshine12
On 5th draw, COGIE L1 24 --- COGIE a small bowl [n]
Other moves: WOE 7M 23, WOO 7M 23, COGIE J2 22, YOGIC 12H 22, YOWIE 12H 22
WAE G9 21 sunshine12
On 6th draw, EXPIRES M8 48 --- EXPIRE to come to an end [v]
Other moves: EXPIRE M8 46, REXINES M7 46, NIXERS 13C 43, EXINES M8 42, XENIC 1H 42
On 7th draw, LEVINS 13C 35 --- LEVIN lightning [n]
Other tops: ERVILS 13C 35, LIVENS 13C 35, LIVERS 13C 35, LIVRES 13C 35, RIVELS 13C 35, VINERS 13C 35
Other moves: VERSIN 14J 34, VIOLER 2J 34, VIOLS 2J 32, LINERS 13C 29, VIRGES 3I 28
On 8th draw, BLAW 12A 36 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other moves: WAIST 14J 32, TAWAI L11 31, TAWAI B10 30, BAWL B12 28, BAWTIE D8 28
BLAW 12A 36 sunshine12
On 9th draw, MINIATES O1 83 --- MINIATE to paint vermilion [v]
Other moves: EMICANT 1I 33, NEMATIC 1F 33, AMINIC 1G 30, ANEMIC 1G 30, MANTIC 1G 30
On 10th draw, UVULAE B9 44 --- UVULA the pendent, fleshy portion of the soft palate [n]
Other moves: VAUNCE 1H 33, UVULA B9 26, VELA B10 25, LAVE B12 24, TRUE N7 23
On 11th draw, ZOIST 14J 68 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other moves: AZONIC 1G 51, AZOTIC 1G 51, AZOIC 1H 48, AZLON A5 44, AZON A6 41
On 12th draw, MEOU 15H 31 --- MEOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: EREMIC 1G 30, UREMIC 1G 30, MIRO 15G 29, MURRI N5 28, EMO 15H 26
On 13th draw, HADDEN A4 47 --- HAD to hold [v]
Other moves: ADHERED 11D 44, ADHERE 11D 37, AHED N1 35, EHED N1 35, HADE N2 33
On 14th draw, GONADIC 1F 33 --- GONAD a sex gland [adj] --- GONADIC pertaining to the gonad [adj]
Other moves: GEODIC 1G 30, ANODE B2 29, DINGE M2 29, DINGO M2 29, DONGA M2 29
On 15th draw, OILY N2 27 --- OILY covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Other moves: ARIOT N7 26, HOARILY 4A 26, TRILOGY 3G 26, *L*Y*TALIYOT 2D 25, YARTO 2B 25
On 16th draw, TIRAGE B1 31 --- TIRAGE drawing wine from a barrel before bottling [n]
Other tops: TRIAGE B1 31
Other moves: GELATI B1 30, GLAIRE B1 30, GRAILE B1 30, LIGATE B1 30, TRAGI B2 29
On 17th draw, JOE C4 31 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: FE 14F 28, FEN C2 27, FET C2 27, JEAN 6F 27, JEAT 6F 27
On 18th draw, KEN 9G 27 --- KEN to know [v]
Other moves: FEN 9G 23, FORK 12K 22, KO L11 22, FOLK G3 21, FORK G3 21
KOA 6F 17 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, FROW 12L 28 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: PROF 12L 26, PROW 12L 26, FLOW 2D 22, FROW 2D 22, TOPI L11 22
FROW 12L 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
IF F13 13 chunk88, BadBoyBen
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