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Game on November 23, 2024 at 03:32, 5 players
1. 90 pts sunshine12
2. 42 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaehmsu   H8    28    28   ashame
 2. ?eoqttu  14B    95   123   toquets
 3. deiikln   9F    66   189   disliken
 4. aceglrt   K5    56   245   grackle
 5. eiortuw   B8    63   308   outwrite
 6. ?aiilor   A2    77   385   airfoil
 7. finostx  C13    45   430   fox
 8. degirtw  15A    39   469   wex
 9. eimnors   N6    81   550   mersion
10. aenpruv   C2    79   629   parvenu
11. aehnost   F6    73   702   headstone
12. deenoty  O12    45   747   yode
13. abejlnp   D1    48   795   jane
14. beginov   1D    48   843   jobing
15. abegiry   O5    42   885   byre
16. acdiltu   E3    32   917   diact
17. afglotu   M7    31   948   fungo
18. deilstv  12H    31   979   midst

Remaining tiles: aelpvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7014 Filesunshine12  0  2:03  -889   90     1.7014 sunshine12  0  2:03  -889   90 
  2.7382 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:12  -937   42     2.7382 GLOBEMAN    0  1:12  -937   42 
  3.7335 Fileroocatcher  0  1:47  -937   42     3.7335 roocatcher  0  1:47  -937   42 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:13  -951   28            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:50  -951   28     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:13  -951   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:50  -951   28 

On 1st draw, ASHAME H8 28 --- ASHAME to feel shame [v]
Other tops: HAEMS H4 28, HAMES H4 28, HUMAS H4 28, MAHUAS H4 28, MASHUA H4 28
Other moves: MAHUA H4 26, MUSHA H4 26, ASHAME H3 24, ASHAME H4 24, ASHAME H7 24

On 2nd draw, TOQUET(S) 14B 95 --- TOQUET a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: MOQU(E)TTE 12H 88, MOQUETT(E) 12H 86, (C)OQUETTE 13A 84, (M)OQUETTE 13A 84, (R)OQUETTE 13A 84
(S)UQ 14H 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 3rd draw, DISLIKEN 9F 66 --- DISLIKEN to make unlike [v]
Other moves: NIDI 15A 35, DENI 15A 34, KED 15A 29, KID 15A 29, EIK 13A 28
KID 15A 29 sunshine12
NEK 13A 28 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 4th draw, GRACKLE K5 56 --- GRACKLE a blackbird [n]
Other moves: CATELOG C9 26, RACE 8L 26, TACE 8L 26, TACKLER K6 26, TALC 8L 26
CAR 15A 19 sunshine12

On 5th draw, OUTWRITE B8 63 --- OUTWRITE to write better than [v]
Other moves: TORI 15A 31, COURE 8K 29, COURT 8K 29, CROUT 8K 29, CRUET 8K 29

On 6th draw, AIR(F)OIL A2 77 --- AIRFOIL a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control [n]
Other moves: RA(V)IOLI A2 74, IRONI(C)AL M6 66, RA(V)IOLI C2 66, ARI(L)LOID F2 62, ARIL(L)OID F2 60

On 7th draw, FOX C13 45 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: FENIS 15A 43, TOXINS N4 43, NIX I11 41, NOX I11 41, SIX I11 41

On 8th draw, WEX 15A 39 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: DEX 15A 33, CRIED 8K 32, REX 15A 30, TEX 15A 30, GLIDER I8 27

On 9th draw, MERSION N6 81 --- MERSION a dipping [n]
Other moves: MERINOS C3 78, MERSION C3 78, EMERSION 13H 76, MERINOS N3 75, MERINOS C2 73

On 10th draw, PARVENU C2 79 --- PARVENU one who has suddenly risen above his class [n]
Other moves: PRUNE O4 42, PAREV O11 40, PARVE O11 40, PAVEN O11 40, PAVER O11 40

On 11th draw, HEADSTONE F6 73 --- HEADSTONE [n]
Other moves: PHAETONS 2C 67, PHONATES 2C 67, OCHERS 8J 58, CHARE 8K 53, CHARS 8K 53

On 12th draw, YODE O12 45 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other tops: YEDE O12 45, YEED O12 45, YOND O12 45
Other moves: YONT O12 42, TYDE O5 40, DYNE O5 39, TONEY M3 37, YEDE O5 37

On 13th draw, JANE D1 48 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JANE O5 45, JELAB M3 45, BENJ E5 42, PLANE O4 42, JAPE M11 41

On 14th draw, JOBING 1D 48 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: BOVINE O3 48
Other moves: BOVINE O1 40, JINGO 1D 39, OVINE E1 39, OVINE O4 39, VIBE E2 34

On 15th draw, BYRE O5 42 --- BYRE a cow shed [n]
Other moves: BERAY M3 41, GYRE O5 39, AYRE O5 36, BRAYED 14J 36, BILAYER I7 35

On 16th draw, DIACT E3 32 --- DIACT in zoology, two-rayed [adj]
Other moves: DICTA E4 31, DUCAL E4 31, DUCAT E4 31, TICAL E4 28, CLAD E4 27

On 17th draw, FUNGO M7 31 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other tops: FANGO M7 31
Other moves: GOAF G4 30, LOAF G4 29, AFOUL 2F 28, FANG M7 28, FUNG M7 28

On 18th draw, MIDST 12H 31 --- MIDST in the middle [n]
Other moves: DEVIL D8 29, DIVES D8 29, IDLEST D7 29, VISED G3 29, EVITED 13H 28

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