Game on November 24, 2024 at 00:47, 5 players
1. 246 pts sunshine12
2. 84 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 58 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 9B 66 88
3. E2 74 162
4. 2A 74 236
5. 1H 60 296
6. 4A 42 338
7. B7 74 412
8. J1 65 477
9. A10 48 525
10. F4 43 568
11. C9 30 598
12. K4 41 639
13. 8J 42 681
14. M8 46 727
15. L12 36 763
16. L1 38 801
17. 10J 33 834
18. 11I 39 873
19. 15H 48 921
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7027 sunshine12 0 8:07 -675 246 1.7027 sunshine12 0 8:07 -675 246
2.7379 GLOBEMAN 0 3:52 -837 84 2.7379 GLOBEMAN 0 3:52 -837 84
3.7305 roocatcher 0 2:20 -863 58 3.7305 roocatcher 0 2:20 -863 58
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -898 23 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:08 -904 17 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -898 23
2. - chunk88 0 0:08 -904 17
On 1st draw, BRETON H4 22 --- BRETON a type of hat [n]
Other tops: BOLTER H4 22
Other moves: BELON H4 20, BENTO H4 20, BETON H4 20, BLENT H4 20, BLERT H4 20
On 2nd draw, CAUDLING 9B 66 --- CAUDLE to mix [v]
Other moves: CLUDGIE 6B 21, ABULIC 4G 20, AULIC G6 19, DULIA G6 19, DALI G6 18
On 3rd draw, THROATED E2 74 --- THROAT to utter in a hoarse voice [v]
Other moves: THEOCRAT B5 73, CHATTER B9 40, CHARET B9 38, CHOREA B9 38, THETA 10A 38
On 4th draw, C(H)ANTAGE 2A 74 --- CHANTAGE blackmail [n]
Other moves: AGACAN(T)E C7 72, CRANAGE(S) 5G 70, AGACAN(T)E C5 61, ACC(I)NGE B8 34, CAGE(S) D3 31
On 5th draw, BIMAH 1H 60 --- BIMAH a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: HAME 1F 47, BAH 1F 46, AHEM 1G 45, HAVE 1H 45, HIVE 1H 45
On 6th draw, J(A)PER 4A 42 --- JAPER one that japes [n]
Other moves: PUNJI D8 41, PUNJI(S) D8 41, PUNJ(I) D8 39, PU(N)JI D8 39, JI(B)ER 4A 38
On 7th draw, ULCERATE B7 74 --- ULCERATE to affect with a type of lesion [v]
Other moves: BATELEUR 4H 72, BLEUATRE 4H 72, LAUREATE C8 66, URETERAL 5G 66, JARUL A4 36
On 8th draw, MOTIONED J1 65 --- MOTION to signal by a bodily movement [v]
Other moves: ODEON A11 35, IDENT 15A 33, ODEON 15A 33, DENI A12 30, DENT A12 30
On 9th draw, RAMINS A10 48 --- RAMIN a Malaysian tree [n]
Other moves: MIRV A12 47, AMINS A11 43, AMIRS A11 43, DIVANS 8J 42, SIMA F4 40
MARS A12 38 sunshine12
On 10th draw, SEW F4 43 --- SEW to mend or fasten with a needle and thread [v]
Other moves: PEHS 3C 37, SWEEL F5 35, WEELS F6 35, WIELS F6 35, SWEE F4 34
On 11th draw, AEDES C9 30 --- AEDES any of a genus of mosquitoes [n]
Other moves: SOV 10H 26, VOE A6 26, SOV M1 25, DEEVS K7 24, DOVES K7 24
SOV M1 25 sunshine12
On 12th draw, FOYNE K4 41 --- FOYNE to thrust with a spear or sword [v]
Other moves: OOFY K3 39, FEY K4 32, FOY K4 32, FENI K5 31, FONE K5 31
OOFY K3 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, DEVOIR 8J 42 --- DEVOIR an act of civility or respect [n]
Other tops: DEVONS 8J 42
Other moves: VINOS L8 35, VISON L8 35, VISOR L8 35, VIRUS D6 27, HINS L1 26
VINOS L8 35 roocatcher
On 14th draw, OXLIPS M8 46 --- OXLIP a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: OXSLIP M8 46
Other moves: OXSLIP 10I 40, SIX 10H 38, SOX 10H 38, OXLIPS 10I 36, OXLIP 10I 33
POX M7 23 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, BadBoyBen
OX M8 17 chunk88
On 15th draw, OINK L12 36 --- OINK to utter the natural grunt of a hog [v]
Other moves: UNZIP 12I 32, KOI L11 30, ZIP 12K 28, ZONKS 13I 28, ZOUKS 13I 28
KOI L11 30 sunshine12
On 16th draw, HAUF L1 38 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: HOUF L1 38
Other moves: AFT L3 33, KAIF 15L 33, KIVA 15L 33, KUFI 15L 33, OFT L3 33
KIVA 15L 33 sunshine12
On 17th draw, ZILL 10J 33 --- ZILL one of a pair of finger cymbals [n]
Other moves: ZIN 14J 32, ZOL K11 32, DZO K10 31, ZIT K10 29, ZOL K10 29
KILO 15L 24 sunshine12
On 18th draw, QAT 11I 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GAVOT 11G 33, KIVA 15L 33, KAGO 15L 27, VAT 11I 27, GOAT 11H 25
KIVA 15L 33 sunshine12
On 19th draw, YWROKE 15H 48 --- WREAK to inflict [v]
Other moves: DYK**RDYKIER 15J 42, WRY M2 40, WYE A6 38, DRY M2 34, DYE A6 32
KEIR 15L 24 sunshine12
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