Game on November 24, 2024 at 03:03, 5 players
1. 55 pts sunshine12
2. 21 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 16 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 76 76
2. 11H 27 103
3. 4G 72 175
4. J1 69 244
5. 1G 36 280
6. 8J 39 319
7. 2F 39 358
8. N1 46 404
9. 6A 64 468
10. A4 39 507
11. O1 34 541
12. D1 24 565
13. 10B 40 605
14. C3 49 654
15. 1A 24 678
16. D10 28 706
17. 14A 36 742
18. A12 39 781
19. E8 31 812
20. N8 36 848
Remaining tile:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7047 sunshine12 0 1:27 -793 55 1.7047 sunshine12 0 1:27 -793 55
2.7379 GLOBEMAN 0 1:59 -827 21 2.7379 GLOBEMAN 0 1:59 -827 21
3.7277 roocatcher 0 0:09 -832 16 3.7277 roocatcher 0 0:09 -832 16
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:13 -838 10 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:20 -839 9 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:13 -838 10
2. - chunk88 0 1:20 -839 9
On 1st draw, HAS(T)ATE H4 76 --- HASTATE triangular [adj]
Other tops: ATHA(M)ES H2 76, A(C)HATES H2 76, HASTA(T)E H4 76, HA(M)ATES H4 76, TA(K)AHES H8 76
Other moves: ATHA(M)ES H3 70, ATHA(M)ES H4 70, ATHA(M)ES H6 70, ATHA(M)ES H7 70, A(C)HATES H4 70
On 2nd draw, DIFS 11H 27 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other tops: DAFT 11H 27
Other moves: SHADUF 4G 26, AUDITS 11F 25, FAITHS 4D 24, FASTI G5 24, FASTI I3 24
On 3rd draw, THESAURI 4G 72 --- THESAURI dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms [n] --- THESAURUS a word-finder of synonyms and antonyms [n]
Other moves: AURATES 5E 28, SUETIER 10F 22, AIREST 12J 21, SATIRE 12I 21, HASTIER 4H 20
On 4th draw, AMISSING J1 69 --- AMISSING wanting [adj]
Other tops: AMISSING 6E 69
Other moves: IMAGINES 10B 67, AMISSING 6D 65, GIANTISM 9D 63, GIAN(T)ISM 7D 62, AMISSING K7 61
MAGS 3L 25 sunshine12
On 5th draw, WATAPE 1G 36 --- WATAPE a thread made from tree roots [n]
Other moves: PLATEAU 1H 30, WATAP 1G 30, PALATE 1G 27, PAWA 1G 27, PLATEAU 1E 27
On 6th draw, GAW(P)ER 8J 39 --- GAWPER one that gawps [n]
Other tops: GAW(K)ER 8J 39
Other moves: MARQ(U)E 2J 38, Q(U)AERE 2B 37, Q(U)AERES 6B 37, WAQ(F)S 6D 36, Q(U)AERE 3B 33
On 7th draw, ZOL 2F 39 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other tops: ZOA 2F 39
Other moves: LAZO 2D 38, MATZO 2J 38, MOTZA 2J 38, AZO 2E 37, FUTZ J11 36
On 8th draw, DETICK N1 46 --- DETICK to remove ticks from [v]
Other moves: MEDICK 2J 37, DETICK 12I 36, TIKIED N1 30, KED I3 28, MEDIC 2J 27
KI G8 16 roocatcher
On 9th draw, DROGUETS 6A 64 --- DROGUET a ribbed woollen dress fabric [n]
Other moves: ODE O1 26, DETOUR 12I 24, DOR 3E 24, GOR 3E 24, ERUGO 3B 23
DE 1N 9 chunk88
On 10th draw, YODLE A4 39 --- YODLE to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other tops: MOYLED A1 39, VIDEO A4 39, YODEL A4 39
Other moves: DIMLY A6 33, MODEL A4 33, DEMY A6 30, DOMY A6 30, EMO O1 30
EMO O1 30 sunshine12
YU E5 10 BadBoyBen
On 11th draw, OHO O1 34 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: HEARSE 5F 32, HOARSE 5F 32, EH O1 29, OH O1 29, HORE 7C 27
On 12th draw, CERING D1 24 --- CERE to wrap in a waxy cloth [v]
Other tops: CUEING D1 24, CURING D1 24
Other moves: EIRENIC N8 22, RICIN 9A 20, RICING D1 20, YINCE 4A 20, CURRIE B3 19
On 13th draw, OBLIQUE 10B 40 --- OBLIQUE slanting [adj] --- OBLIQUE to slant [v]
Other moves: LIQUOR B1 37, UBIQUE E6 34, QIBLA 8D 26, BLOC 1A 24, BRIO 3C 23
On 14th draw, AXIOM C3 49 --- AXIOM a self-evident truth [n]
Other moves: AXION C3 41, MAX C2 41, MUX C2 41, RAX C2 35, URMAN 3C 35
On 15th draw, GLACE 1A 24 --- GLACE to cover with icing [v]
Other moves: AIGLET 12J 23, TAIGLE 12I 23, EGALITE N8 20, TAIG 12I 19, TI 11E 19
On 16th draw, LAPJE D10 28 --- LAPJE a rag [n]
Other moves: RIPEN I10 27, BENJ C10 26, INJERA E10 26, PEAN 11B 26, RIPE I10 26
On 17th draw, REDENY 14A 36 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v] --- REDENY to deny again [v]
Other tops: UNREDY 14A 36
Other moves: NEEDY 14B 34, REEDY 14B 34, ONERY 14B 32, YONDER 12J 32, YEAD 11B 31
On 18th draw, VERB A12 39 --- VERB a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being [n]
Other moves: VIRE A12 33, VIBE E9 30, ENVOI 15F 29, OVINE 15F 29, BIRO A12 27
On 19th draw, UNITION E8 31 --- UNITION conjunction [n]
Other moves: UNFIT 15F 29, U(P)FRONT M7 28, FIAT 11B 27, INION E10 27, RIFT I10 27
On 20th draw, ENVIRON N8 36 --- ENVIRON to encircle [v]
Other moves: RIVO I10 27, FAIN K3 25, NAIF K3 25, RIF I10 25, FINO 3I 24
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