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Game on November 24, 2024 at 04:37, 6 players
1. 371 pts sunshine12
2. 358 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 321 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeegiw   H4    30    30   wedgie
 2. aeikory   G6    38    68   oaky
 3. cehinsv   F1    85   153   chevins
 4. elnooty   I2    38   191   looney
 5. ?efhijn   1D    51   242   fiche
 6. ?delstu  10H    75   317   saluted
 7. aejortu   L8    42   359   jotter
 8. aeilpsu  14J    40   399   pusle
 9. aaimorw  15F    34   433   mowra
10. ?einrtt  11C    76   509   nitrate
11. aceegnp   8L    39   548   jape
12. abgilru  14B    28   576   burial
13. aimnort   M1    72   648   montaria
14. adeiotx  O11    72   720   oxide
15. aabgnou   1J    39   759   bagman
16. aceiosz   C9    56   815   zincous
17. aefgntu  12A    30   845   fact
18. adeiruv  15A    31   876   vise
19. adgnqru  10B    31   907   qi

Remaining tiles: adgnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7073 Filesunshine12  2 12:48  -536  371     1.7073 sunshine12  2 12:48  -536  371 
  2.7379 FileGLOBEMAN    4 12:05  -549  358     2.7379 GLOBEMAN    4 12:05  -549  358 
  3.7333 Fileroocatcher  4 12:58  -586  321     3.7333 roocatcher  4 12:58  -586  321 
  4.6383 Filefatcat      2  6:38  -604  303            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:53  -882   25     1.6383 fatcat      2  6:38  -604  303 
  6.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:24  -891   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:53  -882   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:24  -891   16 

On 1st draw, WEDGIE H4 30 --- WEDGIE a type of woman's shoe [n]
Other moves: WAGED H4 28, WEDGE H4 28, WAIDE H4 26, DEAWIE H4 24, WAGED H8 24

On 2nd draw, OAKY G6 38 --- OAKY an icecream [n] --- OAKY tasting of oak sap [adj]
Other moves: KYRIE 10F 36, YORKIE 10F 35, YOKER 10D 34, KORAI 10F 33, ROKY 10H 33

On 3rd draw, CHEVINS F1 85 --- CHEVIN the chub a river fish [n]
Other moves: ICHS F5 41, ICHS F4 36, SHIVE I8 35, INCH F4 34, SECH F4 34

On 4th draw, LOONEY I2 38 --- LOONEY crazy [adj] --- LOONEY loony [n] --- LOONEY a crazy person [n]
Other moves: TONEY I3 37, OOCYTE 1D 36, TYCOON 1D 36, COLONY 1F 33, COONTY 1F 33
LEY I5 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 5th draw, FICHE 1D 51 --- FICHE a sheet of microfilm [n]
Other moves: FECH(T) 1D 48, FICH(E) 1D 48, FICH(U) 1D 48, F(I)CHE 1D 48, FI(T)CHE 1C 42
J(A) H1 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 6th draw, S(A)LUTED 10H 75 --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other tops: SUT(T)LED 10H 75
Other moves: (R)USTLED 10H 74, STUD(D)LE 10H 73, STU(D)DLE 10H 73, SU(T)TLED 10H 73, ST(R)UDEL 10H 71
T(O)SED J1 18 sunshine12
SED J3 16 BadBoyBen

On 7th draw, JOTTER L8 42 --- JOTTER one that jots [n]
Other moves: JURAT 11D 37, JEAT 11E 35, ADJURE N9 28, JOTTER L7 28, OUTJET L8 28
JUTE M7 20 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PUSLE 14J 40 --- PUSLE to puzzle [v]
Other moves: JAPE 8L 39, JAPS 8L 39, JASP 8L 39, JAUP 8L 39, JUPE 8L 39
SLIP 14L 26 sunshine12

On 9th draw, MOWRA 15F 34 --- MOWRA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: JIAO 8L 33, WAME M7 32, MOWA 15G 31, MOWA 9K 29, AWE M8 28
WAME M7 32 sunshine12
OWE M8 28 fatcat

On 10th draw, NITR(A)TE 11C 76 --- NITRATE to treat with nitrate acid [v]
Other tops: NITR(I)TE 11C 76, N(I)TRITE 11C 76
Other moves: ENTRI(S)T 11B 75, INTRE(A)T 11B 75, ITER(A)NT 11B 75, RETINT(S) 11C 75, TRIN(K)ET 11B 75
JE(A)N 8L 30 fatcat
TRI(S)T O11 22 sunshine12

On 11th draw, JAPE 8L 39 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other tops: JEEP 8L 39
Other moves: JANE 8L 33, JEAN 8L 33, CAPE M7 30, PENANCE C7 30, CAPING D8 28
JEEP 8L 39 fatcat, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, BURIAL 14B 28 --- BURIAL the act of burying [n]
Other moves: GRAB 13K 25, FIBULAR D1 24, LIBRA 14B 24, LUBRA 14B 24, URBIA 14B 24
BUR 7M 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
FLAG D1 16 fatcat

On 13th draw, MONTARIA M1 72 --- MONTARIA a light canoe [n]
Other moves: MOAN 13C 29, MOAT 13C 29, MAINTOP N2 26, NOMA 13A 26, ROMA 13A 26
RAM 15A 23 fatcat
ROM 15A 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 14th draw, OXIDE O11 72 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: AXOID N1 55, TAXED 13A 53, ADMIX 1K 51, AXED 13B 51, AXE 13B 44
MAX 1M 36 roocatcher
MIX 1M 36 fatcat

On 15th draw, BAGMAN 1J 39 --- BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n]
Other tops: BOGMAN 1J 39
Other moves: GAMBA 1K 33, GAMBO 1K 33, GUMBO 1K 33, AMBO 1L 27, OMBU 1L 27
GUMBO 1K 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
BAG 15A 25 fatcat

On 16th draw, ZINCOUS C9 56 --- ZINCOUS resembling zinc [adj]
Other moves: ZEAS 12A 52, ZAS 15A 42, ZOS 15A 42, AZO L4 41, ZEAS 10B 39
ZEAS 12A 52 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
ZO 15A 37 fatcat

On 17th draw, FACT 12A 30 --- FACT something known with certainty [n]
Other moves: BAFT J1 26, FANTEEG 3A 26, GANEF 3C 26, UNEATH 2A 25, FLAG 2H 24
FACT 12A 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GAS 15A 16 fatcat

On 18th draw, VISE 15A 31 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v] --- VISE to visa [v]
Other tops: VASE 15A 31
Other moves: HARLED 2F 28, UREDIA D4 27, BARED J1 26, FERVID D1 26, YEVE 9G 25
VISE 15A 31 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
FIVER D1 22 fatcat

On 19th draw, QI 10B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUA 2B 29, QADI 5C 28, QUAD 5K 28, QUAG 5K 28, QUARE 3B 28
QI 10B 31 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, roocatcher, sunshine12

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