Game on November 24, 2024 at 06:53, 6 players
1. 551 pts fatcat
2. 181 pts LongJump22
3. 67 pts MMMMMM1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 30 30
2. 11D 98 128
3. 7F 71 199
4. F1 72 271
5. 1C 83 354
6. 10C 41 395
7. 4A 80 475
8. 3C 51 526
9. 12A 44 570
10. B2 44 614
11. A12 39 653
12. 15A 86 739
13. 8K 23 762
14. 14D 34 796
15. 6I 32 828
16. O8 80 908
17. N13 37 945
18. A6 36 981
19. 10J 39 1020
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6373 fatcat 3 14:56 -469 551 1.6373 fatcat 3 14:56 -469 551
2.5838 LongJump22 2 3:06 -839 181 Group: novice
3.5870 MMMMMM1112 1 2:20 -953 67 1.5838 LongJump22 2 3:06 -839 181
4.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 0:45 -983 37 2.5870 MMMMMM1112 1 2:20 -953 67
5.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:21 -983 37 3.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 0:45 -983 37
6.5514 NNNNNN1112 0 1:45 -990 30 4.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:21 -983 37
5.5514 NNNNNN1112 0 1:45 -990 30
On 1st draw, EVERY H8 30 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other tops: VEERY H4 30, VEERY H8 30
Other moves: VETOER H4 26, EVERY H4 24, VOTER H4 24, EVERY H5 22, EVERY H6 22
EVERY H8 30 fatcat
On 2nd draw, SPAIRGED 11D 98 --- SPAIRGE to sprinkle [v]
Other moves: SPARGED 11E 44, GYPSIED 12G 28, GASPED 7F 26, GASP 7F 23, SPADE 7H 23
PAGER 11D 16 fatcat
On 3rd draw, UNSTEEL 7F 71 --- UNSTEEL to make soft [v]
Other tops: ELUENTS 7B 71
Other moves: TUNELESS D4 68, TUNELESS D5 68, UNSTEELS D4 68, ELUENTS I2 61, UNSTEEL I2 61
NESTLE 12J 19 fatcat
On 4th draw, BORDEAUX F1 72 --- BORDEAUX a red or white wine [n]
Other moves: BORAX 6B 61, REDOX 6B 56, AXE 6E 53, BOX 6D 53, EXO 6E 53
BOX 6D 53 fatcat
On 5th draw, ENABLERS 1C 83 --- ENABLER one that enables [n]
Other moves: LEANERS M1 75, LEARNERS 3C 70, RELEARNS 3F 70, REALNESS D4 68, REALNESS D5 68
BEARS 1F 21 fatcat
On 6th draw, GOOK 10C 41 --- GOOK a sticky or viscous substance [n]
Other moves: GO(O)K 10C 39, GO(U)K 10C 39, G(O)OK 10C 39, (B)OOK 10C 39, (C)OOK 10C 39
EVOKE J7 22 fatcat
On 7th draw, UNH(E)ADED 4A 80 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other tops: UNHA(N)DED 4A 80, UNHEAD(E)D 4A 80, UN(S)HADED 4A 80, U(N)HANDED 4A 80
Other moves: UNHEAD(S) 6I 79, UN(T)HREAD 3B 78, UNHEAD(S) M1 77, RAUN(C)HED 3F 76, UNHAR(M)ED 3B 76
HEAD 6J 33 fatcat
On 8th draw, CHARD 3C 51 --- CHARD a variety of beet [n]
Other moves: BINDHI B2 40, BANDH B2 38, CHAR 3C 38, ACH 3B 36, ICH 3B 36
HAD 10J 31 fatcat
On 9th draw, JUP(E) 12A 44 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JUP(A)TI A3 42, PUNJI(S) A3 42, JUT(E) 12A 40, UPJ(E)T A4 39, UPJ(E)T 12A 37
J(A) 2B 24 fatcat
On 10th draw, VENOM B2 44 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: JUVE A12 42, MAUVE 8K 40, JATO A12 33, JEAT A12 33, JOTA A12 33
JUTE A12 33 fatcat
On 11th draw, JIBE A12 39 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: BITTER 10J 29, BITTIE 10J 29, BITER 10J 28, BITTE 10J 28, BREI 6J 26
BITT 10J 25 fatcat
On 12th draw, ENTIRETY 15A 86 --- ENTIRETY completeness [n]
Other tops: ETERNITY 15A 86
Other moves: ENTIRETY K2 72, YITTEN 10J 35, YRENT 6J 35, NITRY 8K 32, NITTY 8K 32
YETI 10J 31 fatcat
On 13th draw, NOOIT 8K 23 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other moves: TOYON 12F 22, BAIT 14A 20, BOAT 14A 20, TOYO 12F 19, ANTI 8L 18
BOAT 14A 20 fatcat
On 14th draw, TAWA 14D 34 --- TAWA an evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: STAW 14C 34, STOW 14C 34, TAWS 14D 34, TOWS 14D 34
Other moves: WAGS 10J 32, W*GSWOGS 10J 32, AWA 14E 31, SAW 14D 31, SOW 14D 31
WAGS 10J 32 fatcat
On 15th draw, AFT 6I 32 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other moves: FIAT 10J 31, FAA 10J 30, FAT 10J 30, FIT 10J 30, FA 10J 29
FIAT 10J 31 LongJump22
FAT 10J 30 fatcat
On 16th draw, TOUSLING O8 80 --- TOUSLE to dishevel [v]
Other moves: SEGOL 5E 29, SOLOING M7 29, SOOLING M7 29, LENIS 5E 26, LENOS 5E 26
TOUSLING O8 80 LongJump22
USING A6 22 fatcat
On 17th draw, QI N13 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MAW 13E 33, WAIL 10J 31, WALI 10J 31, WILI 10J 31, MAW A6 30
QI N13 37 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, fatcat, MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112
On 18th draw, MIAOW A6 36 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other tops: MOWRA A6 36
Other moves: CAW 13E 33, COW 13E 33, MACRO A6 33, MAW 13E 33, MAWR A6 33
WORM 10J 33 LongJump22
WARM 10J 33 fatcat
On 19th draw, FIZ 10J 39 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FIZ 12J 38, FRIZ N6 35, ZEL J10 32, FIL 10J 30, FIR 10J 30
FIZ 10J 39 fatcat
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