Game on November 24, 2024 at 08:23, 7 players
1. 244 pts Chelsea
2. 142 pts LongJump22
3. 42 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 34 34
2. 6B 38 72
3. 5B 31 103
4. 9C 78 181
5. 7C 32 213
6. E9 24 237
7. 8H 97 334
8. A6 97 431
9. 14B 76 507
10. 15H 97 604
11. N11 38 642
12. K5 44 686
13. J3 34 720
14. L1 46 766
15. 1L 42 808
16. J10 30 838
17. 9K 41 879
18. L8 33 912
19. O10 27 939
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7005 Chelsea 1 9:18 -695 244 1.7005 Chelsea 1 9:18 -695 244
2.5838 LongJump22 2 3:22 -797 142 Group: novice
3.5514 NNNNNN1112 1 0:43 -897 42 1.5838 LongJump22 2 3:22 -797 142
4.5870 MMMMMM1112 1 1:02 -897 42 2.5514 NNNNNN1112 1 0:43 -897 42
5.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:23 -897 42 3.5870 MMMMMM1112 1 1:02 -897 42
6.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 1:41 -897 42 4.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:23 -897 42
7. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:54 -905 34 5.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 1:41 -897 42
Group: not rated
1. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:54 -905 34
On 1st draw, VODKA H4 34 --- VODKA a liquor [n]
Other moves: VAUDOO H4 28, VODKA H8 28, VODKA H5 26, VODKA H6 26, VODKA H7 26
On 2nd draw, ION(I)ZED 6B 38 --- IONIZE to convert into ions [v]
Other tops: UN(S)IZED 6B 38, (A)NODIZE 6E 38
Other moves: IOD(I)ZE 6F 37, (I)ONIZED 6B 36, DEZIN(C) 6H 35, DIZEN 6H 35, DIZEN(S) 6H 35
On 3rd draw, PYAT 5B 31 --- PYAT a magpie [n]
Other tops: PYOT 5B 31
Other moves: OAKY 7F 30, PONGY D4 30, YAP I7 30, YRAPT I7 30, YAP 5C 29
On 4th draw, CARNOSE 9C 78 --- CARNOSE fleshy [adj]
Other moves: NARCOSE 9C 76, CANOERS 9B 75, COARSEN 9D 75, CORNEAS 9B 75, EARCONS 9B 75
On 5th draw, DATO 7C 32 --- DATO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other moves: FARRAND D1 30, FARRANT D1 28, DARK 7E 27, DORK 7E 27, FARAD D8 26
On 6th draw, RUMMAGE E9 24 --- RUMMAGE to search thoroughly through [v]
Other tops: MOUSME 5G 24
Other moves: GEUM 10D 22, MOMES 5G 22, MOMUS 5G 22, SMEGMA 10I 21, MEUS 10D 20
On 7th draw, ANTIHERO 8H 97 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: ETHERION 15B 95, HEREINTO 15D 95, ETHERION 15E 86, HEREINTO 15B 86, THERMION 12A 80
On 8th draw, LANIARD A6 97 --- LANIARD a fastening rope on a ship [n]
Other moves: ORDALIAN O8 80, HANDRAIL L8 76, ORDALIAN 5H 68, LAIRD A6 35, LIARD A6 35
LANDER 15A 27 Chelsea
On 9th draw, CINGULAR 14B 76 --- CINGULAR relating to a cingulum [adj] --- CINGULUM an anatomical band or girdle [adj]
Other moves: LANCER 15A 33, RANCEL 15A 33, CERIA 15D 30, LANCE 15A 30, NUCLEAR 15A 30
NIL 9K 14 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WES(T)IES 15H 97 --- WESTIE (Australian slang) a young working-class person from the western suburbs [n]
Other moves: (B)REWISES N7 86, (L)EWISES 15H 85, (N)EWSIES 15H 85, MISWEE(N)S 12E 82, SWEE(N)IES M6 80
WEE(T)S 15H 41 Chelsea
On 11th draw, QOPHS N11 38 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: PHO 15A 33, EPHA 14K 32, QAT J6 32, HAEN D11 31, HOPE 7K 31
HOP 14M 25 Chelsea
On 12th draw, FETIDER K5 44 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: DEFER 9K 34, EYNE D12 32, REMEDY 12C 32, EYED 7L 31, FEY 7M 29
FEY 7M 29 Chelsea
On 13th draw, GREY J3 34 --- GREY a colour between black and white [adj] --- GREY to make grey [v]
Other moves: GEY J4 33, TREY J3 33, YEA B10 32, GUY 10D 31, YAGI J10 31
On 14th draw, JUTES L1 46 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JEST L3 34, JETS L3 34, J*WSJEWS L2 34, JUST L3 34, JUTS L3 34
WETS J10 30 LongJump22
On 15th draw, JIVE 1L 42 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: DEX 9K 41, XI O12 38, WAX J10 36, WEX J10 36, WOX J10 36
JIVE 1L 42 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
XI O12 38 Chelsea
On 16th draw, FOIL J10 30 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other tops: FAIL J10 30, FOAL J10 30
Other moves: FAT J10 29, IF O11 29, FA J10 28, DIF 9K 25, DOF 9K 25
IF O11 29 Chelsea, LongJump22
On 17th draw, DEX 9K 41 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: WAX L10 38, WEX L10 38, AX M3 31, EX M3 31, OX M3 31
DEX 9K 41 LongJump22, Chelsea
On 18th draw, HENBIT L8 33 --- HENBIT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: LIB O10 26, NIB O10 26, BIO O12 24, BOI O12 24, LINO O10 23
On 19th draw, GIB O10 27 --- GIB to fasten with a wedge of wood or metal [v]
Other moves: LIB O10 26, BIO O12 24, BOA O12 24, BOI O12 24, GAMBOL 12C 24
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