Game on November 24, 2024 at 20:30, 7 players
1. 642 pts Muincunx
2. 548 pts ArcticFox
3. 122 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 86 86
2. 11H 28 114
3. N5 78 192
4. 9E 66 258
5. O1 44 302
6. 14H 72 374
7. 8K 26 400
8. E8 72 472
9. 15A 93 565
10. 8A 24 589
11. O12 33 622
12. D11 27 649
13. K1 74 723
14. 1H 42 765
15. B10 34 799
16. 2I 40 839
17. 13G 39 878
18. 7A 31 909
19. 6D 39 948
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7712 Muincunx 6 15:12 -306 642 1.7712 Muincunx 6 15:12 -306 642
2.7150 ArcticFox 2 18:08 -400 548 2.7150 ArcticFox 2 18:08 -400 548
3.5838 LongJump22 1 2:22 -826 122 Group: novice
4.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 1:28 -904 44 1.5838 LongJump22 1 2:22 -826 122
5.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:51 -904 44 2.5520 LLLLLL1112 1 1:28 -904 44
6.5870 MMMMMM1112 0 1:22 -904 44 3.5535 OOOOOO1112 1 1:51 -904 44
7.5514 NNNNNN1112 0 1:46 -904 44 4.5870 MMMMMM1112 0 1:22 -904 44
5.5514 NNNNNN1112 0 1:46 -904 44
On 1st draw, WOTCHE(R) H8 86 --- WOTCHER a greeting [interj]
Other tops: WOTCHE(R) H4 86
Other moves: WOTCHE(R) H2 80, WOTCHE(R) H3 80, WOTCHE(R) H7 80, WOTCHE(R) H5 78, WOTCHE(R) H6 78
WECHT H4 34 Muincunx
CHEW(S) H4 30 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, CYPRID 11H 28 --- CYPRID a type of barnacle [n]
Other tops: HYPED 12H 28, PREY I6 28, PREYED I4 28, REDEYE 13C 28
Other moves: DEY I7 27, DREY I6 27, EYED G12 27, YEP I7 27, CREEPY 11H 26
DEY I7 27 Muincunx
YEP I7 27 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, DONGLES N5 78 --- DONGLE a device for defeating software piracy [n]
Other tops: GOLDENS N5 78
Other moves: GLENOIDS L6 72, DONGLES I3 71, DOYEN I9 27, LODGES N6 27, NOYED I9 27
DONGLES N5 78 LongJump22
SOLED N11 27 ArcticFox, Muincunx
On 4th draw, BLOOMIER 9E 66 --- BLOOMY covered with flowers [adj]
Other moves: LIMBER O1 44, BIOME O1 39, BROME O1 39, LIMBO O1 39, MOBIE O1 33
LIMBER O1 44 Muincunx, LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
OIL O8 22 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, TRAVES O1 44 --- TRAVE a frame for confining a horse [n]
Other moves: EVEJARS 13H 42, EVEJAR 13H 40, STAVE O1 39, TRAVE O1 39, JARVIES L7 36
TRAVES O1 44 Muincunx, LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
VASTER O1 35 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, (R)IANCIES 14H 72 --- RIANCY merriment [n]
Other moves: SALICINE F7 64, CANIER 2J 28, CASINI M2 28, INCISE M2 28, SAICE M3 28
CANIER 2J 28 Muincunx
AGE 8M 12 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, TANGA 8K 26 --- TANGA a former monetary unit of Tajikistan [n]
Other tops: RANGI 8K 26, TAIGA 8K 26, TANGI 8K 26
Other moves: ANTRA 8A 22, ATRIA 8A 22, INTRA 8A 22, NAIRA 8A 22, RAITA 8A 22
TAI 15M 19 ArcticFox
AIRTH 12D 16 Muincunx
On 8th draw, IBOGAINE E8 72 --- IBOGAINE an alkaloid used as an antidepressant [n]
Other moves: GENOA 8A 25, GONIA 8A 25, NGAIO 8A 25, GAINER 2J 22, BEGONIA E9 20
GAINER 2J 22 Muincunx
BINGO E9 16 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, JA(Z)ZER 15A 93 --- JAZZER one that jazzes [n]
Other moves: FURZE 15A 81, FURZE(S) 15A 81, FR(I)ZE 15A 78, FR(O)ZE 15A 78, FU(R)ZE 15A 78
FURZE 15A 81 ArcticFox, Muincunx
On 10th draw, ATIGI 8A 24 --- ATIGI (Inuit) a kind of PARKA worn in Canada [n]
Other moves: GAITER 2J 22, GIAOUR 2J 22, GOITER 2J 22, GUITAR 2J 22, AGUTI 8A 21
GOITER 2J 22 Muincunx
GIST O12 21 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, HUSO O12 33 --- HUSO the great sturgeon [n]
Other tops: HOSS O12 33, HUSS O12 33, WUSS O12 33
Other moves: DHOW M3 32, SH 15N 32, WUDS D10 32, DOHS 15J 30, DOSH O12 30
WUSS O12 33 Muincunx
DUSH O12 30 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, UFO D11 27 --- UFO an unidentified flying object [n]
Other tops: FLOP M3 27, OAF D10 27, OUPA D10 27
Other moves: DAP D10 26, DUP D10 26, DOF 9A 25, FAP 7A 25, PAD D10 25
OAF D10 27 Muincunx
POZ D13 20 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, PERIODATE K1 74 --- PERIODATE [n]
Other moves: HOAED 12H 35, PAIRER 2J 28, PERIDOT B2 28, PORIER 2J 28, DIAPER 2J 26
PORIER 2J 28 Muincunx
PO(Z) C13 18 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, SOAPY 1H 42 --- SOAPY containing or resembling soap [adj]
Other moves: LYSE F9 38, OYES J1 36, YADS J2 36, YEAD J2 36, YODS J2 36
SOAPY 1H 42 ArcticFox
YADS J2 36 Muincunx
On 15th draw, VELETA B10 34 --- VELETA a dance in waltz time [n]
Other moves: VENITE 4H 26, TEENER 2J 25, TEETER 2J 25, LEAVEN 7I 20, LEVITE 4H 20
TEETER 2J 25 Muincunx
DEVIL M11 18 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, DWEEB 2I 40 --- DWEEB an unattractive or inept person [n]
Other moves: WEEM 2J 35, AWED J1 34, WEED 2J 34, WEEL 2J 33, WEE 2J 32
DWEEB 2I 40 Muincunx
WEED 2J 34 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, NEXT 13G 39 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other tops: TEX 7A 39, TUX 7A 39
Other moves: XU 7C 37, EX 7B 36, REX 13G 36, TEX 13G 36, EX 13H 34
TUX 7A 39 Muincunx
TEX 7A 39 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, LEKU 7A 31 --- LEK a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: EIK 7A 27, EUK 7A 27, LEK 7A 27, NEK 7A 27, LIKEN M4 24
LEKU 7A 31 Muincunx
NEK 7A 27 ArcticFox
On 19th draw, REQUIN 6D 39 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUIRED 6F 38, INQUIRE 4G 34, QUINIE 4G 32, REQUIN 4G 32, QUIM 4I 30
QUIRED 6F 38 Muincunx
QUIM 4I 30 ArcticFox
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