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Game on November 25, 2024 at 01:02, 5 players
1. 142 pts sunshine12
2. 20 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 20 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeglmo   H2    74    74   gomerel
 2. aeenort   3C    70   144   aerotone
 3. ?aehiju   2D    61   205   haj
 4. aeirstv   K1    79   284   vastier
 5. abdegor   6C    72   356   garderobe
 6. ?efiipr   D6    76   432   aperitif
 7. efilrsu  13B    82   514   siffleur
 8. adelntu  12I    70   584   undealt
 9. acnotuw   1A    38   622   atoc
10. aadhino  N10    36   658   haloid
11. aagmrst   B7    80   738   matgrass
12. inoqtuy   2J    65   803   yanqui
13. eilosuz   4B    79   882   sizel
14. cknopuv   A5    52   934   pouk
15. dennoty  O12    41   975   tyde
16. ceinotx   1N    56  1031   ox
17. beinnot  M11    32  1063   bant
18. ceiiovw   O7    35  1098   wive

Remaining tiles: cinnow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7047 Filesunshine12  1  4:40  -956  142     1.7047 sunshine12  1  4:40  -956  142 
  2.7406 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:55 -1078   20     2.7406 GLOBEMAN    0  0:55 -1078   20 
  3.7287 Fileroocatcher  0  1:32 -1078   20     3.7287 roocatcher  0  1:32 -1078   20 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:19 -1089    9            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:58 -1095    3     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:19 -1089    9 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:58 -1095    3 

On 1st draw, GOME(R)EL H2 74 --- GOMEREL gomeral [n]
Other moves: GOME(R)EL H4 72, GOME(R)EL H3 70, GOME(R)EL H6 70, GOME(R)EL H7 70, GOME(R)EL H5 68

On 2nd draw, AEROTONE 3C 70 --- AEROTONE a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air [n]
Other moves: AEROTONE 3E 60, ATONER G2 24, ATONER G4 20, EATEN I3 20, EATER I3 20
TENOR G3 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
OR 3H 3 chunk88

On 3rd draw, HAJ 2D 61 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HEJI(R)A 2J 59, H(A)J 2D 59, JUGA(T)E 2F 59, AJUG(A) 2E 58, JAGE(R) 2F 58
HAJ 2D 61 sunshine12
HE 7G 9 BadBoyBen

On 4th draw, VASTIER K1 79 --- VASTY of great extent or size [adj]
Other moves: EVIRATES 5B 72, EVIRATES 5H 72, TAIVERS 9B 72, VASTIER 9F 72, VERITAS 9B 72
VATS 1A 31 sunshine12

On 5th draw, GARDE(R)OBE 6C 72 --- GARDEROBE [n]
Other moves: GARBE 4B 45, BARDE 4B 44, BADGER 2J 42, BARGED 2J 42, DREG 4C 41
BOARD J6 30 sunshine12

On 6th draw, APERI(T)IF D6 76 --- APERITIF an alcoholic drink taken before a meal [n]
Other tops: PA(C)IFIER D5 76
Other moves: FR(A)PE 4A 46, FAERI(E) 2J 45, FAIRE(D) 2J 45, FAIRE(R) 2J 45, FAI(N)ER 2J 45

On 7th draw, SIFFLEUR 13B 82 --- SIFFLEUR an animal that makes as whistling noise [n]
Other moves: SIFFLEUR 13A 80, FLURRIES 9A 73, FUSILIER 12A 66, FUSILIER 10A 65, FALSER 2J 47

On 8th draw, UNDEALT 12I 70 --- UNDEALT not dealt [adj]
Other moves: LANDE 4B 40, ANTE 4C 35, ENVAULT 1I 33, ELAND 4A 32, NET 4D 31

On 9th draw, ATOC 1A 38 --- ATOC a skunk [n]
Other moves: CAW 4B 36, WANT 4A 36, WONT 4A 36, CANTO 1A 34, WALNUT N10 34

On 10th draw, HALOID N10 36 --- HALOID a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: DEHORN 7G 34, HALID N10 34, AAHED 5E 33, HALON N10 32, HANSA B10 32

On 11th draw, MATGRASS B7 80 --- MATGRASS a rushlike moorland grass [n]
Other moves: MAARS 4A 43, SMART 4A 39, MAAR 4A 38, MARGS 2J 38, AGARS 4A 37

On 12th draw, YANQUI 2J 65 --- YANQUI a United States citizen [n]
Other moves: QUINT O8 49, QUOIT O8 49, QUINO O6 47, NOY A6 37, QUOTH 10J 37

On 13th draw, SIZEL 4B 79 --- SIZEL metal clippings [n]
Other moves: L*Z A6 73, LUZ A6 73, SEZ A6 73, ZEL 4D 73, ZEDS 15L 72

On 14th draw, POUK A5 52 --- POUK to pluck [v]
Other moves: PICK O1 51, PINKO O1 48, KNOP A5 46, NICK O1 45, PINK O1 45

On 15th draw, TYDE O12 41 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: DENAY M9 39, TYNDE 15K 39, TODAY M9 38, TYNE O12 37, TYTE O12 37

On 16th draw, OX 1N 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TOXIC I5 46, EXERTION 7H 45, TOXINE O5 44, OXEN 7F 43, TOXINE I5 43

On 17th draw, BANT M11 32 --- BANT to diet [v]
Other moves: BONNIE O5 29, IT 3M 29, ANNO M12 28, ANTI M12 28, NAB M11 28

On 18th draw, WIVE O7 35 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: CIVIE O6 35, VOICE O6 35, WOVE O7 35
Other moves: CIVE O7 32, COVE O7 32, VICE O7 32, WICE O7 32, EWE 5F 24

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