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Game on November 25, 2024 at 04:48, 1 player
1. 321 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acfgioy   H4    30    30   yogic
 2. ?eiprtt   4A    80   110   prettily
 3. deglorw   C3    80   190   reglowed
 4. adeeiru   8A    33   223   dewier
 5. deirsxy   D7    43   266   dixies
 6. aehnouv  E11    34   300   hovea
 7. aejlnrs   6E    70   370   janglers
 8. ?airsuy   A8    86   456   dysurias
 9. aefioot   5C    35   491   geat
10. aeiklsv   J3    67   558   vaselike
11. acdfgor  15D    45   603   cafard
12. beilotz   L1    54   657   zibets
13. bilnotu   1G    51   708   blintz
14. aimnoou   M2    28   736   noma
15. eginoot   N2    38   774   noogie
16. ahmnopu   O7    38   812   hump
17. aefnntw   M7    31   843   fawn
18. enooqtu   A1    45   888   quop

Remaining tiles: aenotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6379 Filefatcat      2  7:34  -567  321     1.6379 fatcat      2  7:34  -567  321 

On 1st draw, YOGIC H4 30 --- YOGIC pertaining to yoga [adj]
Other moves: YOGIC H8 28, FOGY H5 22, FOGY H6 22, FOGY H7 22, FOGY H8 22

On 2nd draw, PRETTI(L)Y 4A 80 --- PRETTILY in a pretty manner [adv] --- PRETTY pleasing to the eye [adv]
Other tops: PETIT(O)RY 4A 80, PRETTI(F)Y 4A 80
Other moves: PETITOR(Y) 5C 68, PORTIE(S)T 5G 68, P(L)OTTIER 5F 68, RI(S)PETTO 5A 68, TRIPTO(T)E 5C 68

On 3rd draw, REGLOWED C3 80 --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: PROWLED A4 39, LOWPED A1 36, PLOWED A4 36, POWDER A4 36, POWRED A4 36

On 4th draw, DEWIER 8A 33 --- DEWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: DEWAR 8A 30, REDIAE D7 30, REWED 8A 30, DIAPER A1 27, EPERDU A3 27

On 5th draw, DIXIES D7 43 --- DIXIE a camp-kettle [n]
Other moves: DOXY 7B 32, ORYXES 5H 32, XYSTER E1 32, YEXED E7 32, SIXTY E1 30

On 6th draw, HOVEA E11 34 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other tops: HOVEN E11 34
Other moves: HOVE E11 32, HEAP A1 27, HONE E11 26, NAH E10 25, EH E10 24

On 7th draw, JANGLERS 6E 70 --- JANGLER one that jangles [n]
Other moves: JANES 15D 60, JARLS 15D 60, JASPER A1 45, JARPS A1 42, JASPE A1 42

On 8th draw, DYSURIA(S) A8 86 --- DYSURIA pain in passing urine [n]
Other tops: DY(S)URIAS A8 86
Other moves: (D)YSURIAS L4 72, RAIYA(T)S 15A 39, S(H)IPYARD A1 39, YAU(T)IAS 15D 39, *l*Y*S 15A 36
YAR(D)S 15D 33 fatcat

On 9th draw, GEAT 5C 35 --- GEAT the hole for pouring into a mould [n]
Other tops: GOAT 5C 35
Other moves: GOA 5C 30, FOOTIE 5J 29, FA F14 28, FE F14 28, AT 5E 27
FA F14 28 fatcat

On 10th draw, VASELIKE J3 67 --- VASE a container used for holding flowers [adj] --- VASELIKE like a vase [adj]
Other moves: KAVAS 15D 51, VAKILS 15D 51, VAKIL 15D 48, AVAILES 15C 42, KAIES 15D 42
LAKES 15D 30 fatcat

On 11th draw, CAFARD 15D 45 --- CAFARD the blues [n]
Other moves: FARAD 15D 39, CARGO 15D 33, DARAF 15D 33, FADO K8 30, FARD K8 29
FA F14 28 fatcat

On 12th draw, ZIBETS L1 54 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BEZILS L1 40, ZLOTE 10F 34, BIZES L2 32, REZ F8 32, RIZ F8 32
AZO 14A 24 fatcat

On 13th draw, BLINTZ 1G 51 --- BLINTZ a thin pancake [n]
Other moves: BLITZ 1H 48, ZOBU 1L 45, BLIP A1 24, LOUPIT A1 24, LIROT K4 23
ZOBU 1L 45 fatcat

On 14th draw, NOMA M2 28 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other moves: IONIUM 8J 27, NOMOI K8 26, AMI M3 24, AMINO K9 24, AMNIO K9 24
MAIN K10 16 fatcat

On 15th draw, NOOGIE N2 38 --- NOOGIE a playful rubbing of one's knuckles on another's head [n]
Other moves: NOOIT N2 33, INGOT N1 32, INGO N1 27, ROTING K6 26, IGNITE 8J 24
KING 9J 11 fatcat

On 16th draw, HUMP O7 38 --- HUMP to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v]
Other moves: HUMAN O7 35, MOHUA O7 34, HUMP A1 33, HAPU O7 32, HOMA O7 32
HUMP O7 38 fatcat

On 17th draw, FAWN M7 31 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: ANENT B10 31
Other moves: FAW M7 30, FEW M7 30, FETWA M7 29, FANE K8 27, FATE K8 27
FEW K10 23 fatcat

On 18th draw, QUOP A1 45 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QUEP A1 45
Other moves: QUOTE 10F 34, TOQUE K10 30, QUA G13 22, NOOP A1 18, NOTE K8 18
QUOP A1 45 fatcat

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