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Game on November 25, 2024 at 10:13, 5 players
1. 518 pts sunshine12
2. 308 pts Chelsea
3. 208 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelmoq   H4    50    50   qorma
 2. aeirswy   9H    33    83   swayer
 3. eeilnrt   K2    72   155   entirely
 4. ?ddiiop   M7    78   233   periodid
 5. aeirsuu   4F    34   267   sequitur
 6. eeeklsw  13H    66   333   weeklies
 7. acfinst  11H    76   409   factions
 8. abdeilo  15J    48   457   albedo
 9. begilno  14B    87   544   ignoble
10. hinotvz   2J    76   620   zenith
11. adfhinr  15E    50   670   fain
12. aeinotx   F4    83   753   saxonite
13. aacehot   O1    45   798   chetah
14. aemoorr   E5    29   827   moo
15. adgoruv   D3    34   861   grav
16. aeoprty   O8    36   897   pryses
17. agjrtuu   C1    28   925   gju
18. adortuv   1A    24   949   ragout

Remaining tiles: dv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7050 Filesunshine12  2 20:46  -431  518     1.7050 sunshine12  2 20:46  -431  518 
  2.7064 FileChelsea     0  9:04  -641  308     2.7064 Chelsea     0  9:04  -641  308 
  3.7406 FileGLOBEMAN    1  7:10  -741  208     3.7406 GLOBEMAN    1  7:10  -741  208 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:32  -925   24            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:05  -930   19     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:32  -925   24 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:05  -930   19 

On 1st draw, QO(R)MA H4 50 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ALM H4 50
Other moves: Q(U)ALE H4 46, Q(U)ALM H8 36, QO(R)MA H8 32, QO(R)MA H5 30, QO(R)MA H6 30
Q(U)ALE H4 46 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, SWAYER 9H 33 --- SWAYER one that sways [n]
Other tops: WEYS I5 33
Other moves: YAWS I7 31, YEWS I7 31, YWIS I7 31, SAWYER 9H 30, SWAY 9H 30
SWAYER 9H 33 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, ENTIRELY K2 72 --- ENTIRELY completely [adv]
Other tops: LIENTERY K2 72
Other moves: ELATERIN J7 62, ENTAILER J6 62, TREENAIL J4 62, RELENT 10J 23, ETEN 10I 22
RENT 8L 20 sunshine12

On 4th draw, P(E)RIODID M7 78 --- PERIODID a compound of iodine [n]
Other moves: DIOP(S)IDE 2D 67, DIPODIE(S) 2E 65, PE(L)OID 2J 28, PE(R)IOD 2J 28, PI(E)D J2 28
P(A)ID J2 28 sunshine12

On 5th draw, SEQUITUR 4F 34 --- SEQUITUR the conclusion of an inference [n]
Other moves: AUREUS 15H 33, AUREUS 15J 33, URAEUS 15H 33, URAEUS 15J 33, QUATRES 4H 32
QUITES 4H 30 Chelsea
USER 15L 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, WEEKLIES 13H 66 --- WEEKLY a publication issued once a week [n]
Other moves: KEWL 15L 60, WEEK 15L 57, WELK 15L 57, WEEKES 15H 54, WELKES 15H 54
WEEKS 2J 40 Chelsea
WEES N6 33 sunshine12

On 7th draw, FACTIONS 11H 76 --- FACTION a clique within a larger group [n]
Other moves: FANCIEST 2F 73, FACTIS 15H 48, FINCAS 15H 48, ANTICS 15H 45, FASCI 15K 45
FANS N6 33 sunshine12
FENTS 2J 32 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ALBEDO 15J 48 --- ALBEDO the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by it [n]
Other moves: BOLIDE 15H 45, ALB(E)DO 8J 42, BEAD 15L 42, DIABLE 15H 42, DOABLE 15H 42
BALDIES O5 30 sunshine12
BLADES O6 27 Chelsea

On 9th draw, IGNOBLE 14B 87 --- IGNOBLE of low character [adj]
Other moves: INGLOBES O4 86, IGNOBLE 12B 82, INGLOBE 12B 82, INGLOBE 14B 79, IGNOBLE(R) 6A 66
BELONGS O5 30 Chelsea
BEGONE 2J 30 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ZENITH 2J 76 --- ZENITH the highest point [n]
Other moves: ZHOS O8 48, ZOISTS O8 48, ZINS O8 39, ZITS O8 39, HIZEN 2H 37
ZENITH 2J 76 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, FAIN 15E 50 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: HAIN 15E 50
Other moves: RAID 15E 44, AID 15F 39, RAIN 15E 38, AIN 15F 33, FRIANDS O5 33
RAID 15E 44 Chelsea
FAH 3E 24 sunshine12

On 12th draw, SAXONITE F4 83 --- SAXONITE igneous rock [n]
Other moves: AXISES O8 42, EXISTS O8 42, TOXINES O5 42, AXIONS O6 39, AXITES O6 39
OXEN N5 32 sunshine12
(E)XO 8M 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, CHETAH O1 45 --- CHETAH a swift-running wildcat [n]
Other moves: CHETH O1 42, HAE 1M 40, HAO 1M 40, TEC 1M 40, CHAOSES O7 39
HAE 1M 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CHA 13A 27 Chelsea

On 14th draw, MOO E5 29 --- MOO to make the deep, moaning sound of a cow [v]
Other moves: MAROON 8A 27, MARRON 8A 27, MARSES O8 27, MORSES O8 27, MOORAGE C9 26
MA E5 25 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GRAV D3 34 --- GRAV acceleration unit, one g = 9.8 m per sec per sec [n]
Other moves: GAUD 13B 30, VAG D4 30, DRAG D3 28, GADSOS O8 27, LA(E)VO 8K 27
VROU D6 24 Chelsea
DUO N5 20 sunshine12

On 16th draw, PRYSES O8 36 --- PRYSE to prize [v]
Other tops: POYSES O8 36, PYOSES O8 36
Other moves: PAY E9 32, ROYSTS O8 30, YEASTS O8 30, PATY E9 28, PROOF E11 28
YAE N5 24 chunk88
YO N5 19 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, GJU C1 28 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other tops: GURJUN D9 28, JUGATE 11A 28, JURAT 10B 28
Other moves: JA N5 27, GAUJE 11B 26, JAGG 3A 26, JAGG 3B 26, JAGG C11 26
JA N5 27 Chelsea

On 18th draw, RAGOUT 1A 24 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other moves: ARGOT 1A 21, D*G* 1A 21, TUGRA 1A 21, VAG 1A 21, VUG 1A 21
VAG 1A 21 sunshine12

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