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Game on November 26, 2024 at 13:43, 7 players
1. 272 pts LongJump22
2. 100 pts NNNNNN1112
3. 96 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abfinrr   H4    24    24   friar
 2. eeilovy   5E    40    64   overlie
 3. abdefor   L3    91   155   forbade
 4. abdeotu   G7    74   229   boutade
 5. ehisstw  11F    78   307   washiest
 6. eilnopt  12A    31   338   pointed
 7. ?aaimop  10A    75   413   lipomata
 8. aeglnrx   M6    47   460   axel
 9. cceeils  14A    87   547   leccies
10. ?diiorv   J7    67   614   vibrioid
11. deelmnr   N4    46   660   remend
12. aggiost   O7    32   692   st
13. giortwy  12L    34   726   towy
14. aglnnoy  O11    36   762   gynny
15. aaegior   O1    26   788   goier
16. aagjlnq   A8    39   827   jalap
17. aghknuu   4A    41   868   kaugh
18. lnqtuuz   B2    32   900   quant

Remaining tiles: lnuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5634 FileLongJump22  3  3:42  -628  272     1.7681 moonmonkey  3  2:07  -804   96 
  2.5466 FileNNNNNN1112  1  4:21  -800  100            Group: novice
  3.7681 Filemoonmonkey  3  2:07  -804   96     1.5634 LongJump22  3  3:42  -628  272 
  4.5774 FileMMMMMM1112  0  3:46  -821   79     2.5466 NNNNNN1112  1  4:21  -800  100 
  5.  -  FileKKKKKK1144  1  1:52  -859   41     3.5774 MMMMMM1112  0  3:46  -821   79 
  6.5538 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:48  -865   35     4.5538 LLLLLL1112  0  1:48  -865   35 
  7.5493 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:52  -879   21     5.5493 OOOOOO1112  0  1:52  -879   21 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  KKKKKK1144  1  1:52  -859   41 

On 1st draw, FRIAR H4 24 --- FRIAR a member of a religious order [n]
Other moves: BAIRN H4 20, BRAIN H4 20, BRIAR H4 20, BARF H5 18, BARF H6 18

On 2nd draw, OVERLIE 5E 40 --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: EELY G4 29, YEVE G7 29, YEVE I7 29, VEILY 6F 27, LEVY 9E 26
OVERLIE 5E 40 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FORBADE L3 91 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other moves: FORBADE G7 80, BARFED L3 39, FEDORA L1 39, FORBAD L3 39, FADER L1 37
FORBADE G7 80 LongJump22

On 4th draw, BOUTADE G7 74 --- BOUTADE a sudden outburst [n]
Other tops: BOUTADE K9 74
Other moves: OBDURATED 8D 64, TABOURED 8C 62, ABODE M6 32, ABED M6 31, DOAB M1 28
BOUTADE G7 74 LongJump22

On 5th draw, WASHIEST 11F 78 --- WASHY overly diluted [adj]
Other moves: WHITEBASS 7B 72, SWEETISH 13D 65, SWEETISH 13E 65, SHOWIEST E3 64, SWATHES 11E 52
WASHIEST 11F 78 LongJump22

On 6th draw, POINTED 12A 31 --- POINT to indicate direction with the finger [v]
Other tops: PILOTED 12A 31
Other moves: OPE 10I 28, OPT 10I 28, ENTOIL 12I 27, PODITE 8J 27, OP 10I 25
OP 10I 25 MMMMMM1112

On 7th draw, (L)IPOMATA 10A 75 --- LIPOMA a tumor of fatty tissue [n]
Other moves: PA(R)OEMIA K7 69, PA(L)AMINO D6 61, IMPA(S)TO E7 48, IMPO(S)T E7 46, (S)TAMP E11 44

On 8th draw, AXEL M6 47 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: GREX M1 43, AXE M6 42, LAX M7 42, LEX M7 42, RAX M7 42

On 9th draw, LECCIES 14A 87 --- LECCY (colloquial) electricity [n]
Other moves: CEILS N6 45, ECESIC N1 45, CEES N6 42, CEIL N6 42, CELS N6 42

On 10th draw, VI(B)RIOID J7 67 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [adj] --- VIBRIOID pertaining to a vibrio [adj]
Other moves: VI(B)RIOID J1 65, (P)ROVIDOR 8A 45, VIROID N1 38, D(E)V N6 36, VIRID N2 36

On 11th draw, REMEND N4 46 --- MEND to repair [v] --- REMEND to mend again [v]
Other moves: EMEND N5 45, MEED N6 44, MELD N6 44, MEND N6 44, DEEM N6 40

On 12th draw, ST O7 32 --- ST hush [interj]
Other tops: SI O7 32
Other moves: ISO O8 29, IS O8 26, GOAFS 3I 22, GA(L)OP A8 21, GIGAS 4A 20

On 13th draw, TOWY 12L 34 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other tops: WRY M1 34
Other moves: G*Y M1 30, YO M3 29, TORY 12L 28, TOY M1 28, TRY M1 28
WRY M1 34 moonmonkey

On 14th draw, GYNNY O11 36 --- GYNNY guinea hen [n]
Other moves: YGO 13L 33, GAY M1 30, G*Y M1 30, YA M3 29, YO M3 29
GYNNY O11 36 moonmonkey

On 15th draw, GOIER O1 26 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: AREA M1 21, EAR(L)AP A7 21, GARE O1 21, GA(L)OP A8 21, GEN 13M 21
GOIER O1 26 moonmonkey

On 16th draw, JA(L)AP A8 39 --- JALAP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JAG M2 37, JA M2 28, JAFA 3J 28, JAG 4C 25, LAG M2 23

On 17th draw, KAUGH 4A 41 --- KAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: WAUK N12 37, KNAG M1 33, HAG M2 29, HANK 4B 28, HUNK 4B 28

On 18th draw, QUANT B2 32 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: LUTZ C3 26, QUAT B2 26, ZULU C1 26, ZULU C3 26, LUNK A1 24

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