Game on November 26, 2024 at 19:06, 16 players
1. 441 pts LongJump22
2. 356 pts sunshine12
3. 295 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 44 44
2. 8E 61 105
3. J6 66 171
4. K4 35 206
5. 11D 90 296
6. 12A 44 340
7. 14I 31 371
8. A7 36 407
9. 15H 35 442
10. 13L 34 476
11. O8 48 524
12. 9F 36 560
13. B2 28 588
14. B10 26 614
15. 12H 30 644
16. N2 72 716
17. 15A 48 764
18. O1 25 789
19. 4A 50 839
20. E4 28 867
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5634 LongJump22 6 10:46 -426 441 1.7091 ArcticFox 3 10:42 -572 295
2.6988 sunshine12 0 15:36 -511 356 2.7316 VVVVVV1112 2 3:38 -726 141
3.7091 ArcticFox 3 10:42 -572 295 3.7734 sicilianc5 2 3:12 -752 115
4.6890 mousecat 0 11:49 -631 236 4.7678 moonmonkey 0 1:10 -846 21
5.7316 VVVVVV1112 2 3:38 -726 141 5.7795 Mycophot 0 1:27 -846 21
6.7734 sicilianc5 2 3:12 -752 115 Group: intermediate
7. - Pacific 2 2:29 -779 88 1.6988 sunshine12 0 15:36 -511 356
8.6419 FangTooth 0 2:17 -806 61 2.6890 mousecat 0 11:49 -631 236
9.5558 OOOOOO1112 0 1:59 -827 40 3.6419 FangTooth 0 2:17 -806 61
10.5788 MMMMMM1112 0 1:25 -835 32 4.6819 Nibbler 0 0:42 -846 21
11.5537 NNNNNN1112 0 1:49 -835 32 5.6469 xxxxxxx 0 1:34 -849 18
12.5617 LLLLLL1112 0 1:06 -845 22 Group: novice
13.6819 Nibbler 0 0:42 -846 21 1.5634 LongJump22 6 10:46 -426 441
14.7678 moonmonkey 0 1:10 -846 21 2.5558 OOOOOO1112 0 1:59 -827 40
15.7795 Mycophot 0 1:27 -846 21 3.5788 MMMMMM1112 0 1:25 -835 32
16.6469 xxxxxxx 0 1:34 -849 18 4.5537 NNNNNN1112 0 1:49 -835 32
5.5617 LLLLLL1112 0 1:06 -845 22
Group: not rated
1. - Pacific 2 2:29 -779 88
On 1st draw, JASPE H4 44 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other tops: JAPES H4 44, JIBES H4 44
Other moves: JAPES H8 30, JASPE H8 30, JIBES H8 30, JAPES H5 28, JAPES H6 28
JAPES H4 44 Pacific
JIBES H4 44 LongJump22, ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, GODETIAS 8E 61 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other moves: ADJIGOS 4F 32, ADIOS I4 28, AGIOS I4 28, JIGOTS 4H 28, JIGOT 4H 26
GODETIAS 8E 61 LongJump22
GOADS 9D 24 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, EPIFAU(N)A J6 66 --- EPIFAUNA fauna living on a hard sea floor [n]
Other moves: AUFGA(B)E E5 40, FA(R)E 9F 34, PA(R)A 9F 32, PA(R)E 9F 32, PA(S)E 9F 32
EPIFAU(N)A J6 66 LongJump22
(S)AFE 9H 31 sunshine12
On 4th draw, VEX K4 35 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: ERVEN 14J 35
Other moves: RAX K11 34, REX K11 34, VENAE 14F 33, VEXER 14G 32, VEXER 14I 32
VEX K4 35 ArcticFox
REX K11 34 VVVVVV1112
RAX I3 29 sunshine12
On 5th draw, FANTI(G)UE 11D 90 --- FANTIGUE anxiety [n]
Other moves: FEATIN(G) 14I 87, FENITA(R) 14I 87, (D)EFIANT 14I 87, FAINE(S)T 14F 84, INFA(N)TE 14D 84
FAINE(R) 9C 36 sunshine12
FAT I3 21 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, HOLY 12A 44 --- HOLY a sacred place [n] --- HOLY having a divine nature or origin [adj]
Other moves: BLAY 12A 40, BOYLA 12B 40, HYLA 12C 40, AHOY 12A 38, HIYA 12A 38
HOLY 12A 44 ArcticFox, Pacific
BIALY 12B 37 LongJump22
HAY 12C 33 sunshine12
On 7th draw, TENIAE 14I 31 --- TENIA a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: EATEN 14J 29, ENATE 14J 29, ENTIA 14J 29, ETHANE A10 27, ETHION A10 27
ETHION A10 27 LongJump22
THANE A11 24 sunshine12, mousecat
TAN I3 15 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, UNWISH A7 36 --- UNWISH to cease to wish for [v]
Other tops: WINISH A7 36
Other moves: IWIS 9E 35, WHINS A11 33, WIS 9F 31, UNIS 9E 29, LINISH A7 27
UNWISH A7 36 LongJump22
WHINS A11 33 mousecat, ArcticFox, sunshine12
On 9th draw, QI 15H 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QINDAR 5D 32, QINDAR M10 32, QIS 6F 32, DINER 9D 31, REFIT 9H 31
QI 15H 35 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, sicilianc5
QIS 6F 32 sunshine12, mousecat
QAT M13 24 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, KAME 13L 34 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: MAK 15M 33, AMOK 13L 32, KAM 13L 32, KAM 13M 32, OGAM 15L 32
MAK 15M 33 mousecat, FangTooth
KAM 13M 32 LongJump22, sicilianc5, ArcticFox
On 11th draw, THROWE O8 48 --- THROWE a spasm [n]
Other moves: THRAWN B2 42, THROWN B2 42, WROATH B2 33, THORON B10 31, WAR 9F 31
THROWE O8 48 LongJump22, sicilianc5
THAW I2 28 FangTooth, sunshine12
HOW I3 27 mousecat
On 12th draw, DARAF 9F 36 --- DARAF an electrical inverse unit of capacitance [n]
Other moves: DOUAR 9D 31, MAR 9F 29, MOR 9F 29, DOR 9F 27, OAR 9F 25
MODS L5 21 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
MOD I3 21 mousecat
DOMS L5 20 sunshine12
On 13th draw, COELOM B2 28 --- COELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other moves: CELOM I1 23, MICE N7 23, MICO N7 23, COOM I2 22, MOCS L5 22
COOM I2 22 mousecat, sunshine12
MOES L5 20 LongJump22
On 14th draw, NOODGE B10 26 --- NOODGE to nag [v]
Other moves: ECOD N8 25, BEGONE 4A 24, COB N9 24, COB I3 23, COD N9 22
COB I3 23 mousecat
DOBS L5 20 sunshine12
(G)O I11 2 LongJump22
On 15th draw, NI(N)ES 12H 30 --- NINE a number [n]
Other moves: BESEEN 15A 27, BEIN C3 26, BENES 15A 24, BENIS 15A 24, BESEE 15A 24
BEEN 15A 21 mousecat
BEIN 15A 21 sunshine12
(G)I I11 2 LongJump22
On 16th draw, ETOURDI N2 72 --- ETOURDI thoughtless [adj]
Other tops: OUTRIDE N2 72
Other moves: REEDIT 15A 27, DETOUR 15A 24, REDOUT 15A 24, REDUIT 15A 24, RETIED 15A 24
REED 15A 21 sunshine12
SO L8 2 LongJump22
On 17th draw, LENVOY 15A 48 --- LENVOY the author's final words [n]
Other moves: LEVY 15A 42, VEILY 15A 36, VEINY 15A 36, VEILY 4A 30, VEINY 4A 30
NOY I3 21 Nibbler
YEN 15A 18 xxxxxxx
TO 3N 2 LongJump22
On 18th draw, GLEI O1 25 --- GLEI a type of clay [n]
Other moves: CEILER 4A 22, CERGE 4A 22, CERITE 4A 22, LEIR O1 22, TRIE O1 22
EE 2N 2 LongJump22, sunshine12
On 19th draw, ZEBU 4A 50 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other moves: BLITZ 5A 32, BORTZ 3A 32, CUB M2 30, ZOBU 3A 30, ZOIC 3A 30
OU 3B 4 sunshine12
AR 5H 2 LongJump22
On 20th draw, BIT E4 28 --- BIT to restrain [v]
Other tops: BRR E4 28
Other moves: BI E4 26, CRIB E1 26, BI 14F 23, RIB E2 23, TRICAR 5D 18
BI 14F 23 ArcticFox
TA 5G 2 LongJump22
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