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Game on November 27, 2024 at 06:39, 6 players
1. 583 pts fatcat
2. 103 pts LongJump22
3. 30 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?amnott   H8    72    72   ottoman
 2. ?eglloy  11E    90   162   pelology
 3. aadlsuw  15C    69   231   dwaals
 4. adeeims   9C    66   297   mediates
 5. aefhist  12J    38   335   fiesta
 6. adeinpz  14D    72   407   adz
 7. aeekqrr   8A    34   441   akee
 8. adinoru   N8    72   513   duration
 9. eiloruv   O4    50   563   violer
10. cehistv  15K    42   605   chine
11. abeejpt  13A    34   639   jeep
12. efhinru  B10    32   671   finer
13. biostux  A11    54   725   bijou
14. einorrs   J2    62   787   rosiners
15. abehipv  13L    34   821   phi
16. agnottu   5E    32   853   outgain
17. ceinrvw   4A    35   888   vinew
18. bcoqrtu   B1    32   920   qubit
19. cgortxy   H1    45   965   croggy

Remaining tiles: tx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6366 Filefatcat      1 14:24  -382  583     1.6366 fatcat      1 14:24  -382  583 
  2.5654 FileLongJump22  0  5:28  -862  103            Group: novice
  3.5617 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -935   30     1.5654 LongJump22  0  5:28  -862  103 
  4.5788 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:36  -935   30     2.5617 LLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -935   30 
  5.5537 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:57  -935   30     3.5788 MMMMMM1112  0  1:36  -935   30 
  6.5558 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:29  -954   11     4.5537 NNNNNN1112  0  1:57  -935   30 
                                             5.5558 OOOOOO1112  0  0:29  -954   11 

On 1st draw, OTT(O)MAN H8 72 --- OTTOMAN a type of sofa [n]
Other tops: MONTA(N)T H4 72, MO(N)TANT H4 72, TOM(E)NTA H2 72, (O)TTOMAN H8 72
Other moves: MONTA(N)T H2 68, MONTA(N)T H3 68, MONTA(N)T H6 68, MONTA(N)T H8 68, MO(N)TANT H3 68
AMO(U)NT H3 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, (P)EL(O)LOGY 11E 90 --- PELOLOGY study of mud and its curative effects [n]
Other moves: ALLEGO(R)Y 13H 74, (P)ELOL(O)GY 11C 70, GOL(D)ENLY 14C 69, (P)ELOLOGY 8E 65, (P)ELOLOGY 8C 62
YELL(S) 15D 57 fatcat

On 3rd draw, DWAALS 15C 69 --- DWAAL (South Africa) a state of befuddlement [n]
Other moves: WALDS 15D 66, WAULS 15D 63, ADAWS 15D 57, AWDLS 15D 57, DAWS 15E 51
WADS 15E 51 fatcat

On 4th draw, MEDIATES 9C 66 --- MEDIATE to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [v]
Other moves: MAMIES 12H 39, MATED 10F 39, METED 10F 39, MAMIE 12H 37, ADMEN 14D 34
MANED 14F 30 fatcat

On 5th draw, FIESTA 12J 38 --- FIESTA a festival [n]
Other tops: EATH 14C 38
Other moves: THANES 14E 36, SHEAF 14A 35, FAH 8A 34, FEH 8A 34, FIATS 12J 34
HEAT 8A 31 fatcat

On 6th draw, ADZ 14D 72 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ZANIED 14F 71, ZANIED 12A 56, ZENAIDA O6 51, ZENAIDA O9 51, L*Z G11 47
ZATI N10 33 fatcat

On 7th draw, AKEE 8A 34 --- AKEE a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: QAT N10 32, ARERE 8A 28, REMAKER C7 28, LEK G11 27, RAKEE O11 27
QAT N10 32 fatcat

On 8th draw, DURATION N8 72 --- DURATION continuance in time [n]
Other moves: ORDAIN 8J 29, AROUND 8J 26, INROAD 8J 26, AUDITOR N8 24, NAOI 13K 24
RADIO O11 18 fatcat

On 9th draw, VIOLER O4 50 --- VIOLER a fiddler [n]
Other moves: VIREO O4 45, VOILE O4 45, LOUVER O4 41, OLIVER O4 41, LOUVRE O3 39
OVINE 15K 36 fatcat

On 10th draw, CHINE 15K 42 --- CHINE to cut through the backbone of [v]
Other tops: CHINS 15K 42
Other moves: CHIVES 12A 37, SHENT 15K 36, SHINE 15K 36, THENS 15K 36, THINE 15K 36
CHINS 15K 42 fatcat

On 11th draw, JEEP 13A 34 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: TAJ 13B 33, JAP 13B 32, JAK B6 30, JABS J6 29, JAPS J6 29
TAJ 13B 33 fatcat

On 12th draw, FINER B10 32 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINER a refiner [n]
Other tops: HIREE B10 32
Other moves: FEH 13J 31, JEU A13 30, JIN A13 30, JUN A13 30, NIFE M7 28
JIN A13 30 fatcat

On 13th draw, BIJOU A11 54 --- BIJOU a jewel [n]
Other moves: SIX 12D 48, SOX 12D 48, JOB A13 38, XU I13 36, TIX 13M 33
JOB A13 38 fatcat

On 14th draw, ROSINERS J2 62 --- ROSINER a strong alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: INNS 12A 28, SEN 12D 27, SER 12D 27, SIN 12D 27, SIR 12D 27
SIRE 7D 8 fatcat

On 15th draw, PHI 13L 34 --- PHI a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: PHOBIA 3H 34
Other moves: HOVEA 3I 30, VIBE M7 30, AH N5 28, AHI 13L 28, VESPA 4H 28
HOVEA 3I 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, OUTGAIN 5E 32 --- OUTGAIN to gain more than [v]
Other moves: TAUTOG M4 20, TOGA M7 20, TOPHI 13J 20, GNAT 7C 18, NOTA K3 18
GNAT 7C 18 LongJump22
TOUTING 5F 16 fatcat

On 17th draw, VINEW 4A 35 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: CRINGE H1 30, VICE M7 30, VOICER 3I 30, VOWER 3I 30, WICE M7 30
WRING H1 30 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
WOVEN 3I 30 fatcat

On 18th draw, QUBIT B1 32 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other tops: QUIRT B2 32
Other moves: BORT 3B 28, QUOIT B1 28, BOURG H1 27, QUIT B2 26, SUQ 4J 26
BOURG H1 27 LongJump22
QUIT B2 26 fatcat
QI F8 11 OOOOOO1112

On 19th draw, CROGGY H1 45 --- CROGGY a ride on the back of a bicycle [n]
Other moves: BORTY 3B 32, ONYX K4 30, ORYX 3J 28, OY N5 28, NOX 14H 26
ORYX 3J 28 LongJump22
SOX 4J 22 fatcat

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