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Game on November 27, 2024 at 12:48, 12 players
1. 215 pts LongJump22
2. 152 pts Pacific
3. 143 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeegrv   H4    30    30   verged
 2. aeklnpr   9A    67    97   prankled
 3. ?aejlnr   7E    67   164   janglier
 4. eelmrsy   A7    51   215   empery
 5. aeginrs   K5    86   301   anergies
 6. ?enoowy   H1    39   340   converged
 7. enottwy   E7    38   378   jokey
 8. aehipsw   B1    98   476   peishwa
 9. aceiort   3G    74   550   anoretic
10. aegsttx   1A    63   613   apex
11. adfhllo  L12    38   651   half
12. abdiotu  J10    30   681   boat
13. eimstuw   C3    38   719   times
14. afilstu   O1    94   813   fistula
15. bdiooqt  15L    24   837   food
16. bdintuv  D11    25   862   bundt
17. diinovw  14B    34   896   indow
18. cdiotuu   F6    27   923   cauld
19. giotuvz  13B    53   976   ginzo

Remaining tiles: iiqtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5675 FileLongJump22  4  3:06  -761  215     1.7092 ArcticFox   2  3:46  -833  143 
  2.  -  FilePacific     1  3:56  -824  152     2.7216 VVVVVV1112  2  3:08  -842  134 
  3.7092 FileArcticFox   2  3:46  -833  143     3.7864 HollyIvy    2  4:22  -866  110 
  4.7216 FileVVVVVV1112  2  3:08  -842  134     4.7734 sicilianc5  1  1:37  -951   25 
  5.6221 FileWWWWWW1112  2  3:21  -842  134     5.7693 Mycophot    0  1:29  -952   24 
  6.7864 FileHollyIvy    2  4:22  -866  110            Group: intermediate
  7.5566 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:15  -925   51     1.6221 WWWWWW1112  2  3:21  -842  134 
  8.5673 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:00  -946   30            Group: novice
  9.5879 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:24  -946   30     1.5675 LongJump22  4  3:06  -761  215 
 10.5541 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:48  -946   30     2.5566 OOOOOO1112  1  1:15  -925   51 
 11.7734 Filesicilianc5  1  1:37  -951   25     3.5673 LLLLLL1112  1  1:00  -946   30 
 12.7693 FileMycophot    0  1:29  -952   24     4.5879 MMMMMM1112  1  1:24  -946   30 
                                             5.5541 NNNNNN1112  1  1:48  -946   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pacific     1  3:56  -824  152 

On 1st draw, VERGED H4 30 --- VERGE to come near [v]
Other moves: VEERED H4 28, VERGE H4 26, VERGED H7 26, REEVED H7 24, VEERED H7 24
VERGED H4 30 ArcticFox, LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 2nd draw, PRANKLED 9A 67 --- PRANKLE to prance lightly [v]
Other moves: PRANKLE 5B 26, KELPER 5D 24, KELPER 5G 24, PALKEE 5C 24, PALKEE 5D 24
PRANKLED 9A 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112

On 3rd draw, JANGL(I)ER 7E 67 --- JANGLY irritating [adj]
Other tops: JANGLER(S) 7E 67
Other moves: JARG(O)NEL 7E 66, JAPER A7 42, JAPER(S) A7 42, JAPER(Y) A7 42, JARPE(D) A6 42
JANGLER(S) 7E 67 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
JAPER A7 42 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, EMPERY A7 51 --- EMPERY absolute dominion [n]
Other moves: SEEMLY 8J 42, MERELY 6F 41, YELPERS A6 39, SEMPLER A6 36, SLEEPRY A5 36
EMPERY A7 51 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
SLEEPY A5 33 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, ANERGIES K5 86 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other tops: GESNERIA 5D 86
Other moves: EARINGS B1 76, SERINGA B1 76, VINEGARS 4H 76, GRAINERS L1 74, GRAINERS B3 73

On 6th draw, (C)ONVERGED H1 39 --- CONVERGE to come together [v]
Other moves: JOKEY E7 38, JOK(E)Y E7 36, J(A)KEY E7 36, J(O)KEY E7 36, NOW(A)Y L11 34

On 7th draw, JOKEY E7 38 --- JOKEY amusing [adj]
Other moves: NOWTY L11 36, TOWNY L11 36, TOWY L12 32, YORE 6F 32, REWON 8K 30
JOKEY E7 38 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, PEISHWA B1 98 --- PEISHWA a chief minister [n]
Other moves: PEISHWAS 12H 90, PESHWA B2 46, PEISHWA C3 38, WASHIER L1 38, WASPISH 12I 38

On 9th draw, ANORETIC 3G 74 --- ANORETIC one affected with loss of appetite [n]
Other moves: EPACT 1A 36, EPIC 1A 33, APORETI(C) 1A 30, OPERATI(C) 1A 30, OPTIC 1A 30

On 10th draw, APEX 1A 63 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: AXE J9 56, AX J9 53, RETAX 8K 42, TAXER L3 35, AXES A2 31
APEX 1A 63 Pacific

On 11th draw, HALF L12 38 --- HALF one of two equal parts [n] --- HALF a measure of whiskey [n]
Other moves: FAH L10 35, AHOLD L11 34, ODAH L9 34, DHOLL L11 33, ONFALL D8 33

On 12th draw, BOAT J10 30 --- BOAT to travel by boat (watercraft) [v]
Other tops: BAIT J10 30
Other moves: BOA J10 29, BOI J10 29, DOAB M10 28, TABI M11 28, *B* J9 26

On 13th draw, TIMES C3 38 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other moves: MUSET O1 35, MUSIT O1 35, WEST O1 35, WISE O1 35, WIST O1 35

On 14th draw, FISTULA O1 94 --- FISTULA a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound [n]
Other moves: FLAUTIST 13C 76, FISTFUL 15H 39, FASTI O1 38, FUSIL O1 38, LUFFAS 15J 36

On 15th draw, FOOD 15L 24 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other tops: FIDO 15L 24, FOID 15L 24
Other moves: BOR 6F 23, FOOT 15L 21, OOBIT D11 21, OOTID D11 21, OBIT 2J 20
FIDO 15L 24 HollyIvy

On 16th draw, BUNDT D11 25 --- BUNDT a type of cake pan [n]
Other moves: VAULT F6 24, BUR 6F 23, BIND D11 21, BUDI D11 21, BUND D11 21
BUNDT D11 25 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 17th draw, INDOW 14B 34 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: INDOW 13C 26, DOWT 15A 24, LOW 14L 24, VOWED 5E 24, WIVED 5E 24
INDOW 13C 26 Pacific
WOO M13 24 HollyIvy
DOWT 15A 24 Mycophot

On 18th draw, CAULD F6 27 --- CAULD cold [adj] --- CAULD cold [n]
Other moves: ODIC 15F 26, OHMIC 5A 24, OTIC 15F 23, CLOD 14K 22, UNDO 13C 22
ODIC 15F 26 HollyIvy
TOUT 15A 16 Pacific

On 19th draw, GINZO 13B 53 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: ZO 14N 47, ZO 15A 35, INGOT 13C 26, OUZO 2E 26, OUZO N12 26
ZO 14N 47 Pacific
ZA 5J 11 HollyIvy

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