Game on November 27, 2024 at 16:38, 12 players
1. 200 pts LongJump22
2. 134 pts ArcticFox
3. 90 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 32 32
2. 4H 90 122
3. 7E 73 195
4. 8A 56 251
5. 6F 46 297
6. H1 45 342
7. O3 42 384
8. 9B 22 406
9. L7 86 492
10. C1 72 564
11. 1A 36 600
12. 11E 106 706
13. 14I 30 736
14. B8 72 808
15. A12 46 854
16. 4A 56 910
17. 15D 35 945
18. 5K 40 985
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5675 LongJump22 2 1:41 -785 200 1.7085 ArcticFox 1 3:54 -851 134
2.7085 ArcticFox 1 3:54 -851 134 2.7209 VVVVVV1112 1 1:08 -895 90
3.7209 VVVVVV1112 1 1:08 -895 90 3.7693 Mycophot 1 2:05 -918 67
4.6196 WWWWWW1112 1 1:43 -895 90 4.7678 moonmonkey 1 0:42 -945 40
5.7693 Mycophot 1 2:05 -918 67 5.7682 queen66 1 0:56 -945 40
6.7678 moonmonkey 1 0:42 -945 40 Group: intermediate
7.7682 queen66 1 0:56 -945 40 1.6196 WWWWWW1112 1 1:43 -895 90
8.5566 OOOOOO1112 1 0:38 -953 32 Group: novice
9. - Pacific 1 0:43 -953 32 1.5675 LongJump22 2 1:41 -785 200
10.5673 LLLLLL1112 1 1:00 -953 32 2.5566 OOOOOO1112 1 0:38 -953 32
11.5879 MMMMMM1112 1 1:22 -953 32 3.5673 LLLLLL1112 1 1:00 -953 32
12.5541 NNNNNN1112 1 1:44 -953 32 4.5879 MMMMMM1112 1 1:22 -953 32
5.5541 NNNNNN1112 1 1:44 -953 32
Group: not rated
1. - Pacific 1 0:43 -953 32
On 1st draw, HAWED H4 32 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: HAWED H8 28, WAIDE H4 26, HAWED H5 24, HAWED H6 24, HAWED H7 24
HAWED H4 32 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, Pacific, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112
On 2nd draw, HE(X)APODY 4H 90 --- HEXAPODY a line of verse with six feet [n]
Other moves: (S)PAYED G4 42, (S)PAYED 3H 40, O(K)AYED G4 38, PAYED G5 38, (T)EAPOY G2 38
HE(X)APODY 4H 90 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
HEADY 4H 24 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, WIFEDOMS 7E 73 --- WIFEDOM the status or function of a wife [n]
Other moves: WOF 3M 39, WIFEDOM I1 38, WISDOM 3F 38, WOF 5K 37, WISDOM N1 36
WOF 5K 37 LongJump22, ArcticFox
On 4th draw, YLIKE 8A 56 --- YLIKE alike [adj]
Other moves: YOICK 8K 55, CLOKE 8A 53, YOICK 6J 51, YOKEL 8K 49, CLOYE 8A 47
KOW 6F 41 LongJump22, ArcticFox
On 5th draw, MOWED 6F 46 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: MOPED 8K 42, YOMPED O4 42, MOPE 3K 35, MOPE 5K 35, POME 3K 35
On 6th draw, UNTHAWED H1 45 --- THAW to melt [adj] --- UNTHAW to cause to melt [v]
Other moves: OUVERT 3C 33, ENVY O1 30, VERY O1 30, OVEN 8L 27, OVER 8L 27
On 7th draw, CYBORG O3 42 --- CYBORG a human linked to a mechanical device for life support [n]
Other moves: BOGY O1 30, CAGY O1 30, GABY O1 30, GOBY O1 30, YARCO O4 30
On 8th draw, ANON 9B 22 --- ANON at another time [adv]
Other moves: KAOLIN D8 20, NONA 9C 20, NONI 9C 20, ANON 3J 19, NAN 9C 19
On 9th draw, SHRIEVAL L7 86 --- SHRIEVAL pertaining to a sheriff [adj]
Other moves: LAVALIER B8 38, REHAB 5K 36, ASHIVER L6 34, SHRIVEL L7 34, HEAL N6 33
On 10th draw, ORGANOTIN C1 72 --- ORGANOTIN
Other tops: RATOONING C2 72
Other moves: ROGATION 10G 63, GNAT 10B 34, NAGOR 10D 24, D*G*DAGO N4 23, GALOOT 14J 22
On 11th draw, GLOBES 1A 36 --- GLOBE to form into a perfectly round body [v]
Other moves: GLOBE 1A 33, GLOBS 1A 33, BLOGS 1A 30, GLOB 1A 30, NOBLEST 2H 30
On 12th draw, (N)AARTJIE 11E 106 --- NAARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: JAA(P) N6 56, JILT(E)R 14J 56, J(E)AT N6 55, TAJ B4 55, JALA(P) 14J 54
On 13th draw, SCALIER 14I 30 --- SCALY peeling off in flakes [adj]
Other tops: RECALLS 14H 30
Other moves: CALLER 14J 28, CARRELS 9I 28, CARRIES 9I 28, CELLAR 14J 28, CLARIES 9I 28
On 14th draw, LAZIEST B8 72 --- LAZY disinclined toward work or exertion [adj]
Other moves: ZELANTS B6 71, ZEES 10F 70, ZELANT B6 70, ZILAS B6 69, ZEE 10F 67
On 15th draw, FEAT A12 46 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FAUT A12 46, FIAT A12 46
Other moves: AFIRE O11 36, FARE O12 33, F*RTFART O12 33, FIRE O12 33, FAE 10F 31
On 16th draw, QUAVER 4A 56 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other moves: QUAIL 4A 48, QUAIR 4A 48, QUALE 4A 48, QUARE 4A 48, QUAI 4A 46
On 17th draw, PUTELI 15D 35 --- PUTELI a flat-bottomed boat [n]
Other tops: PLUTEI 15D 35
Other moves: PLUE 10F 28, PTUI 10F 28, PERI O12 27, PERT O12 27, PIRL O12 27
PURE O12 27 Mycophot
On 18th draw, XI 5K 40 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: AXE 13L 40
Other moves: NIX 5K 37, NOX 5K 37, AX 13L 36, XI M13 36, OXEN 14D 32
XI 5K 40 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
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