Game on November 27, 2024 at 23:24, 5 players
1. 152 pts sunshine12
2. 118 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 46 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. I9 27 91
3. G1 73 164
4. 1D 86 250
5. 11E 36 286
6. 10B 78 364
7. J10 41 405
8. 12L 30 435
9. 15F 57 492
10. O10 33 525
11. 2J 34 559
12. O1 36 595
13. 13C 22 617
14. B10 33 650
15. L2 34 684
16. 4A 76 760
17. 9C 37 797
18. 8A 57 854
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6989 sunshine12 1 5:25 -702 152 1.7377 GLOBEMAN 2 3:44 -736 118
2.7377 GLOBEMAN 2 3:44 -736 118 2.7221 roocatcher 1 3:26 -808 46
3.7221 roocatcher 1 3:26 -808 46 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:31 -823 31 1.6989 sunshine12 1 5:25 -702 152
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -823 31 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:31 -823 31
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -823 31
On 1st draw, UT(I)LISE H7 64 --- UTILISE to make use of [v]
Other tops: LUETI(C)S H2 64, LUETI(C)S H3 64, LUETI(C)S H4 64, LUETI(C)S H6 64, LUETI(C)S H8 64, LUSTIE(R) H2 64, LUSTIE(R) H3 64, LUSTIE(R) H4 64, LUSTIE(R) H7 64, LUSTIE(R) H8 64, LUTEI(N)S H2 64, LUTEI(N)S H3 64, LUTEI(N)S H4 64, LUTEI(N)S H6 64, LUTEI(N)S H8 64, LUTI(T)ES H2 64, LUTI(T)ES H3 64, LUTI(T)ES H4 64, LUTI(T)ES H6 64, LUTI(T)ES H7 64, LU(C)ITES H3 64, LU(C)ITES H4 64, LU(C)ITES H6 64, LU(C)ITES H7 64, LU(C)ITES H8 64, LU(N)IEST H3 64, LU(N)IEST H4 64, LU(N)IEST H6 64, LU(N)IEST H7 64, LU(N)IEST H8 64, LU(T)ITES H3 64, LU(T)ITES H4 64, LU(T)ITES H6 64, LU(T)ITES H7 64, LU(T)ITES H8 64, SITUL(A)E H2 64, SITUL(A)E H3 64, SITUL(A)E H4 64, SITUL(A)E H6 64, SITUL(A)E H8 64, STI(P)ULE H2 64, STI(P)ULE H3 64, STI(P)ULE H4 64, STI(P)ULE H6 64, STI(P)ULE H7 64, STI(P)ULE H8 64, SUL(F)ITE H2 64, SUL(F)ITE H3 64, SUL(F)ITE H4 64, SUL(F)ITE H6 64, SUL(F)ITE H7 64, SUL(F)ITE H8 64, SU(B)TILE H3 64, SU(B)TILE H4 64, SU(B)TILE H6 64, SU(B)TILE H7 64, SU(B)TILE H8 64, TI(T)ULES H3 64, TI(T)ULES H4 64, TI(T)ULES H6 64, TI(T)ULES H7 64, TI(T)ULES H8 64, TUIL(L)ES H2 64, TUIL(L)ES H3 64, TUIL(L)ES H4 64, TUIL(L)ES H6 64, TUIL(L)ES H7 64, TUI(L)LES H2 64, TUI(L)LES H3 64, TUI(L)LES H4 64, TUI(L)LES H6 64, TUI(L)LES H7 64, TUI(L)LES H8 64, UTE(N)SIL H2 64, UTE(N)SIL H3 64, UTE(N)SIL H4 64, UTE(N)SIL H6 64, UTE(N)SIL H7 64, UTE(N)SIL H8 64, UTIL(I)SE H2 64, UTIL(I)SE H3 64, UTIL(I)SE H4 64, UTIL(I)SE H6 64, UTIL(I)SE H7 64, UT(I)LISE H3 64, UT(I)LISE H4 64, UT(I)LISE H6 64, UT(I)LISE H8 64, U(G)LIEST H2 64, U(G)LIEST H4 64, U(G)LIEST H6 64, U(G)LIEST H7 64, U(G)LIEST H8 64, U(N)TILES H2 64, U(N)TILES H4 64, U(N)TILES H6 64, U(N)TILES H7 64, U(N)TILES H8 64, (B)LUIEST H2 64, (B)LUIEST H3 64, (B)LUIEST H6 64, (B)LUIEST H7 64, (B)LUIEST H8 64, (D)ILUTES H2 64, (D)ILUTES H3 64, (D)ILUTES H6 64, (D)ILUTES H7 64, (D)ILUTES H8 64, (D)UELIST H2 64, (D)UELIST H3 64, (D)UELIST H6 64, (D)UELIST H7 64, (D)UELIST H8 64, (F)LUIEST H2 64, (F)LUIEST H3 64, (F)LUIEST H6 64, (F)LUIEST H7 64, (F)LUIEST H8 64, (G)LUIEST H2 64, (G)LUIEST H3 64, (G)LUIEST H6 64, (G)LUIEST H7 64, (G)LUIEST H8 64, (O)UTLIES H2 64, (O)UTLIES H3 64, (O)UTLIES H6 64, (O)UTLIES H7 64, (O)UTLIES H8 64, (P)ULIEST H2 64, (P)ULIEST H3 64, (P)ULIEST H6 64, (P)ULIEST H7 64, (P)ULIEST H8 64, (P)UTELIS H2 64, (P)UTELIS H3 64, (P)UTELIS H6 64, (P)UTELIS H7 64, (P)UTELIS H8 64, (R)ULIEST H2 64, (R)ULIEST H3 64, (R)ULIEST H6 64, (R)ULIEST H7 64, (R)ULIEST H8 64, (R)UTILES H2 64, (R)UTILES H3 64, (R)UTILES H6 64, (R)UTILES H7 64, (R)UTILES H8 64, (T)ITULES H2 64, (T)ITULES H3 64, (T)ITULES H6 64, (T)ITULES H7 64, (T)ITULES H8 64
Other moves: LUETI(C)S H5 62, LUETI(C)S H7 62, LUSTIE(R) H5 62, LUSTIE(R) H6 62, LUTEI(N)S H5 62
On 2nd draw, FADO I9 27 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FIDO I9 27
Other moves: ALIF G10 26, DIF G11 25, DIF I11 25, DOF G11 25, DOF I11 25
On 3rd draw, O(R)ALITY G1 73 --- ORALITY the state of being produced orally [n]
Other tops: O(V)ALITY G1 73
Other moves: O(R)ALITY 14G 67, *L*Y*ThALIYOT(H) I1 61, AL(G)IDITY 11E 44, (C)ALIDITY 11E 44, (S)OLIDITY 11E 44
On 4th draw, TYROSINE 1D 86 --- TYROSINE an amino acid [n]
Other tops: SEROTINY 1D 86
Other moves: SINTERY 14H 81, TINSELRY 4B 74, INTERLAYS 10C 72, SINTERY 14C 69, YETIS H1 50
On 5th draw, SOLIDARE 11E 36 --- SOLIDARE a small coin [n]
Other moves: ARRIDES 11E 32, SOLIDER 11E 32, AREOLES 13C 28, RAILERS 5E 28, SOARER L1 27
On 6th draw, WAREZ 10B 78 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: LAZAR 10H 69, LAZE 10H 66, LAZO 10H 66, REZ 10D 65, WAREZ 14F 52
On 7th draw, BANAK J10 41 --- BANAK (Honduran) a Central American tree [n]
Other moves: MAIK 12L 38, MINK 12L 38, BAVIN J10 35, MAVIN J10 35, KINEMA L8 34
On 8th draw, TICH 12L 30 --- TICH a small person [n]
Other tops: TACH 12L 30
Other moves: ETHIC L11 26, HIC 12L 26, WATCH B10 26, WITCH B10 26, YACHT E1 26
On 9th draw, JUVES 15F 57 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JURELS 15E 51, JUVES 12A 49, JAVELS C9 48, JAVEL C9 46, JARULS C9 42
On 10th draw, EPHORI O10 33 --- EPHOR a magistrate of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: KIPPER 14J 28, KOPPIE 14J 28, HOOP O12 27, HOPE O12 27, PREOP I3 26
On 11th draw, UNHIVE 2J 34 --- UNHIVE to drive from a hive [v]
Other tops: HAVING C9 34
Other moves: CHUG N12 32, NEIGH N6 32, UNHIVE 13C 32, VAHINE C9 32, VUGH N7 32
On 12th draw, LEGMAN O1 36 --- LEGMAN a newspaperman assigned to gather information [n]
Other tops: PELMA O1 36
Other moves: MOLA 9C 33, PENGO O1 30, LOMA 9C 29, NOMA 9C 29, GALOP N6 28
On 13th draw, ENTICE 13C 22 --- ENTICE to lead astray [v]
Other tops: CANINE C9 22, CANNIE C9 22
Other moves: INCITER D4 20, INCLINE 4D 20, NICETIES E4 20, TINNIE N5 20, WINCE B10 20
CANNIE C9 22 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 14th draw, WEAPON B10 33 --- WEAPON to supply with a weapon (an instrument used in combat) [v]
Other moves: COUP N12 26, GAPE 12A 26, GAPO 12A 26, UPGO B12 25, GAPE 9A 24
GAPE 9A 24 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 15th draw, HEXADE L2 34 --- HEXADE a group of six [n]
Other moves: HEXAD L2 32, HEXED L2 32, YEXED E1 32, AX N14 31, EX N14 31
AX N14 31 sunshine12, chunk88
EX N14 31 BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, DIGITULE 4A 76 --- DIGITULE in zoology, a finger or toe or something resembling one [n]
Other moves: EDIT K4 30, EDUCT N9 25, DUCI N10 24, DUCT N10 24, DUGITE N5 23
EDIT K4 30 sunshine12
On 17th draw, BOMA 9C 37 --- BOMA a fenced enclosure [n]
Other moves: BORA 9C 33, MORA 9C 33, BOMA K5 31, *B*ABO K4 30, OBA K4 30
MOOD A1 21 sunshine12
On 18th draw, WOOF 8A 57 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: GOOF 8A 51, ROOF 8A 48, FROG 8A 41, GNOW 15A 36, FORGO K5 33
WOOD A1 24 sunshine12
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