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Game on November 28, 2024 at 15:19, 10 players
1. 293 pts Chelsea
2. 220 pts WWWWWW1112
3. 179 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fillors   H4    26    26   fillos
 2. ?eemuwz   6D    37    63   wuzzle
 3. ?iiortx   I9    75   138   trioxid
 4. acinoor  H12    32   170   naoi
 5. egnoqty   E5    34   204   quyte
 6. deghnor   J2    44   248   honed
 7. aeimsvw  10B    36   284   vaws
 8. abeghtu   8A    39   323   aught
 9. aeeistt   2H    72   395   athetise
10. aeelops   1E    44   439   asleep
11. bekmnot   O1    48   487   kembo
12. deeinnu   D8    26   513   hewed
13. cegjrtu   N5    30   543   gju
14. aciorrt   O7    29   572   tricar
15. adfioru  G11    31   603   dof
16. aeeglrt   2A    24   627   eaglet
17. acdenry   A1    39   666   cedary
18. abinrrv   F4    29   695   riza
19. einnorv  B10    22   717   viver
20. imnnoou  A13    21   738   mon
21. binnopu   K2    22   760   ebon

Remaining tiles: innpu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7206 FileChelsea     2 12:05  -467  293     1.7206 Chelsea     2 12:05  -467  293 
  2.6196 FileWWWWWW1112  2  4:40  -540  220     2.7209 VVVVVV1112  2  4:02  -581  179 
  3.7209 FileVVVVVV1112  2  4:02  -581  179            Group: intermediate
  4.5670 FileLongJump22  3  1:44  -622  138     1.6196 WWWWWW1112  2  4:40  -540  220 
  5.5566 FileOOOOOO1112  3  3:49  -648  112     2.6670 Discus22    4  5:05  -654  106 
  6.5673 FileLLLLLL1112  2  3:45  -652  108     3.6988 sunshine12  0  2:05  -701   59 
  7.6670 FileDiscus22    4  5:05  -654  106            Group: novice
  8.6988 Filesunshine12  0  2:05  -701   59     1.5670 LongJump22  3  1:44  -622  138 
  9.5673 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:18  -730   30     2.5566 OOOOOO1112  3  3:49  -648  112 
 10.5541 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:40  -730   30     3.5673 LLLLLL1112  2  3:45  -652  108 
                                             4.5673 MMMMMM1112  0  1:18  -730   30 
                                             5.5541 NNNNNN1112  0  1:40  -730   30 

On 1st draw, FILLOS H4 26 --- FILLO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other tops: FOLLIS H4 26, FRILLS H4 26
Other moves: FILLO H4 24, FILLS H4 24, FILOS H4 24, FLIRS H4 24, FLORS H4 24
FRILLS H4 26 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WUZ(Z)LE 6D 37 --- WUZZLE to jumble [v]
Other tops: WU(R)ZEL 6C 37
Other moves: ME(A)ZEL 6C 36, MUZ(Z)LE 6D 36, FUZEE 4H 34, FUZEE(S) 4H 34, WEIZE(D) 5F 34
WUZ(Z)LE 6D 37 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, TRIOXI(D) I9 75 --- TRIOXID a type of oxide [n]
Other moves: TRIOXI(D)S 9A 65, OX 5D 41, (B)OX 5C 41, (C)OX 5C 41, (F)OX 5C 41
TRIOXI(D) I9 75 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, NAOI H12 32 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other moves: AXONIC 13H 30, CONOI(D) 15D 30, CAR(D)OON 15F 27, CORONA 7A 27, RANCI(D) 15D 24
CONOI(D) 15D 30 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 5th draw, QUYTE E5 34 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other tops: QUEYN E5 34
Other moves: QUEY E5 32, NOWTY D4 30, TOWNY D4 30, G*Y 5C 29, QUOTE E5 28
QUEY E5 32 Chelsea

On 6th draw, HONED J2 44 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: HORNED J1 39, GORED J2 38, HORDE 10B 38, GRONED J1 37, HORDE J3 36

On 7th draw, VAWS 10B 36 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: VIMS 10B 35, WAMES K1 35, WEMS 10B 35, AVIZE F3 33, MAISE 10B 33
VAWS 10B 36 LLLLLL1112, Chelsea
VAW I1 27 sunshine12

On 8th draw, AUGHT 8A 39 --- AUGHT a zero [n]
Other moves: BAHUT K1 36, BAHUT 8A 33, BAH K3 32, HAGBUT C9 32, BOUGHT 3I 30
BAH K3 32 sunshine12
BAH I1 26 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ATHETISE 2H 72 --- ATHETISE to reject [v]
Other moves: SEIZE F3 30, TAXITES 13G 30, ZEST F6 30, SIZE F4 29, ZAS F6 27
HATES 2J 16 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ASLEEP 1E 44 --- ASLEEP sleeping [adj]
Other moves: ASLOPE 1D 41, PASEO 1K 41, PSOAE 1K 41, SALEP 1F 41, SLEEP 1F 41
ELOPE 1E 35 Chelsea

On 11th draw, KEMBO O1 48 --- KEMBO to set akimbo [v]
Other moves: KEB 1M 47, KOB 1M 47, NEK J12 47, KEMB O1 45, MEEK O1 45
KOB 1M 47 Chelsea

On 12th draw, HEWED D8 26 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: UNVEINED B8 24, WINNED D10 24, DIM 3M 20, FINNED 4H 20, FUNDIE 4H 20
DIM 3M 20 Chelsea

On 13th draw, GJU N5 30 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JEU B6 26, CRUET 2B 24, CURET 2B 24, JET G8 24, JEU G8 24
GJU N5 30 OOOOOO1112
JIG M1 22 Chelsea

On 14th draw, TRICAR O7 29 --- TRICAR a three-wheeled car [n]
Other tops: RIZA F4 29, TROCAR O7 29
Other moves: COATI 2B 24, RIZ F4 23, RORIC O7 23, TAROC O7 23, TORIC O7 23
TRICAR O7 29 Discus22
TACO O7 20 Chelsea

On 15th draw, DOF G11 31 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: OF G12 29, RIZA F4 29, FRIZ F3 27, FIZ F4 26, FAURD N11 25
DOF G11 31 Discus22

On 16th draw, EAGLET 2A 24 --- EAGLET a young eagle [n]
Other tops: REGLET 2A 24
Other moves: AGLET 2B 22, EGRET 2B 22, GLEET 2B 22, GREAT 2B 22, GREET 2B 22
EAGLET 2A 24 Discus22

On 17th draw, CEDARY A1 39 --- CEDAR an everygreen tree [adj] --- CEDARY resembling cedar [adj]
Other tops: REDYE A1 39
Other moves: YEA 1A 38, DECAY A1 36, DECRY A1 36, DENY A1 36, GRAYED C8 36
CEDARY A1 39 Chelsea

On 18th draw, RIZA F4 29 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other moves: BAVIN N11 26, BAVIN M7 25, BIZ F4 25, BIVIA M1 24, RIZ F4 23

On 19th draw, VIVER B10 22 --- VIVER a fish-pond [n]
Other moves: FINNER 4H 18, IGNARO C7 18, NEVI N11 18, OGIVE C1 18, OVEN C12 17
VIVER B10 22 Discus22

On 20th draw, MON A13 21 --- MON man [n]
Other tops: MOI A13 21, MOO A13 21, MOU A13 21, MUN A13 21
Other moves: NOM A13 19, OOM A13 19, MINO M7 18, MONO M7 18, MONO N11 18

On 21th draw, EBON K2 22 --- EBON a hard wood like stone [n]
Other moves: BOP M7 21, IN C12 21, PUB M7 21, BUNION M7 20, PINON M7 19

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